

純粋性または可能性(潜在性)と陰陽二元性/ダイアン フォーチュン

2014年08月10日 13時51分09秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学
純粋性または可能性(潜在性)と陰陽二元性/ダイアン フォーチュン


  「23. Chokmah and Binah, then, represent essentianl maleness and femalenes in their creative aspects. They are not phallic images as such, but in them is the root of all life-force. 〔略〕
 ... it means that everything rests upon the principle of the stimulation of the inert yet all-potential by the dynamic principle which drives its energy direct from the source of all energy. 〔略〕
 ... the great principle of the stimulation or fecundation of the inert all-potential by the active principle. 」
(Dion Fortune 1935(1984): 149)。

  「23. コクマーとビナーは、創造的様相において本質的雄性と雌性を表象〔再現前〕する。〔略〕それらには、すべての生命力の根がある。〔略〕
(20140810試訳。大沼忠弘(訳1985: 203頁)を参照した。)

  「25. Every relationship of manifested existence involves the Binah and Chokmah principles ...」
(Dion Fortune 1935(1984): 150)。

 「25. 顕現した存在のあるゆる関係性は、ビナーとコクマーの原理を伴っている……」
(20140810試訳。大沼忠弘(訳1985: 203頁)を参照した。)

  「26. The principles of maleness and femalenes as manifested in Chokmah and Binah represent more than mere positivity and negativity, activity and passivity. Chokmah, the All-begetter, is a vehicle of primal force, the immediate manifestation of Kether. It is, in fact, Ketherin action; for the different Sephiroth do not represent different things, but different functions of the same thing, _i.e._ pure force welling up into manifestation from the Great Unmanifest which is behind the Negative Veils of Existence. Chokmah is pure force ...」
(Dion Fortune 1935(1984): 150)。

フォーチュン,D.1935(1973)(大沼忠弘 訳 1985/10/30).神秘のカバラー[世界幻想文学大系 第四十巻].412pp.国書刊行会.[定価3,800円][B19860810]

Fortune, Dion. 1935(1984). The Mystical Qabalah. viii+308pp+3 diagrams. Samuel Weiser. [$8.95] [B19871028]