


2016年06月03日 13時17分47秒 | 生物哲学

 2016年5月20日-1 一過性全健忘症、記憶の読み書き



 一過性全健忘(症)Transient global amnesia (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

 The underlying cause of TGA remains enigmatic. The leading hypotheses are some form of epileptic event, a problem with blood circulation around, to or from the brain, or some kind of migraine-like phenomenon.[7][18][19][20] The differences are sufficiently meaningful that transient amnesia may be considered a heterogeneous clinical syndrome[2] with multiple etiologies, corresponding mechanisms, and differing prognoses.[8]
原因 Causes
 一過性全健忘症を引き起こす原因は、謎のままである。指導的仮説は、或る形態のてんかん症的事象だというもので、脳の周りか、脳への、あるいは脳からの血液循環の問題であるか、或る種類の偏頭痛に似た現象であると言う。[7][18][19][20] 〔意見の?〕相違は十分に意味があるので、一過性健忘症は、多種多様の病因と相当する機構と様々な予後をともなう種々雑多な臨床的症候群であると考えられよう。[8]

先行する事象〔出来事〕 Precipitating events
TGA attacks are associated with some form of precipitating event in at least one-third of cases.[21]

The most commonly cited precipitating events include vigorous exercise (including sexual intercourse), swimming in cold water or enduring other temperature changes, and emotionally traumatic or stressful events.[2]

There are reports of TGA-like conditions following certain medical procedures and disease states.[19]

There is a slight (2%) familial incidence.[2]

If the definition of a precipitating event is widened to include events days or weeks earlier, and to take in emotionally stressful burdens such as money worries, attending a funeral or exhaustion due to overwork or unusual childcare responsibilities, a large majority, over 80%, of TGA attacks are said to correlate with precipitating events.[8]

The role of psychological co-factors has been addressed by some research.

It is the case that people in a state of TGA exhibit measurably elevated levels of anxiety and/or depression.[3]

Emotional [8] instability may leave some people vulnerable to stressful triggers and thus be associated with TGA.

Individuals who have experienced TGA, compared with similar people with TIA, are more likely to have some kind of emotional problem (such as depression or phobias) in their personal or family history[22] or to have experienced some kind of phobic or emotionally challenging precipitating event.[23]
一過性全健忘を経験した個人は、TIA〔Transient ischemic attack 一過性虚血発作〕をもつ同様の人々とくらべると、個人のまたは家族の歴史において(鬱または恐怖症といった)或る類いの感情上の問題を持っていそうである、あるいはなんらかの類いの恐怖症的先行事象か感情的にやりがいのある先行事象を経験したことがありそうである。[23]

Progression of a TGA event

 This onset of TGA is generally fairly rapid, and its duration varies but generally lasts between 2 and 8 hours.[2]

A person experiencing TGA typically has memory only of the past few minutes or less, and cannot retain new information beyond that period of time.

One of its bizarre features is perseveration, in which the victim of an attack faithfully and methodically repeats statements or questions, complete with profoundly identical intonation and gestures "as if a fragment of a sound track is being repeatedly rerun."[4]
さの奇怪な〔異様な〕特徴の一つは、反復症である。襲来された犠牲者は、誠実にかつきちょうめんに陳述または質問を繰り返し、「或る録音軌道〔録音帯、サウンドトラック〕の一断片が繰り返し再演奏されるかのように」大いに同一の抑揚と身振りで仕終える〔「, complete with」がイマイチわからん〕。

This is found in almost all TGA attacks and is sometimes considered a defining characteristic of the condition.[2][5][6]

The individual experiencing TGA retains social skills and older significant memories, almost always including knowing his or her own identity and the identity of family members, and the ability to perform various complex learned tasks including driving and other learned behavior; one individual "was able to continue putting together the alternator of his car."[2]

Though outwardly appearing to be normal, a person with TGA is disoriented in time and space, perhaps knowing neither the year nor where they reside.


There is also evidence that the victim is aware that something is not quite right, even though they can't pinpoint it.