The orthodox civilization is the festival politics of Japan


For foreigners who study Japanese history Ⅳ

2017-08-03 05:32:46 | 世界経済

It will be a way to modernity to transcend the concrete reality and to grasp the essence of that .
In this country , in the 15th and 16th century , the sign appeared Noh and Karesannsui were representative , the stage of Noh expanded to outer space . .
It is here that you can see the true value of Japanese culture and tradition

And that sentence is so valuable .
" Many people of this area that is called Hinomoto are white and have blue eyes ."
From the far side of the dark history , we can hear the crying of many Japanese who have disappeared vanishing .

  I saw Eternity the other night .
H.Vaughn のこの一句が、その感激を表現していた。

 「この国の人は 日の本の故にや  
   色白くして 眼の色青きこと多し」
