


2017-05-04 20:42:40 | 英語特許散策

"1. A video processing system comprising:
a diplexer device (708) having first (714) and second (716) signal outputs;
a first tuner (728) having a first tuner input (733) coupled to(結合)said first (714) output;
a second tuner (730) having a second tuner input (735) coupled to said second (716) signal output; and
a video signal(映像信号)processor (750) for generating a signal representing a multiple image(画像), having first (746) and second (748) inputs coupled to respective first (742) and second (744) outputs of said first (728) and second (730) tuner devices."

"1. A computer management system comprising: a plurality of host computers; a user console having user interface devices including a keyboard, a cursor control device, and a video display unit; and a management device, operatively connecting the user console to the plurality of host computers, wherein the management device manages keyboard control signals and cursor control signals transmitted from the user console for providing access to any one of the plurality of host computers, and manages the video signals(映像信号)transmitted from each of the plurality of host computers for simultaneously displaying video signals from at least two of the plurality of host computers on the user console video display unit."

"21. The management device of Claim 17, wherein the video processor processes video signals received from at least two of the plurality of host computers to form a composite image(合成画像)of the video signals and the visual representation of video signals from each of the at least two of the plurality of host computers has a boundary."

"A receiver (3) for television signals has a primary video(映像)output (22a) connected to a primary TV (2a) and a secondary video output (22b) connected to a secondary TV (2b) at a remote location (42b). The receiver (3) can be controlled by an infrared remote control (28) either directly or from the remote location (42b) via a remote control extender (40). The primary TV (2a) may be a widescreen TV with a 16:9 picture format, while the secondary TV (2b) has a 4:3 picture format. The receiver (3) can output video signals(映像信号)suitable for either format, but must apply the same format to both the primary and secondary video outputs (22a, 22b). The receiver (3) detects whether control signals are arriving directly or via the remote control extender, and automatically selects the correct format. In another embodiment, a wireless audio base station (55) is connected to the receiver (3) for relaying audio signals and programme data to a wireless audio receiver (60). The programme data is encoded as characters for display by the wireless audio receiver (60). The wireless audio receiver (60) also relays user control signals back to the base station (55) for controlling the output of the receiver (3). This embodiment allows convenient listening to radio stations and display of programme information."

"1. A system for mixing(混合)or compositing(合成)in real-time, computer generated 3D objects and a video feed(映像フィード)from a film camera, such as a video camera(ビデオカメラ;*「映像カメラ」とは言わない), to generate real-time augmented reality video(映像)for TV broadcast, cinema(映画)or video games(ビデオゲーム;*「映像ゲーム」とは言わない), in which:
(a) the body of the film camera can be moved in 3D and sensors in or attached directly or indirectly to the film camera provide real-time positioning data defining the 3D position and 3D orientation of the film camera, or enabling the 3D position and 3D orientation of the film camera to be calculated and
(b) that real-time positioning data is then automatically used by the system to create, recall, render or modify computer generated 3D objects and
(c) the resulting computer generated 3D objects are then mixed in or composited with the video feed from the film camera to provide augmented reality video for TV broadcast, cinema or video games."

"55. A film(フィルム), movie(動画), TV show or video game in which real-time, computer generated 3D objects are mixed with a video feed from a camera, in which the body of the camera can be moved in 3D and sensors in or attached to the camera provide real-time positioning data defining the 3D position of the camera, or enabling the 3D position to be calculated."

"[0002] Digital systems of various types often include, or are connected to, a display for the user to interact with the device. The display can be incorporated into the device. Examples of incorporated displays include the touchscreen on various smart phones, tablet computers, or other personal digital assistants. Another example of the incorporated display is a laptop with the screen in the lid(蓋). The display can also be connected to the device via a cable. Examples of the connected display include various desktop computers and workstations having a separate display that resides on(存在する)the desk in front of the user. Some desktops also have an incorporated display (e.g. various iMac® computers from Apple Inc.). The display provides a visual interface that the user can view to interact with the system and applications executing on(稼働している;*自動詞)the system. In some cases (e.g. touchscreens), the display also provides a user interface to input to(入力する;*自動詞)the system. Other user input devices (e.g. keyboards, mice or other pointing devices, etc.) can also be included.

[0003] In many cases, the images being display over a period of time are essentially static. For example, if the user is reading an ebook on the display, the display may be statically displaying a page of text until the user is finished reading the page. When a movie(動画)is paused, there may be no change in the images(画像)for the time that the pause is in effect. When a user is browsing web pages, again the user may be absorbing content and the images may be static. When there is little or no change in the static images being displayed, the memory bandwidth consumed to fetch the image each refresh cycle of the screen may be wasteful in both the bandwidth and in power consumed."

"[0021] The display pipe 16 may be configured to perform any type of processing on the image data. In one embodiment, the display pipe 16 may be configured to scale still frames and to dither, scale, and/or perform color space conversion on the frames of a video(映像)sequence. The display pipe 16 may be configured to blend the still frames and the video sequence frames to produce output frames for display. The display pipe 16 may also be more generally referred to as a display control unit. A display control unit (or display controller) may generally be any hardware configured to prepare a frame for display (from one or more sources, such as still frames and/or video sequence frames). The various processing performed by the display pipe 16 may generally be referred to as compositing(合成). Compositing may include any processing by which image data from various images are combined to produce an output image."

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