


2017-01-18 08:41:37 | 英語特許散策


"A method includes forming a continuous ribbon of glass. The continuous ribbon includes a first surface, a second surface opposite(反対側の;*「対向」でもOK?一枚のシートの上下面)the first surface, a first edge region(領域), a second edge region opposite the first edge region, and a central region extending between the first edge region and the second edge region. Each of the first edge region and the second edge region has a greater thickness than the central region of the continuous ribbon. An indented pattern(凹凸パターン)is formed longitudinally(縦に、縦方向に)along the first edge region of the continuous ribbon by forming a first series of indentations(凹み) in the first surface of the continuous ribbon and forming a second series of indentations in the second surface of the continuous ribbon. The indented pattern includes intermediate segments interconnected with one another by web by webs. Each intermediate segment is thicker than adjacent webs." 


"A delivery device for thin-film material deposition has at least first, second, and third inlet ports(*初出単数列挙時の冠詞:"a first, a second,"としていない)for receiving a common supply for a first, a second and a third gaseous material(*初出単数列挙時の冠詞:上との違いは?好きにしろと?), respectively. Each of the first, second, and third elongated emissive channels allow gaseous fluid communication with one of corresponding first, second, and third inlet ports. The delivery device can be formed from(から形成;*ofでも良いんだろう)apertured plates, superposed(関係代名詞を使わない修飾)to define a network of interconnecting supply chambers and directing channels for routing each of the gaseous materials from its corresponding inlet port to a corresponding plurality of elongated emissive channels. The delivery device comprises a diffusing channel formed by a relief pattern(凹凸パターン)between facing plates(向かい合ったプレート). Also disclosed is a process for thin film deposition. Finally, more generally(一般に), a flow diffuser and a corresponding method of diffusing flow is(*are?)disclosed." 


"5. The device in accordance with claim 4, wherein the force applicator comprises a shaped surface(形状表面)structure having a suitable patterned arrangement of projections and recesses(凹凸パターン配置)so as to generate stress patterns of a predetermined nature when pressed against the detector element." 


"6. A walking aid according to Claim 5 wherein the foot member is provided with a tread pattern(凹凸パターン)to reduce the risk of slippage." 


"10. The shelf of claim 9, wherein the alternating top and bottom walls and guide walls together define a corrugated(凹凸状)or castellated(城郭風)cross-section in the widthwise direction." 


"The present invention is directed to a device comprising an epitaxial structure comprising a superlattice structure having an uppermost(最上)2DxG channel, a lowermost(最下)2DxG channel and at least one intermediate 2DxG channel located between the uppermost and lowermost 2DxG channels, source and drain electrodes operatively connected to each of the 2DxG channels, and a plurality of trenches located(配置)between the source and drain electrodes. Each trench has length, width and depth dimensions defining a first sidewall, a second sidewall and a bottom located therebetween, the bottom of each trench being at or below the lowermost 2DxG channel. A crenelated(凹凸状)gate electrode is located over the uppermost 2DxG channel, the gate electrode being located within each of the trenches such that the bottom surface of the gate electrode is in juxtaposition with(並置)the first sidewall surface, the bottom surface and the second sidewall surface of each of said trenches." 


"1. A ground-engaging track(地面係合軌道)system for a machine comprising: a rotatable track-engaging element; a track extending about(周囲に延び; the rotatable track-engaging element and including a first and a second track chain(*初出単数列挙時冠詞。cf. "first and second track chains") and a plurality of track shoes coupled with(連結)the first and second track chains; the first and second track chains each including a plurality of elongate(長尺)links each having an inboard side and an outboard side and defining a first and a second track pin bore communicating between(間を連通する)the inboard and outboard sides; and each of the plurality of elongate links further including a flat lower surface in contact with(接触)one of the plurality of track shoes, and an upper rail surface in contact with the rotatable track engaging element, the upper rail surface being formed of(形成)a sacrificial wear material and having a convex longitudinal profile(突出縦形状)configured to delay scallop formation(凹凸化)in the upper rail surface resulting from the contact with the rotatable track engaging element, wherein each of the plurality of elongated(長尺)links is S-shaped, such that the upper rail surface includes a center section extending between a first end section and a second end section that is laterally offset from the first end section, and wherein the convex longitudinal profile is formed by the center section, and each of the first and second end sections is flat and forms a linear longitudinal profile transitioning with the convex longitudinal profile." 

"It has been discovered that forming upper rail surface 42 with a convex longitudinal profile as described herein can delay formation of scallops and thereby prolong track service life(寿命). In FIG. 5, a worn profile 302 is shown which illustrates approximately how the longitudinal profile of upper rail surface 42 might appear after experiencing(晒す)some wear, whereas another worn profile 304 illustrates a center scallop 306 and outer scallops 308 which might be observed in upper rail surface 42 after experiencing more substantial wear such that a track link 30 is nearing the end of its service life. In other words(換言、すなわち), track link 30 can be expected to wear in a pattern such that the convex longitudinal profile of upper rail surface 42 is diminished to become substantially linear, as shown approximately via profile 302, and later through further wear become scalloped, as shown approximately via profile 304. It is nevertheless contemplated(考える、思う)that the time required for upper rail surface 42 to reach a scalloped state may be as much as twice as long, or even greater, as was formerly the case with conventional straight, flat rail surfaces. In the FIG. 5 illustration, center scallop 306 may be expected to form in response to contact with idlers such as element 16, whereas outer scallops 308 may be expected to at least sometimes form from contact with track rollers. Embodiments are contemplated(考える、思料)which have a compound convex profile with multiple rises(凸部)or bumps(隆起)in the upper rail surface generally(通常)configured as a mirror image of profile 304. In either of these general(全般的)strategies, the extra wear material placed to delay scalloping enables wear to proceed at least initially in a non-scalloping(非凹凸状)wear pattern." 


"A composite sandwich structure comprises a core sandwiched between composite laminate facesheets(積層表面板). The core includes a plurality of core sections spliced(継合)together at joints(接合部)that incorporate integral features for arresting(阻止)the propagation of irregularities(凹凸)in the facesheets." 


"30. The battery according to claim 29, wherein the roughened(粗面化)and/or corrugated(波状化)surfaces include undulations(凹凸)on the surfaces of the mica sheets and of the cells that(*先行詞は初出のundulations)are complimentary to each other." 

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