


2016-04-25 22:22:34 | Telegraph (UK)
US shale frackers eye world conquest despite bloodbath
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, houston
Telegraph: 28 FEBRUARY 2016 • 4:19PM
Dozens of indebted US shale companies face annihilation over coming months as their hedge protection runs out and creditors pull the plug, but veteran frackers insist defiantly that the slump will not stop the industry's march to world conquest.


"What is happening scares the heck out of you. We're going to see a decimation for the industry, with bodies and corpses all over the place," said Mark Papa, the former head of EOG Resources.


"Lower for longer, is starting to feel like the Great Depression. You run for cash. You ride out the storm," said John Hess, founder of the Hess Corporation.


"It is probably a three-year process and we're in the middle of it. The impact on investment has been devastating," he told the IHS CERAWeek summit of energy leaders in Houston.

「3年プロセスかもな。で、その真っ只中ってわけだ。投資のインパクトはもう最悪だよ」とヒューストンのIHS CERAWeekに集まったエネルギー業界の大物連中に言いました。

"Our activity is at a bare minimum, and we're just preserving our operational capability. We had 17 rigs two years ago, eight last year, and now we're running two. Very few things make sense at $30. It's better to leave the oil in the ground," he said.


Mr Papa said the 70pc crash in oil prices since mid-2014 will wipe out those companies that leveraged to the hilt betting that crude prices would stay above $100 forever.


Survivors will "rise from the ashes" - chastened but wiser. "They're not going to stretch their balance sheets so much or make acquisitions based on false promises," he said.


Yet Mr Papa, a legendary figure in the shale fraternity and now at Riverstone Holdings, said OPEC's price war against shale will not stop the US juggernaut. Oil giants with deep pockets are waiting in the wings to "gobble up" distressed assets, and America's nimble mid-cost frackers will have an edge when the cycle turns.


Oil and gas investment has collapsed from $700bn in 2014 to nearer $400bn this year. IHS estimates that planned spending by 2020 will be $1.8 trillion less than forecast two years ago, almost guaranteeing an oil shortage as global demand keeps growing by 1.2m barrels per day (b/d) each year and existing wells deplete at an annual rate of 3m b/d.


Mr Papa expects the global balance of supply and demand to tighten by 1.6m b/d this year. This would mop up the glut, before gradually eating into record stocks next year. "The market is going to grow to 100m b/d. Where is the quantity going to come from? Capital spending on mega-projects has stopped cold," he said.


"I can see a case where US shale is the biggest supplier of oil in the world by 2020. We could turn the whole thing on its ear, producing 13-14m b/d. But it will be really ugly getting through this valley," he said.


This would amount to 16m b/d if all liquids are included, more than the combined crude exports of Saudi Arabia and Russia. The International Energy Agency forecast this week that the US would account for much of the growth in world output by 2020 - after dropping 600,000 b/d this year, and 200,000 next year.


Mr Papa said it will not be long before engineers work out how to double the efficiency of shale extraction to the 50pc levels seen in conventional oil wells. "It'll probably come in the next ten years. That's the next big break-through," he said.


David Hager, head of Devon Energy, said shale frackers have slashed cuts costs my more than outsiders generally realize since the heady days of the boom, when service fees and wages were rocketing. "A lot of plays work at $45-$50, and the vast majority from $55-$60. They certainly don't need $90," he said.


This is optimistic. A study by Rystad consultants in Norway puts the break-even price at $68, but nobody knows for sure and frackers disagree among themselves.


"Most companies will survive to take advantage of the recovery. We will ramp up, stay alive, meet the challenge, and look forward to a brighter day. It is not just shale that doesn't work at today's prices, nothing much at all works," said Mr Hager.


Raoul LeBlanc from IHS said the oil price crash has stopped an extra 1.5m b/d of shale coming on stream but frackers have been remarkably resilient, raising productivity by 20pc and cutting well costs by 40pc.


"Restarting production may be easier than people think. Everything is ready to go. There are plenty of rigs. All the ingredients are there. There is a lot of money looking for the bottom of the cycle, waiting to get back in," he said.


IHS said there are three groups of 'invisible barrels' likely to bear the brunt as the market stabilizes: small-scale 'stripper wells' of around 2m b/d, half of them in the US; those with high-fixed costs in North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico that are going into steeper decline; and those in remote locations or with long pipelines, and a $10-$12 disadvantage. "They are in the eye of the storm," it said.


Mr LeBlanc described the shale industry as a mix of "hogs and dogs". The larger companies produce the bulk of the output and can mostly ride out the downturn: the dogs are smaller, and while many are going bust and making a lot of noise, they do not actually produce much oil.


Some 48 oil and gas companies have defaulted since early 2015 on $17bn of debt. This is undoubtedly just the calm before the storm but it is so far a trivial sum compared to the pre-Lehman subprime crisis.


The great unknown for world oil markets is how fast the frackers will come back. John Hess says it will take two years once prices recover. "It is a big logistical undertaking. You've got to mobilize rigs and find people. Assets need permits in the US, and that takes 90 days," he said.


"Balance sheets are in disrepair and there is too much debt. The high-yield market has basically dried up and that was the primary source of financing for the shale boom. Debt agencies are in a panic and running everything through $30 oil for the next few years," he said.


He thinks shale will stabilize at around $60 and then ratchet back up, long before it becomes worthwhile to launch big off-shore projects, which take seven years in any case. "Just to get the deep water going, you need a price closer to $70," he said.


Scott Sheffield, head of Pioneer, fears that it will be a long slog. "US shale production won't grow at $50. There's not enough cash flow in the business. It needs $60-$70 to grow," he said.


He expects trouble in the Eagle Ford and Bakken fields, but it is a different story in the lucrative Permian Basin of West Texas, the "crown jewel" holding steady at 2m b/d even at current prices. He claims it is as big as the giant Ghawar field in Saudi Arabia, and could eventually produce 6m b/d.


Mr Sheffield said the most indebted shale companies weathered the shock last year with hedging contracts: now the guillotine is coming down as these contracts expire. "Everybody's debt is trading at 30 or 40 cents on the dollar," he said.


His company is sitting pretty, however. "We have zero-debt and great hedges. I learned my lesson in the last downturn," he said.


Hedges can be a life-saver though everything depends on the strike price. Westbrook Asset Management estimates that Sanchez Energy has 100pc coverage this year, with Parsely Energy not far behind. Twelve companies have hedged over half their output for 2016.


Stephen Chazen, Occidental Petroleum's grizzled veteran, warned his colleagues not to get their hopes up. The rout will last deep into 2017. "There will be a false bottom, or two, or three, or four", he said.



