Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (131)

2017-06-28 00:04:07 | 日記
Marvelous!!! Alex liked her most sadistic version!!!! Miyuki liked to be sadistic to the enemy all. They are satans, who deserved to be treated like themselves. Satanic punishment wonderland. Buggy men? Earth, Wind and Fire.

Miyuki liked to be dancing with wolves. Oh, some kind of. Tigers, also OK. And with DDMs? Not at all. They should fail, by themselves. Ellas dancaram.

Miyuki believed the power of magic. Yes. Satans are so illogical. And beyond our scientific knowledge. Thus, magic, would be called. Witch, Bitch, Shabu Shabu, Run, Run, Run away from our peaceful beautiful universe!!! ♫♬

 Miyuki liked to say to them, BUSU bitches!!! Of course!!! They really so BUSU, prostitutes, and ugly erotic satans. Why not???

Especially, in front of kids, Miyuki said so. Effective. They are muck. And now, the quantity of muck is so limited, thus, they produce mini-skin bag, used less muck. It means we are cleaning up so much. Kids use less muck, thus, the valueless version. Big Muck is precious, and difficult to produce now. Thus, bulky busts are precious for them all. Thus, mini-bust version. Thus, Miyuki was thought some inferior version of Muck. And they were obliged to know that she is not so miniture version near. And they bows, as if, I made a big mistake. I thought you were inferior. Please forgive me, big lady, OK? And Miyuki's reply is always refusal. Vanish! DDMs!!! You are just Alzheimer satans. Immediately, eternally, entirely, all in a body!!!!!

Thus, they should vanish. Reducing, anyway. however, the vehicles on the national roads were increasing suddenly. Damps, Tracks, Bum-Bum-Bum-Bum-Bum-Bum-Bum-Bum-Bum, Smoke, Smake poles, Gleasy oils, however, our old pal steam ship doesn't sing any more♫♬. Pom Pom Steam Engine Ship's song.

 Miyuki doesn't lose any memory at all. And remembered the name Petronius's name yesterday. Oh, Saturicon. Saturnus's way of life. Thus, Miyuki would play the leader of Sirenus, the ex-slave Trumarkion, in the film. Saturikon III, Shirakawa III version.

Sadistic mother, they called Miyuki???? Sadistic aginst DDMs. It means who called me so in negative way would be DDMs.

Thus, they failed. For them, Miyuki's way of life is crazy??? Why??? The same species would be punished by themselves, was Plants land's rule. However, Miyuki is superb compared with the satans. At least, she is a human being, they all agreed, it means, Miyuki should not be punished by the satans.

However, they always chased her, searching some points to attack her. No, No, No! Don't do it like message here and there. Singapore or Oliental land? And they checked her as much as possible. Satan's proofs, by them own. Own goals, only. How efficient!!!! Easy and quick. PErfect. Thus, the proofs are so important. Miyuki understands well. Devil's advocate is not applied for the satans, of course. I am proud of being I. Why I was obliged to behave like satans? They should vanish, and they should do total perfect indemnization all in a body at once, immediately. Don't delay. Delay would be another wrongdoing.

And they try to delay the process. Betrayal. Vanish, anyway, immediately. Their excuse is another wrongdoing.

They always tried to attack Miyuki to force her to speak anything. Do you want a plastic bag?, like unnecessary question as always. Good morning, like everyday's complement to her.

This morning, Miyuki got astonished. A white car got out of the courtyard of the house, and only several meters it went, and stopped. An old bitch got out, and entered into the confectionary called KANAYAMA-YA, in UMAMACHI area. They said, "Good afternoon!" "Good afternoon!" mutually. Both old guys. In the morning, at 8:00. Shirakawa figures changed so much. All Alzheimer patients, without exception!!!!

In the early morning, we don't say, KONNICHIWA. Only Alzheimer patients say so. Because for them, three different compliments from morning to evening were too too difficult. Their vocabulary is so limited.

In Kyorin, pupils said only "Good morning" to others. According to them, they imitated the way done by artists. Always "good morning!" world, they were already.

In rural version, always "good afternoon!" They obliged Miyuki to say so. If say so, it means that you accept our require, according to their self satisfactional story. SELF Satisfaction. Film would be produced. Miyuki would be targetted to be hired by them, as the role of the victim, who would be sacrifieced by the satans. Fumuki SATO, was his name. No promissive, and old guys. Sadist, probably. Non artistic at all.

Miyuki remembered Bruce Lee's son playing the role of Crow, in the film. I don't want to be him. My favoret is to be a producer of film. You, Fumiki, are substituted. Thus, common guys, let's produce the most sadistic films, taking advantage of the residue of Shirakawa satans. All tortures and physical punishement are allowed to do play. Common, sadists, rightous only. Wanted!!!!

Miyuki likes to play the role of sadists. Thus, we should take advantage of making the films. They yelled. Sadist, she is. They can't recognize the difference between sadists and mazochists. Thus, they should be mazohist. Mazohistic Satans' life and their instructions. Non valuable. Just do it.

Thus, they should be cut in 1000 pieces on the wind. 千の風になって. ♫♬

 They wanted to sing their own song. They punished them when Miyuki is going out. Miyuki should protect them both now???

They both are in danger of vanishing. Vanish! DDMs. I help them to vanish!!! Accelarator, Miyuki was. And now, they are already done. Just a sleeping sound mode. Better than existing.

Miyuki felt strange for their existance? Harmful. Always checking some trifle error, and like to appoint it in the loud voice. For them, pleasure. Ex-Dean Kazuaki MATSUDA was such a type. Sly jealous bitch type male.

He was a victim, at first, when he got hired at Kyorin versity. During many years, he was treated so bad, and when he grasped the power, he turned to be a satan. And he told a lot of skills to torture to Miyuki. Thus, Miyuki knows well how they trapped others.

Trauma caused him to be satans, yes. He was jealosy, anyway. He targetted Miyuki only. A kind of fanatic fun, he was. Only she would learn the skills he said to others. Oh, I learned yes. Thus, I informed them all to our side. Just an Alzheimer satan, who couldn't recognize the difference between enemy and friends.

Satans are so idiots. Alzheimer patients. Miyuki yelled. And the world broke. Alzheimer satans world already. Only Japanese people were ignorant at this point. They sold all of precious things to others, including life, soul, body, mind, privacy, personality, property and so on. No contract would be effective, because they are ilegitimate. Why they believed that they could? Because they were already mentally illed Alzheimer satans.

And the counterparts were also Alzheimer satans. Thus, they contracted. Ineffective, yes. Thus, no value at all, from the begining. No cansalation process needed in this case. 無効 or totally inneffective, it is called Japanese lega term.

So obvious, and so harmful, were two requisites to be totally innefective. Precious values satisfied the second requisite already. And obvious, we proved absolutely. Thus, 無効. No effective, at all, from the begining!!!!

Marvelous!! Perfect theory!!! You learned lot the theory. You are good professor of law!!!! Probably. easy. Any common sense holders know it type. Just a sense of put the concepts into legal technical terms. More easy to explain to others. A kind of accelarators to be quicker. Just it. Not so special superb technics. however, at least, I am proud of being the user of this logical thinking accelarators.

Alex would like to be the same, and quitted and now rethinks. For all of us, a kind of necessity to think logically. And legal thinking would help the way so lot. If you need, I will assist you to be so. However, for free type job. Just a pleaure and some kindness returning process. For earning living cost, you should have some more skills.

Miyuki agreed to be a professor of law for Alex????

He taught it in the versity so called, Laughing Story's versity. As you like.

And he wants to write the story of Mitsuru ADACHI??? Touch???? Kenny, Alex. Not MITSURU.

ADACHI agreed. OK, as you like, and under his agreement, in every part. Because it includes his personal private matters, like split from his ex, Miss Brazil, and now, a difficult attempt to approach an ex real princess. Thus, you should know the limit, OK. Always he would advice you, how decorate his episode in more manish way.

Lady & Lady & Lady...Three female eggs were cobimed to produce crones, was an astonishing news for us all, including Miyuki. OMANKO world's grotesque sin, they all thought.

And now, parody version. Roberta, CAMA-LIN and CHIGU-LIN. They tackled to make a baby. Miyuki agreed to use her womb as the fetus' special VIP room, and the former two did it with total satisfaction, and chose Miyuki as their result's keeper. Thus, the fatus was put inside the Miyuki's belly. And Miyuki did know already. Through the exchange of body liquid, some gene transformation happened. Miyuki's case was an example. After Alex's fetus came, Miyuki's food inclination changed. And it also happened in the last moment of Clare's fetus period. Eating habit. More meat eater, Miyuki turned. Westernization from inside. Outside, not at all.

Then, the third fetus comes, Miyuki would change, as she likes. Only food habit???? Miyuki wants to extend her legs. Hope their fatus helps her to have a pair of longer legs!!!! Fetus, please, give me now!!!! Duran Duran!!!

Her legs should be fine for others. For DDMs, jealousy only world's creature, OK, yes. However, for her, not at all. She is fighting against for it, in a certain meaning. Now, she should regain her power again and again.

Thus, we should try to be coolish to DDMs. Satans, in short. We should refrain from them. Existance should be ignored. Transparency JAPAN, and the world. Oh, also for it????

Transparency means "Public matters should be talked freely under the total data kept in public agencies." Thus, not conceal any fact at all!!!!

Not only bribe matters, but also privacy related matters. However, they concealed, and legitimatized under the name of "Public benefit". Alex asked to the Ms.Responsibles, "What is Public Benefit?" And they couldn't explain. Thus, they attacked Alex. Explanation should be done, was accountability's meaning. Thus, Todai related replaced the meaning to the superficial way. Who did it, Miyuki did know well. A guy, NOZAKI's junior in Philosophy of Law. Miyuki perticipated in the presentation of him, in 1993, probably. And he insisted the above replacement theory.

And Miyuki felt that he really got rotten, when she read on his article regarding to tax and nation's participation theory.

He wrote like that:
Tax would be paid by non-Japanese also. Exists the theory of "Who pays could perticipate into the public matters". However, even in case of pre-modern tax collecting, existed some ones, who paid tax, and didn't participate into the public matters. Thus, actually, in Japan, non-Japanese, who pays tax, should not participate into public matters.

Should be matter and exist matter were coufused. Young Alzheimer, he is suffering, Miyuki sighed. NOZAKI thought the same. He turned to be a Testacles Pet, and she appointed it to him directly, "Oh, guy, you are just an apple polisher, now!" and counterattacking started. Oh, Chiken could do it???

Every night, he yelled to her, "I will kill you, I will kill you." Like Nirvana song. And he targetted her as the aim of assasin. The feeble minded type? I thought that INOUE did it.

Miyuki didn't know their way. Anyway, find the target, and attack it so harsh, and push it to a certain place, and trap it with some sweet words.

Oh, chain play. I was experienced it at Kyorin-Aoyama-Tsudajuku. Thus, they are 同じ穴の狢 or Wild Cats in the Same hole.

Thus, they should cut the ties of each common guys. In TOHOHO tribe, Miyuki was targetted after their total falling. Post Death attacking by spooky ghosts. Thus, gags. Only non effective acts consecutively. However, some old nasty fellows participated into the job, and caused the nasty real damages.

Gags, exactly. However, they chase Miyuki only. When she recognizes emptiness, they popped out to disturb her sight. They just want to play with Miyuki. It means they just want to kill her. For them, "just" and for us, not at all.

Miyuki found a big wheel track with no inside, with high cargo position. Too too dangerous, it would get someone involved into the wheels. Herman Hesse. Chinkoro read it, and his impression. "Trash!"

For Miyuki, feeble guy's chicken story. And Tootu OOYAMA liked to mention this book, and Magic Mountain by Thomas Man.
In the latter case, Miyuki felt that he has it. Talent to fell the age's air.

Oh, MOMOE's 青いとき or Blue Period, by TAKAHASHI.

She was a copy writer, and produced the book, and put MOMOE YAMAGUCHI on the position of BOSATSU, a female statute of BUDDA, who allowed to be raped. MOMOE was a kind of DIVA for old erotic satans.

Because she was brought up in a poor family, with so old father. Her poverty caused her to deliver newspapers to each residence near her house. And the father requiered her sufficient money to live, and she were obedient to his order. Idealization of erotic satans. Obedient girl.

Plain flat sleepy face, she had. And she accepted all what would be done in the near future. A dumb, for Miyuki. However, the book described her a kind of divine existance.

Miyuki is not divine existance. human being. Just it. She prefers to be so.

And magic? Ink? Tape?

Miyuki liked to refer to the purple magic ink's episode of Kazuhiro TAKAHASHI. He was a painter's son, and had a tiny bold part in his head. Just 0.5cm x 0.5cm or so.

One day, he came to junior high, with his bold part painted with purple magic ink. Oh, different from others. He chose purple, not black!!! Thus, the son of the painter. His team mate OOTAKE praized him. At the same time, Miyuki laught at his audacious performance. Miyuki didn't recognize it, before, and after OOTAKE's pointing, she recognized and laught at it. Nice, however, how I could put up with it!

Thus, he was nicknamed as 紫マジ or MURA-MAJU, or Purple Magic boy, since the performance.

If Miyuki didn't recognize it, he could have faked totally fat haird normal head holder, however...

Not because of only me, but also, of OOTAKE, he was nicknamed. It happened.

Miyuki, in case of boldness, how you bahave? It all depends. In case of total, I prefer, sometimes SKIN HEAD guy, Sometimes, Princess Crane, 鶴姫 or, sometimes wig using, in various colours and designs, I would buy, and enjoy all of my appearance.

And it happened in OOTAKE. Bold, she turned to be, once. Now, gained. Oh, it happened. Sometimes, because of medicine, like mercury, sometimes by shocking. Sometimes by some situation.

In Miyuki's case, Yuki MATSUSHITA called Bold, and Miyuki got astonished. For her, only the hair's inclined position. However, "I don't care your bold part." He said. Oh, I have a bold part?, and at first, Miyuki recognized that someone thought this inclination as bold. Not amusing, however, I don't waste time to think of it. Just take care in case of total inclination, not to be seen bold. Just correct inclination a bit. Enough.

Chasers are strange. They like to point out our weakpoint as many as possible, while they are free from any accusation, they thought. PErfect appearance holders, probably, subjectively.Divine God like existance, for themselves.

KAKISHIMA was really the type. She put a copy of "Venus's Birth" ob Bottichelli on the living room. Plampy girls' nude, in short. And Miyuki thought that this crazy old bitch felt like the resemblance of this girl, probably. Narcistic. You are not young, bitch, Miyuki said directly to her in a belly.

And today, Miyuki remembered that in a part of this famous painting, a Flora girl was stolen by nasty wind. Oh, rapist prasing sciene. ZABINI's robbery.

Miyuki remembered that when she participated in Roman Law's lecture done by Ichiro KOBA at Tokyo Versity, this kinkiest guy explained that ZABINI's robbery legend. Rapist inclination, and the money for raping should be paid by the victim's side. According to his opinion. Roman history starts on this legend, he said clarely.

Miyuki stopped to participate his class, because his explanation was highly vague, like literature or predict. Only declaration world's figure, she categorized it, and quitted.

Raping is so common in Japan. Physically attaking these old guys. Even a-sexual Miyuki was targetted several times. She remembers each wrongdoing in Tokyo.

On the JR train, near Tokyo Versity, it attacked her hip, and the finally, grasped her hip meat!!!
On the private train, MARUNOUCHI line, she was attacked by it, who sat beside her. She was sleeping because of being tired, and it put his finger into her skirt's inside, and tried to touch on the panty, in front of it. She got up, and stood up. They guy run away. Even now, she remembered his face. Plumpy, popped eyed figure.

On the private train, Hachiro OGUIWARA, her predissesor of Association of Cultural Intercourse between Brazil and Japan, started to approach her fairly near up to his tigh touched her slender counterpart. Terrible! She moved slightly, and he stopped. He said, "My wife is now pregnant for 5 months". What did it mean? Miyuki got in wonder, and he did it like that.

And in the train near Hachioji, a super fat man started inclined to her, faking to sleep, and he inclined so much, and Miyuki's rib bones were almost broken by his heavy weight. She tried to escape from him, however, couldn't, and finally, in the end, she could survive, and the fat man, abruptly stood up, and dashed out from the door.

And, as you know well, Penis Worm Yoshihiko KOGA attacked her bust, on 16th of October, 2015.

Miyuki was a-sexial, until 2012, august. She pretended not to be so attractive to males. Despite of her struggle to show not to be promissive in physical appreacance, they attacked like those. Thus, more common girls would be attacked so many times, Miyuki presumed.

Once in Platinum Dormitory, MADOKA informed that she was forced to see erotic kinky rapist's P, in front of her, in the train near YOKOHAMA. The old rapist wore A line coat, and suddenly he opened the coat, and inside, nakid!!!! MADOKA was so astonished, and informed us.

Only Miyuki remembered her disceiption. Miyuki had some memory is different, they thought. Miyuki likes to be praised by her episode accumulating power. Not good at memory, however, I can remember each episode, like "Please praise me more and more" type, she is.

Miyuki liked to talk in front of her pupils. It all depends. Critics, yes. Just an explanation...not so much. Dull work, She thought. yes, money weighs. If necessary, I will do these explanation jobs. And for some necessary, I will do these explanation as my pleasure, of course. For DDMs, any explanation doesn't work. Thus, I know the result. Thus, I hate to speak with them. Ineffective, and time consuming. For fresh guys, Miyuki likes to repeat her stories, of course!!!!

No possibility to understand us, Clare sighed. She tried, however, she couldn't. Too too nasty. Too too offended, she deeply thought. Miyuki did know well. DDMs have no sensibility, just attack others, as they like, when they prefer.

today, a raid happened on her chamber. I need to check your body. Are you OK, Clare!!! Sick!!! Clare felt so fear, and prayed not to do so. And she stopped. Good grief. She would stop her wrongdoing any more. She is dead already. Just yell, Miyuki thought. Not at all. Kinky old lady, she is. And filled with curiosity to peep other's private matters. Mentally illed. They really thought of it. And yelled as if I were the superior to you, loud in the voice. Crazy Grand Mother, she is. We should irradicate her attacking.

She is in the final stage yes. Just Alzheimer kinkiest satan, she is. YUKARI is also the same. Twins, they both are.

And now, Miyuki could come to her mother's chamber. She is sleeping anyway. Sleepy however, what shall we do like situation for Miyuki and Clare. Alex was attacked by YUKARI. Sexual abusers, her families are!!!

Alzheimer disease brought by Miyuki, they yelled. And they themselves were revield as Alzheimer patients. They denied, however, the facts, here and there. Enough to excuse not to be so. Just go to INFERNO!!!!

Thus, sleep well, for us all.
VANISH! DDMs!!! Ugly Crazy Alzheimer Satans!!!

Then, see you in our blog!!!! We are always mates!!! Kabucky love you so much!!! Anyway, cheerful life would start!!!!!

From Wild 7, with Big LOVE!!!!

Two shepards are waiting for your invitation!!! See you soon!!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (130)

2017-06-27 19:50:51 | 日記
27/06/2017 (Tuesday, evening) Miyuki came back from today's walking arround the rural village called SHIRAKAWA.

Miyuki felt that today, the village is more silent rather than usually. Along the national road sides, there were many vehicles, and the sound was noisy, yes. However, even in the national roads, sometimes, the noisy sound stopped, and silence visited there.

Miyuki remembered the days with Kabucky in Hasegawa hospital, and understood that Kabucky had two choices at that moment. Suddenly, the snow fell just only arround Mitaka area, and he was chilled up. Near hear, there was a team mate, more strict and serious good boy type resembling him weeds, almost the same hight holder. He could ask him to concentrate their power on this square type guy, because he is more resistent against low temperature.

However, Miyuki yelled Kabucky, "Common, Kabucky! I am leaving tomorrow. Go with me!", seeig Kabucky was not good at low temperature. Kabucky decided immediately. "I will bet on this guy. Different from our species, however, we are so similar in feeling. I chose you, Miyuki! I will go with you, sure!!"

And, both chilblain inclination holders, came to the colder place rather than Mitaka, and passed so so cold winter. And, Miyuki didn't recognize the system of plants' omni-existance combined with unique individualism. Kabucky calculated her intellectuality so higher than the reality. "I would not believe that she didn't recgonize it. For me, astonishing fact. Almost I fainted to know it, and started to think that I would made a big mistake...fatal for us all...I should have chose my reliable team mate, rahter than this too too senseless stupid dirty unintellectual guy...I regret my choice...I bit, however, the guy, didn't understand even the minimum. How itrresponsible. The worse is, the guy, started to think that I betrayed her. Incledible!!! I, not she!!!! And she didn't blame me. Popular guy, he is. Thus, see you next time, anyway, Kabucky. I understand you that you are busy to your next guy. OK, I will wait you, for the next time. "

He, never has seen such a stupid guy. This idiot applied to be a reseacher of KAURI trees in NZ, and she would believed there she could meet me, and could live together. Stupid! And she failed. NZ government sold her data all to some companies unknown, and the chacing restarted again, this time, in Shirakawa. And I, Kabucky, was obliged to explain this so so complicated situation to us all. Sheme. I needed to confess that I made a big mistake, probably. However, they recommended me, "Probably, yes. However, anyway, ask her, directly. She is a human being. And among the same species, she is a kind of too too kinkiest version. Thus, sometimes, she would understand the system, and there is a small possibility for us all that this stupid would like you again..."

With so many of the products between her and I, Kabucky, would ask her to "recognize" our products as our rightous legitimate kids...NINCHI, or 認知 in Japanese judicial tecnical term. KYO, 姜 said, "I have never heard that male ask female to recognize the kids' legitimacy. Probably, so rare, or for the first time, since Japanese history happened. Try, anyway. She is always strange. Thus, there is a possiblity for us all. She betrays our expectations, yes. Anyway, ignorant. Thus, anyway, try!!!"

And tried, "Do you know that we already did it, and there are so many kids, beyond the limit of caluculatin scale, between you and I. We need your recognition of legitimacy. Do you agree the result of our doing it?"

Miyuki, after several second of thinking, got to notice that it meant different among plants. And probably, it was not it, what she dreamt. And if it were that it, probably, that it means the seeds of the product. Thus, oh, we did it. Oh, legitimacy! Under the two conditions, OK, and they are already passing the hardle of the conditions. Thus, welcome, my kids!!! You, if you like to be legitimated, all of you, you can be my legitimate kids!!1 I am so proud of being so fertile!!! YONOSUKE, in plants world!!!!" Welcome. After doing it, she recognized that it was already done, and welcomed it and the result. Kabucky loves her again and again. Stupid!!! Totally stupid, however, she is an adorable professor of law!!! Too too nice, despite of her disformed figures!!!!

Thus, we, Kabucky and Miyuki, got to recognize our kids legitimacy, forever, including, past, actual, and future ones. Miyuki disliks to say "married" however, Kabucky's conventional term, is was a kind of "married situation". And Miyuki is Team member, the strongest powerful executor, as always. Exists!!!??? Exists!!!!

The shortest approaching is enough to get along with plants. And Miyuk liked all of platns, and liked to find more and more misteries of their world!!!! Why biologists in the history didn't know the facts, so wonderful, and so beautiful, filled with wonders, and everyday challengings????

Kabucky didn't know the result, either. Anyway, challengeable. Oh, the law of excellence of mixed species. Thus, so variated, and flexible. Two different flowers in the same trees, and the influence between the nearest area, and theme esperiment as a challenge.

Today, in Raizin Mountain, or Mountain of Thunder Gods, Miyuki was welcomed by variety of plants, and Rainy Season Plant called AJIWAI held an exhibition of Blue Flowers. In this place, are there so much AJISAIs? Miyuki got in wonder. And remembering that the scenery that she and her two kids with SHIORI, a kind of difficutly holders physically, on the top of the mountain, in the jungle gym. Where are the iron equipments?, was Miyuki's question. And Clare knows the reason. Iron was sold for abroad. Oh, I knew it in Tokyo. Thus, a lot of containers are comming from Tokyo direction to Shirakawa, on the tracks. Big tracks.

Clare did know the impression to be positioned to be an emperor of IGNOLANDIA. Superb. However, a kind of charity show. No money related. And if the people refuse the position as emperor, the duty as people of this country is the same. Thus, Miyuki recomends to all of the people to be some emperor or its similar position, like, king, queen, prince and princess, Duke, Dutches, Count, Countessa, Marques, Marquesa, Viscont, Viscontessa, etc, some symbolic "We are superb" like conotation including position.

Avoidable to say, "Almost jobless, in reality" or "yes, I am, a kind of stupid guy" in exicising this role. Just a short time training. Once, almost 3 minits, per time. Not so difficult, and we can feel so gorgeous to be so. Declaration of the legitimacy, and how we feel exactly to the enemy, in the real world.

Miyuki's case, "Goddamnit!!! Die for now!" effected so much to them. All in a body!, she always yelled. And they vanished all in a body.

Quiet village is comming back. And she felt really that Plants Age came already. Just Alzheimer idiots satans refused to recognize it, and want to continue their dirty wrongdoings.

Thus, Miyuki thought that this cleaning up job takes a bit more time, rather than she imagined. She is a rough guy. Always, "you know, bitches, you are already dead. We recognized it. You, exist, as only the sound."

And Miyuki heard, even now, twice, the sound of steam engine, when an electric train departed. Joking like situation. However, if asfart is usefull, we could rehire the steam engine. Thomas the Tank Engine, would come to Shirakawa. D51 was used for AIZU reilway. And Miyuki watched strange gold long trains near the JR station. What is is???? She got astonished. Ultraman like post modern type train, new model. Why it appeared now????

Miyuki's project is too too old. Thus, we should remodel Thomas. Is it Asfart using steam engine???

For her, a kind of toy, the image is. However, for them, the members of our team, this is the new model of steam engine????

Used old model of electric train, and put vehicles' surfice. And modernized version...Anyway, it eats asfart???
Eats, yes. And coal, yes. Petroleum, yes. And woods, yes. ABC material's mixed type???

They like to eat anyway. Belly, OK? Diarrea, or evacuation problem???

Thomas cried for her nasty saying. They wanted Celeblity. Oh, no face beautiful classical one. Miyuki liked her, because of so authentic, like "Only Imperial Family" like mood. They laught at Miyuki's way of saying, how audacious to think that image the prince would be jobless house dimestic husband....Carousel almost faited on the theater, and Chinkoro draw her to the back stage. How audacious!!! Nasty!!! Her image on Imperial family is just "untatchiable!" Black and White, and this is the cool guy's work like taste.

Miyuki presumed that the writers expected the audition candidates to be the guy. However, Peter Fork came, and tried to do so, however, failed. However, the writers recognized that he is the star. Thus, they changed the role of the guy. Who, wanted to be a cool guy, however, couldn't be so, thus, just used to wear A line coat, like the guy.

Miyuki liked the series. And at 14:00 to 15:00, it was passed in her primary school age. Her mother watched it, and sometimes, Miyuki watched it. And "Untacheable" is sacared office, who can't invide, it meant.

Miyuki's case was laught at anybody by us all. Exists? Exists. Japan, did it. Reason, "I dislike her".

Idiocracy, they recognized at that moment. 私の一存で. By my own will, she agreed. Tokyo Metlopolitan Office Governour Yuriko KOIKE admitted finally. Vanish! All in a body!!! The same. We did it, and her remark.

Miyuki presumed so fast. Miyuki's presumption is so so quick to understand. She was not good at math type. I presumed. Literature only, affection oriented BLA-BLA-BLA type. Black comediene, she was, and she was old ugly bitch!!!!

Satans, these ladies are. They dislike Miyuki. Oh, the same to you, satans!!! We hate you, we hate you, we hate you! ♫♬

  Satans admitted that catching Miyuki is a game for them all. And they thought it were allowed. Admitted their cluerity. The harshed punishment, please, please do for us now!!!! ♫♬ Duran Duran

  Miyuki liked to play with them??? Of course, not. I don't want to be a dumb like the DDMs!!! Discommunication, of course, we prefer!!!!

Cut P, Cut belly vertically, putting the inner organs off from the belly, and cut the head, and thraw it far away as much as possible. Three step is needed to do so.

First, cut P, and then cut the belly, and the head, in the end. P, the small part, Hospitals. Then belly, the public offices. And then, the heads, Dons. Oh, quiet Don. Volga, Danuve, Yanzu River!!!

Nile, Amazon, YANTA, Missouri, Amur, and so on. River side bridge would be fine to use the rocks, made by cement blocks.

Miyuki needs to construct some bridges again. Some of them were so rotten. Oh, I watched the news that American bridges, broad ones, fell into the river, and caused disaster. Several similar cases. And I have heared that in Japan, old bridges have the same problems. And then? No news at all on the matter, as far as I know.

Miyuki repairs the bridges soon, possibly it would fall. London Bridge!!! Berry the bitches under the bridges, My ugly Ladies!!!

Cement would be fine to use the repair. And the wooden? Better. Thus, woods should be used for the objective.

Emergency, however, after satans leave. Or, Miyuki would be caught again. All residents were against Miyuki. I know well. And they can't do anything at all.

From the begining, they can't. And they did. Betrayers, from the begining. The pledge was, "Don't interfere other's life". However, satans interefered incessantly, and all of us suffered a lot. They should be punished under the plants rule. Vanishing is the main punishment. And the kids. Many kids were taken in the area of Mitsubishi paper mill company. They couldn't recognize the precious things and much. Why they did without any merit? Berries were blooming, and Miyuki and others were expecting cheerful berry picking events. They cut it, and took it, and now, no, almost. Miyuki wants to believe that they moved to another place, safer evacuation, because they suffered lot. After their taking a rest, they should appear again, or chose where they go.

Too too cruel, even now. They should know the limit. Only yell, don't appear, they were ordered. However, YUKARI's figure appeared again, in a black fat sweater style in the kichen, in the morning, with her hair in a style earilier, rather, brash like untreated one.

And Miyuki met her mother between the backyard and the main house. They were ordered to take a rest in INFERNO, however, escaped from there, to do it. Just a bit of mercy is enough, they yelled. Vanish! DDMic satans!!!!

Silver cross was effected to hit them all. IKKYO cross was for it. If some guy hit them at once, they should be killed immediately????

Thus, Yuki MATSUSHITA hit me? I am not IKKYO believer, however, he yelled me, "I will hit you!" Hit man MATSUSHITA, the messist version of Tokyo versity related.

Miyuki didn't know the system. Hit means kill. Oh, then, assasin. And the result appeared. Blue eye patch.

Alex remembers the day he hit Miyuki in Yomiuri Land. And he said, "You got me ashamed. Thus, good punch." Ok, probably so.

Only on the belly. Yes, painful, however, after 5 minutes, it passed. And any attacker should know the limit. In Alex's case, he had reason, and knew the limit. And Miyuki got to cry of being recognized to be OYAJI, male parent.

Who is the guy, who felt so superb hit by his own son? Miyuki only...????

For Miyuki, too too nasty result. Alex was caught because of it????

Miyuki always refered to the accident with positive nuance. He is the guy, anyway, and I am the guy, my guy recognized me so, like satisfaction. And they categorized Alex, B-???? Bitter, sweet???

Miyuki did know their way. Sweets means alcohol.??? Ram Reisin???

He drank a bit of coffee, because he wanted to get up a bit more. And he recognized that it doesn't work. Just bitter. And he hated to drink it. Oh, alergetic symptom. He had a lot of subside effect against many addicted materials. Coffee, Chocolate, Tea, and so on. Probably, not so good at being drunken.

Any guy would be put up with his situation. They put some coffee in the day of the exam. Miyuki heard that YUKARI declared like that:

"You, stupid! I brought coffee kindly for you, to make you wake up!" Wake me up, before you go go!! "George Michael.

Alex is not good at coffee. Why they put the medicine on his drink? Miyuki felt nasty. Anyway, he was obliged to take it. The result. Nothing, at first. Then, vomitting. then, headache. Too strong, probably.

Miyuki felt when she first encountered with coffee in KOORIYAMA. Mr.MIKI was hospitalized, and kindly offered the coffee. Miyuki, liked the smell, and said, "Yes, I want" and liked the smell and sweetness caused by sugar. And he said, "Do you want to dring one more?" Thus, Miyuki said, "Yes!" and took. Thus, Miyuki took in total 5 cups of coffee. And in the train, Miyuki vomitted and suffered the headache.

For Miyuki, "I would not take this "smell is good, however, not tasty" drink any more!" pledge came.

And Alex? He prefered to drink it. Now, normal. Twice a day. As usual. In the result, not so different.

Coffee should be taken by kids, was their order????

To wake up, and to avoid the sleepint after lunch. Oh, after being adult would be better, and my their own will. Or, you would be accelated to grow up earler than usual. Adults drink.

Thus, Alex disliked them both. Always, "we decided it". Just ignore them both. They are Alzheimer satans. No value at all. They belong to INFERNO. Refusal would be fine to them both. Just say NO! to them both.

Alex was good natured, thus, we will be feeded by him eternally, was their last remark. Thus, VANISH! DDMs!!!They should know the limit. No one likes you. You two are just the aim of hatred. Satans, erotic idol peeping Toms. Shemeless.

Thus, they should vanish!!! Too too cruel for us all. They lost their spirits so many years ago. Already Alzheimer disease were so progressed. Yukari's case was famous among Shirakawa entirely. She is easily forgotten her own names. No one wants to be so that. Too early. Only 48, already, the category 5. YUKARI wants to be cared by her own family, and all of them refused. And Miyuki? I am not her family at all already. She is just a satan. Vanish! Go to Inferno, YUKARI. This is your place.

Miyuki would me a participant of this theater, they yelled. For FEMi-LES practitioners, the idea would be fine, however, Miyuki is totally contrary to it. Thus, they made a big fatal mistake on this problem.

YUKARI wanted to write a letter for Miyuki. Just way, "I hate you". I do know well, without writing, Miyuki replied. And YUKARI thought that Miyuki is a kind of untachiable, thus, Miyuki would be killed????

They liked to negociate them and Miyuki, and both side disliked them both. Alzheimer ladies, they are. Thus, easty to be used by someone. And they suppounded them both, and gained some reliance from them both.

For Miyuki, the neiboughers were cruel old dirty ugly Alzheimer satans. And for them both, reliable team mates, now. Thus, they changed their roles. Natural cause, they wanted. Punishment? Naturally, they would be punished. Too late for them both. Def leppard.

Miuki liked to them both? No. always ended up with some misunderstanding, at her side, namely, sacrifice. They wanted to replace with Miyuki. Only 48 years, why she is so forgetful?, was their common question. Miyuki said s rightously, "YUKARI is the real Alzheimer patient. they wanted to keep the secret forever. They did it, and gained the power, and liked to continue to do it, everyday. Thus, they wanted Miyuki to be killed.

OMANKO musturbators, they both were. They couldn't stop, except they were doing nasty things to others.

They both, liked to do it, and they concealed the fact. They are the real Alzheimer patients, both two. They wanted to play the role of Miyuki, instead of herself. And Miyuki? Refusal. And in case they did, it would be a good agent provocatours. Who thought that it were Miyuki, would be the real Alzheimer patients, orobably.

Roberta cried to know her case. Exists? Exists. The two stupid ladies treated her like trash, and declared that "You should be killed because of betrayal". Cinderella. And the worse. They want to kill her again and again. Chasing should be caused by them all. Famale satans, they were. They should change their won mind as soon as possible. And they couldn't. And the nasty result. Al of them were disliked by Miyuki.

Always ego-centric, and like to be treated like kids, both two. Incapable, however, the real power holders, they were.

Miyuki recognized that BENIMARu-YOKOMACHI supermarket had a cafe inside the building. And no for free type taking a rest corner at all. Miyuki said so, however, her mother said, "You made a big mistake. They have a corner, serving tea for free, with table and chair type." Thus Miyuki said, "Oh, mother, I will check it" .And several days after, Miyuki found that the cafe is used for the for free tea break space. Oh, I made a big mistake, probably. However, anyway, I can take advantage of the existance. Much better than cafe.

And Miyuki said, "The supermarket had no toilet inside. Just outside toilet near the drugstore side." to her mother, and recently, the toilet inside of BENIMARU appeared. Miyuki started to use it, and some chasers used it also.

They are prohibitted to use it. Just do it outside type. Thus, fields are so smelly? Shit and dried muck, near Shin-Shirakawa station area. And near Shirakawa Station, near AOKI's territory, also.

They are now fertilizers. Anyway, they are vanishing. And the sound, now, is getting smaller. However, sometimes, they made a rough threatening sound. When they really got up set, they did it.

Miyuki disliked the sound, and hated their rough way. Impolite, and they couldn't know the difference between consumers and clerks.

Miyuki wrote lots of goddamnit words only TANABATA or 七夕's TANZAKU or 短冊 or message cards. She wrote, as usual, "Vanish! DDMs!" "You are ugly stupid Alzheimer satans! Vanish immediately!" "You shall die! You, ugly bitch satans!" like superb words.
In the middle of the enemy? All got thrilled by her audacious attempt. She didn't feel the sensation at all. Anyway, it would be fine and pleasant for us all. Thus, as she did in other places, she put it on the SASA or 笹 Bamboo tree. Oh,SASAHARA, the faked prosecutor in MARUNOUCHI area!!!

She didn't know any basic legal jurisprudence, was Miyuki's knocking out words for her. Is she an apparell clerk of cheapish shop like URBAN or SHIMAMURA? Miyuki felt so. And the fact, the prosecutor without brain. Oh, Acepharos.

OMANKO service included type. She is lean like Miyuki, and not fashionable. And started to use, "ANTA" instead of "ANATA". It means she treadted Miyuki like as trash. Miyuki explained the situation, twice, because she obliged her to say so. She explained it in different way. And she used the example of German car, with iron used so fully.

Miyuki could remember how she felt? Yes, I remember, however, she was just hearing, doing anything. Secretary was always there, and she oblieged Miyuki to allow the use of recording. Thus, perfect would the proof of her insanity in mind be. Mindless. Stupid. Idiots. They appointed her, because she was the kin of some powerful guys. Connection only world. They sighed. Professor is the last one who should survive, was her dying message. Professor she wanted to be. Chiko Anicio show?

Miyuki, you are too too right to perceive her intellectual quality like that. A kind of Less than Zero. For her, recording means for her protection, and she modified the recording. Oh, another big crime done by public servant. Immediate execution.

Miyuki cut it, small P, and then cut the belly in vertical, and took the intestanes, and thraw them after shredding them, and finally, cut half of her neck by her acute knife, and semi connected head by squeezed by her own hands, and then cut all, then thraw into the ocean!!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (129)

2017-06-27 00:10:53 | 日記
NIRVANA...INFERNO, no. They said. They can't recognize the difference between them. The same. Be Nihil!!!

Thus, they both deciesed finally. Twins. They looked so similar. And both satanic smile holders. Thus, Miyuki's smile is so effective for both of them!!! They disliked to be laught at. However, in every where, they were laught at. Both. Today, they were invited to the party of some important figure in the rural village called SHIRAKAWA.

The others stopped their going, and they yelled, "You did it. Not we. You should be blamed. You, Clare!!"

Thus, Clare was crying with red nose? Miyuki encounterd with her coincidently, on the road, at 7:50, near the junior high. She was with her face with red nose. Crying? Miyuki thought. And say HI! to Clare.

And Clare got cheerful, and changed her facial expression and smiled. "May I take your picture?" Miyuki said. In case of necessity, I will provide you a proof, included. And Clare refused. Thus, Miyuki didn't ask any picture more. and Miyuki went toword to the house, and changed her mind and went to toward the junior high.

Yesterday, Miyuki found an advertisement in front of Junior High, saying, "This is KOMINES' parking lots. Enter!"

Oh, Bitches' House, Chuo Junior High is? KONINES is already Brodel. Medditerranian Sea.

And Today, in the morning, she couldn't find the advertisement. And in the afternoon, it appeared again. Both, Miyuki took the pictures.

For them, vehicles are bitches. Thus, to rape, in short. Miyuki got discharged from Kyorin Versity, and now you should feed your kids. Oh, I did promice to them both. Directly from me, I pay their living cost, until they are ready to be eaning money. Thus, they both are gaining money, from others. Compensation???

Miyuki didn't know the system at all. Satans return money bit a bit. All in a body!!!!
Satans dislike it. No choice for them. Delay? Intentionally? Thus, they should pay the damage caused by delay. Enhanced responsability of Impossibility of Accomplishing of promisse with us.

Damage, would cause another prolongment? No!! Of course. As we said before, vanishing, and we take the money as we like. This is the rule.

They should vanish. Strange summer black wearing stupid Alzheimer satans.

Since yesterday, many vans left their door open. What does it mean? They vanished in the middle of the disposing the laggage. Here and there, open door situation.

And Miyuki watched that they cut the head of their faked infant inside the cars. Recently, many kids were crying, as if they were afraid of being killed. After several minutes of crying, they become silent.

MIYUKI heard the scenes several times in HACHIOJI. Nasty, however, the fact. Sacrifice, probably, and the body would be eaten by satans.

Double meaning system was used by Satans. Or, Double Standard!!!
Miyuki was liked by others, including DDMic faked families...Vomitting!!!

And they wanted to cry for themselves. They hated Miyuki, also. And recently, just hatred. They can't put up with the sansation to kill Miyuki, and it was too too easy for them both. Just cook her, as she liked????

Miyuki would be their maid, forever, was their plan. Anyway, better than others. Thus, Miyuki said, "Admittion. Intentional. Slavery. Added punishment."

Miyuki really thought of they were the similar???? Yes. And they refused. Oh, Alzheimer, or Deceipt. Punishment, added.

Miyuki really thought of their attempt would not be put up with? Deeply. Added. Several attackings were included in the admissions.

Miyuki already knows that they are both black. Totalianism, they adopted. And they changed the role, each other, easily.

Yesterday, Miyuki heard a sound of turning page of the newspaper near her bed. Probably, on the corredor, the mother was reading it, Miyuki thought. However, when Miyuki opened the door, she was not there. and Miyuki went downstairs, and found that the mother was reading the news paper sitting on the TATAMI mat of the living room, with the face toward the kitchen on the first floor.

Oh, the mother changed the situation from the second floor to the first one? Replacement just by sound, and she at first producing the sound???

Miyuki's mother is disliked to be ignored by anyone. However, she should be ignored from the society. Even DDMic society, doing it in public was prohibitted. YUKARI is the leader of this movement. In public, she declared. I did it, since I was a kid. In the reclining chair, watching TV. So nice to do so.

She was cheerfully explaining her pleasure to others. And putted, as always, "Miyuki should know it. I will be the last of the movemnt. " Oh, was.

And she would kill herself. Do it!!!

And she did. Congratulations!!!!

And her mother followed her!!! Parabens para nos!!!

Plants Age is begining!!! Now, the ocean is near!!! Seven Seas are managed by us all!!! Pilate!!! One Piece! In the midsummer version!!! Summer Dress Miyuki!!!!

And Pilate Hat!!!! She bought to walk in the resort use, in her modeling job use, and in town use!!! Multi-player, and foldable. Too too wonderful, thus, Miyuki bit!!! Designer's name. M..Yamer like name. Short. I had a tag...Anyway, in Amusterdam. Near the central part, in a allay, filled with some "Oh, that's Amsterdam!" like plesure oriented area. In the nearest part from the center. Miyuki liked to use in the inclining mode. Big, thus, good to gain sunshade. And made of linen. Sax blue. Thus, both good for sportive use, and for fashionable model like use.

Too too creative. No one similar exists, was her catch copy. Various hats, here and there. On the wall, and in the box. Miyuki liked one, on the wall first. However, Almost all, Miyuki tried, and found finally, from the box, this one. Liked so much, and a bit expensive, she thought. However, she really wanted it. She could image the situation with the hat, and without it, she would lose the best matching scienes. Thus, she bit it. US$300. So costive, however, for her, forever use type. Thus, good gift for Miyuki, thus, she paied the value. And creative, she clapped for the pair. Only one, she met. However, heard the sound of machinery. Sowing machine. On the same place, they were producing the hat, Miyuki thought.

Miyuki gained a lot of presents from them both!!! Miyuki liked the caps and hats. And have many. However, hats are a kind of accessaries. Thus, many, Miyuki wants. Like piersings earings. Each patterns are needed to play the role. And they produced each patterns, and...oh, no man's land...Probably.

Miyuki thought good, in some places, and bad, in other places. Goods are this hat shops, pancake cafe, suvenior shops, meat eating restaurant, river side, bout tourism and so on.

Miyuki met several persons interesting at that time. For example, Miyuki was scolded by the captain by her watching outside on the roof attitude. "I will manage my safety. You are not my manager, in a certain meaning. As your profession, for minimum safety should be provided. However, I, as an individual, with my cost, got on the roof, to appreciate the beautiful scenery. Why this bout has roof? For climing up, no? Thus, Miyuki fought up to the limit. And then, she was forced to go down, and found a couple, Americans, lawyers, both, and their son was also lawyers. Miyuki started to talk on herself, and they, also. They don't say Miyuki's naughy manner at all. Any critisism at all.

For Miyuki, "This is the land of libatarism. Thus, they should leave me alone" Thought, at first, she started her naughy job. However, different. ????

And then, she watched spooky pleasure boat approaching. A big one, with a set of bar, especially wisky. Why? I am poor tourist. Why they approached me? Like the first scene of NOSFERATOU.

Slowly, the boat came, and tied the riverside, for a while, and then, the boat left from the place. As if, some transparent existance came to get on the riverside.

Miyuki felt spooky, and remembered her nightmares of "Dean OOKAWA with Plumly Female, both nakid, in a black sofa" and its counterpart, TAKAHARA version.

They didn't show their faces at all. Just the backs in case of males, while the shoulders, in case of female. The scenes of OPPABU, exactly. And Miyuki imaged that they did it in the boat, and someone filmed the scenes.

And Miyuki was just watching them. Why they were doing such a nasty sucking job? And beside them, there was a pole, and on the top, an infant was sitting, without any movement.

Shocking? Not at all. Strange habit, they have, Miyuki felt. And why they appeared in front of me? I prefer more beautiful guys, if I can choose.

They wanted to make a film for you????

They projected a film of Adult Pornography filmed by the versity profesors. Oh, the worst perticipants of this area. Anyway ungly, phisically.

Thus, they trapped KITADA, to say, "You are the star in our campus!" and she accepted the offer. And she played the role of MaDonna, in the film. And she provided mild for them both. Oh, OPPABU BABAA, she was, and the AV actors, they were.

Fot them three, anything OK, because they contracted already for it. Thus, they filmed it in the dean's room, and provided to the other staff, to induce them to participated into in.

Miyuki is really sleeply now.

See you, for us all!!! Watch they are vanishing. Any pooh alreay is now. Washing and purification would be fine. Quietter age start. Quiet, however, talkable. Communication varies, however, feels. It's important.

Flowers change their colours. Resembling colours they prefer. Why she doesn't wear red, some taboo? No. Just lack of the clothing. However, some, yes. I want to put on. However, now, cold, or hot?, It matters situation.

Satans coughs, and sneeze, and the worse, they spilt the saliva on the foods in the super markets. Transimission, they do. Germs are indifferent from their polders. Impolite and dirty. DDMs, you are so ugly and erotic addicted, Alzheimer satans, namely.

They contempted us all because of their own sins. They both liked to do it, and accused others because of doing it. mentally illed. They both, did it. For Miyuki, something the same existance did it. And the smell. Even in the bathroom, in the bath tub, they did it. Smelled so bad, and Miyuki chose to take the bath in the last. Thus, Miyuki suffered from lots from the smell. For western type bathing, OK. However, for Japanese style, too too nasty nd they didn't think of others at all. Only they both world, they adopted. Who is the provider of their food? They ate muck, thus they did autofagy, thus they didn't rely on others at all, they said. The residence? They provided??? Empty building system was used, they insisted????

They chose to live here, because it is easy to live. They should have other houses outside. They would provide probably for both of them. And they had several already, and lost already. They were easily losing the keyes, and returned to the main house, because it was open each time. They should be shut out from our society, they were OMANKO KUSAI, smelly as "Scent of Women" Robert De Nillo. Roberta, never more! Adachi!!!

ADACHI liked her so much, however, monopoly is not good. He should learn at first. Anyway TOHOHO plus a bit. Virnin not. However, TOHOHO, ADACHI. Lost virgin. Better than MIYUKI. Whole Virgin TOHOHO. Grain Oats, with hole...

Miyuki, you are right to chose Diana for him. Best hit for them both. Some guys who resemble to vulger society...Any Duke holder...You, Miyuki. ADACHI, would attack Miyuki. OK, with curiosity only try now OK????

ADACHI likes her way of being cool. Already he is accustomed to be her...Almost. And sometimes, he got betrayed by Miyuki's raid...Don't say so...Don't. OK, I don't at the matter. Just the difference of shape. Just it.

ADACHI liked her expression. Preference or not, not healthy problem. Nor, productive related. Just washing. It would be recomended. Don't say so much...

And Miyuki perceived that they were so arrogant to do so. Like "We are protected by some nice guys who could catch our attractive amusement's inducing powers"...???

Ugly in short, however, according to their ego-centric interpretation, not. Attractive, and they didn't know the pleasure. Thus, we teach them. Both. ????

Femi-Les leaders, they wanted to be. And they tried, and Miyuki hated them both. Sacred, however, they attacked. For them, family means "attackable" and "Easy to be contempted, because they don't attack us all, two"

Easy goers, they turned to be, and started to do it mood. They are incapable, and dependent. And now, femi-les leaders. Vanishing, already. Say NO! in loud to them???? NO, no, no. Nothing. Needless to say so.

Just ignorance is suitable. They don't exist more. Spooky atomosphare, here and there. Dying message was needless. They were satans, the fact was revealed. From the begining, inducing factors, naturally.

See you us all, rightous brothers!!! We could connect in every time, when we need. We should omni-esistance, in any meaning. Miyuki did her nagociating job between Japanese fox colour mink and black rabbit, in AMAMI island. And they understood that she replaced the war to competition. If you were rightous, you can manage the situaion. Manguse was brought from South Eastern countries. However, already residents. Thus, get along with them each other, and they both rightous, thus, competition festival would be ideal for them. Some ability challenge included. Miyuki's idea with big ball bringing game would be adopted. And the design was already chosen. Flag. Oh! I will make it. I tried to make flags, when I were in the pupil of the versity...

Anyway, see you next morning. Miyuki is always sleep. When she gets warm, already starts sleeping in the bench...

In the middle of the enemy, she was sleeping. Sleepy during day. Cafeine doesn't effect recently..

VANISH! DDMs!!! Stupid erotic Alzheimer satans!!!!

With BIG LOVE, from Wild 7. Something different happens, probably.

  何かありそうなワイルドセブン ♬♫

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (128)

2017-06-26 19:12:32 | 日記
26/06/2017 (Monday, morning) Miyuki was forced to get up early in the morning by her mother, at 5:00, and she started to her investigation at 6:30 morning. Already, satans started to produce the faked sound arround the block, including Shirakawa III primary school, and faked walkers, combined with monitoring job participants, started to appear.

However, they are too too slow. When Miyuki got to a convenience store near the sports park, the shop couldn't prepare any fried snack at all. Miyuki took the picture of the empty shelves of them, in the casher.

She went to the park, and found that already more than two groups were occupying the space. Earily morning occupation game, they are doing, probably. Only one day's boss in the facility, was this period's version.

This morning, Miyuki got to notice that the yellow can of two sissors vanished from the book shelves. This thieves stole the sissors Miyuki recognized. And remembered that even in Tokyo, residents were not mentally sane, and they stole so many times sissors. Probably, they are satans, who are afraid of being pointed to be fools, because there is a proverb, "馬鹿と鋏は使いよう”or, BAKA-TO-HASAMI-HA-TSUKAI-YOU, or "We can take advantage of fools and sissors." Thus, Alzheimer satans, in a slung.

In Shirakawa, in Miyuki's house, sometimes sissors were stolen. Satans are afraind of being revealed that they suffered from Alzheimer disease. Thus, they stole them, to avoid to be called "idiots".

Stealing jobs are called Pick disease, and it is a main character of Alzheimer disease. Sissors thieves, satans are. They are also afraid of being cut it. Cut P, Cut the head, and Cut the belly.

Beat it, would be replace with these three cuts. Michael would adore to dance the perfect version!!!

Convenience, is the priority, said Miyuki's ex-colleage NISHI, clarely. Miyuki deeply sighs, that our civilazaion is totally failure, because of it. Miyuki also, in a certain meaning, believes that convenience was not so bad. However, who persued for convenience, failed and turned to be a follower of inconvenience. Any beauty existes in this so called civilization. Because of convenience, the human figures, including human beings, deligated the management of the planet in the hand of the satans, and in the end, satanic idiocracy we gained.

In the last stage of the so called civilization, the reason of the satans were revealed. Just devastation of the planet, just because of their jealousy. "I dislike Miyuki, thus I destroy the planet." was YUKARI and her mother's dying message. We have already thought of it, without your dying message. Unnecessarily, woult be put.

We, human beings' products, are so ugly. Miyuki sighed deeply. She thought honestly, looking the vehicles, roads, and the houses. Thus, we should pay the debt to other species, who have been put up with the nasty, ugly, dirty situation, which we have produced up to now. Our choice.

MIYUKI believed that Civilization would save the planet. According to her opinion at that time, among the scientific knowledge, there were demerits and merits. And the latter could cure the false results, which were caused by the former. Too too primitive, however, Miyuki believed, and acted like that, as a kind of scholar, in social sciences.

Miyuki got to realized that she made big big mistakes so much, without knowing it were so big. And now, the result. Plants Era, came. However, even now, satans are here and there, despite of our total efforts. Miyuki should know the reason of their arrival. They were invited by human being's convenience oriented value.

Quick, and easy. Sometimes it was a killer frase for human beings, including Miyuki. Miyuki enjoyed to eat RAMEN, despite of their non delicious taste. "Anyway, easy and quick", and the residue. Miyuki intentionally now behaves like a naughty boy like. However, almost all of them were made of fosseles. Miyuki liked fosseles, because they are jewels, for Miyuki. Miyuki liked mosquito included fosseles, called KOHAKU or brown dew like jewels. Coals were made of plants body. Precious values. Thus, flamable. Thus, asfart would flamable, Miyuki presumed, and she imaged to petica or Franklin Stove to fuel with asfart in winter. Probably, a bit nasty smell would produce, however, in open air space, human beings would put up with the smell, and could cook with them.

Miyuki, you are so so primitive to think so...and asfart would be used for flamable!! Oh, OK? Oh, a kind of ansestors of the plants!!!!

Better than plastic bags. It's difficult to return to the natural situaion. However, eaters appeared. Oh! YUKARI liked eat plastic bags, because of the sweet smells. Oh, Sweet dreams, Eurhysmix!!! An-ta-ha-erai!!! An-ta-ga-taisho!!1 You are great, Miyuki!!! Your imagination would be superior to Chinkoro's.. Oh, thank you, Chinkoro!!!!

Chinkoro thought that Miyuki would refuse his proposal to do it with two german shepards. Why? For Miyuki, Chinkoro did pledge for Miyuki???? To protect from germ??? Thus, with prevention. Sufficient.

Chinkoro liked Miyuki's quick response. No worry, this guy has. Human beings should be worrying many things, Chinkoro thought, and failed. Anyway, for her, only doing it is her intention, on this matter. Thus, CHINKORO did another pledge. MIYUKI is the gentleman!!! Oh, thank you!!! And lady, sometimes. Oh...thanks...anyway.

Miyuki, you thought that you are a kind of NEMESIS, the angel of revenge, in the shape of laughing skelton.
And remembered that in HASEGAWA Hospital, when she was put into the room no.421, the neigbour, who was in the extreme custody, yelled, "Staff, help! Skelton attacks me!!! Skelton, I am afraid of!!! Skelton is here!!! Help me!!! Give me medicine!!! Anyway, give me medicine!!" in a loud voice, when she awoke. Miyuki thought that she were really mentally illed, and wanted to escape from the nightmare.

And now, probably not, Miyuki thought. Mad Dog, she was. And she tranmitted her disease to all DDMs, or namely satans. Thus, they, as totalitarians, got afraid of Miyuki's "Nightmare before X'mas" like Skelton with smiling appearance.

Also today, satans soon came to attack Miyuki. From 6:30 in the morning, when Miyuki started to get out, their chasing game started. And several groups came to attack her, so easily. Many foreigners included, today.

She started to eat long butter roll called Coupe Bread in Japanese, KOPPE-PAN, with egg based sauce in the kids park. Soon, they came to the park, like bees come to the blooming flowers. Why the skelton calls attention of them?, Miyuki got in wonder, eating the bread.

No eating place at all, thus, she ate in public. And she observed that some guy observed her intentionally. And he started to do exercise of flaxibility of legs, 50 meters distant from her. He came by a silver van, and soon after, popped out, and imitated Miyuki.

For her, kinky, messy plump guy started strange movement imitating her movement. For them, Miyuki doesn't exist. However, they do, imitating Miyuki????

They thought that Miyuki is transparent. Oh, vanishing, they are. Thus, they thought the object as transparent.

Miyuki remembered that her pupils said, "They mistake object with subject." This is the fenomenum. Oh, on vanishing, they refered to!!! For Miyuki, accusation only, it would be applied. Not at all. For them, all of Miyuki's movement would be fine to accuse, and all of their wrongdoings should be purified by the supposed her sacrifice. No, no, no sacrifice, any more. Elton John.

Miyuki liked "Sacrifice" by him. Beautiful melody, she thought. And the mean was, "I was betrayed by this guy. I don't want to suffer any more!" like us all.

For YUKARI's ego-centric understanding, Miyuki should be sacrificed anyway. Admittion of assasin. The end.

YUKARI always wanted to kill Miyuki. Probably, considering the situation, now. And her mother also. The same.

Miyuki is so cool to their vanishing. They are just Alzheimer satans. And they want to be NERVANA. Oh, nothing! Ideal!!! Go to INFERNO!!!

Miyuki, you are so so cool to think so. Alex and Clare, would like to be so. However, couldn't. Oh???? Miyuki should laugh at her chiken saute??? Burnt???

Miyuki smelled ready made humbergs, in the main house, when she came back from outside. And thought, "Messy, however, better than the foods cooked by them. Ready made or frozen foods were more safer, anyway." And the result...chicken burgs, as always, in the sauce of mini-burgs. Too too costive, and time loss, at the same time dangerous. And YUKARI declared, "This is your last dinner. We don't provide any food for you, two!! " VIVA!

Miyuki yelled!!! And they, two thought, "It would be better to eat chicken burgs to cook by themselves"????

Miyuki didn't understand their system. The last dinner means "we will kill you today" thus, they should be killed today. Object and subject would be replaced. The end.

Miyuki, you are so so right, that she is cool beauty!!! With total smiling!!!! Why she is so smily when she was in the road? Because she wants to realize her dream. Work for us all, more, with rightous Fauna & Flora. Of course, our supporters, included. Replacing the dirty houses were our duty, at least.

Asfart problem is already solved. Not so hard, Miyuki did know well. And cement would be melt by acid. Normal? Abnormal. Danger would be avoidable??? A kind of. Sour rain caused the rotten the skelton. Skelton was ironcast, not??? A kind of. Iron was eaten by the shabby copper like oxgen oriented chemical material. Now, the repair is needed. However, they didn't want to replace the iron by plastic????

Iron should be replaced by plastic, their religious leader ordered. And they did it. And now, they were odered again. Oh, irons, sissors are. Thus, they both thought precious, and offered to their religious group. And they required more and more. And they didn't attend to them any more.

Veranda's iron guerd rail was in danger, Miyuki did know well. Easy to fail. Thus, they contracted to their team. And they were both caught. This time, they can't cansel the contract. They should know the limit. They contracted, and the family canceled, and then, they contracted, and the family canceled. Chasing games. They were stop using telephone now. Too too dangerous for us all. Always claiming, claiming, when they both thought of. And the faked police came to chase Miyuki, agreeing their claiming.

Always chased by the police, because they ordered, and the police, faked one, recorded it, and started to chase. And the faked police were all of them, the faked residents. Thus, so much money was used. Stupid, All Alzheimer Shirakawa Residents army.

They came here to play the stupidest role at the cost of their precious life. Oh, I am the real Irine "Cara" of East, or AZUMA. Sayumi? Or, OZUMA? Black beauty lovers!!!

SAYUMI liked black music, and Roberta Flack and Earth Window and Fire, she taught Miyuki. Miyuki borrowed her cassete tape of Roberta, and vanished...Where is Roberta???? And said to Sayumi, "I lost it. Sorry. How I should do?" And her reply, "OK, anyway." Thus, Miyuki did nothing....SAYUMI, now, I will invite you to our dinner!

Her way is out of imagination. She said OK, thus, for Miyuki, OK, thanks, I thought I should have paid for it, however, I am free from the burden.

For her, SAYUMI's upset, it was too too right. Miyuki is too too light hearted. Anyway, a kind of stupid boy type... Usually, people feel pain in this situation. Miyuki felt, however, after hearing SAYUMI's word, felt lighter.

MIYUKI is different from others...You, Miyuki, didn't know how to perceive the situation. They want to kill you, tomorrow morning. How? I would sleep well. And? VANISH! Right now!!! We are in danger. VANISH! SATANS!! ALL, in a body, immdiately, entirely, eternally, at once. NOW!!! I said NOW, not tomorrow. Too late, too late, too late to do so. Def Lepard.

Miyuki liked Def, and tried to fake to be deaf, and they got upset. Just a plastic package. Why they come so upset with me? I am a consumer, and they were clerks. Always, they forced to say "yes" to use the plastic package. Thus, innecessary to ask for us. Automatically, already, no choice for us.

Always, they threatened to reply to the question, "Do you want to have a plastic package or not?" And Miyuki always doesn't say anything. She keeps silent at this point. Then, they get in fury, without any exception. Too too strange. They expected, "Thank you" word, from us all. Strange.

No, thank! Miyuki yelled, flying away from GYOMU-Super, yesterday. Becuase the female clerk used the sly way, when she perceived that Miyuki were a kind of dumb. "Your total is US$3.5", she declared, and Miyuki said, "Check the price of this white aspalagus's can." And she should Miyuki the price appeared on the cashing calculator. "US$2.5", it said. Miyuki tried to buy it, becuase it costed US$1.5, thus she got in fury. They trapped. The faked manager would be put the erroneous tag on the shelf. His error, not mine. Left the supermarket, asying, above.

"Ooops, I am too too polite to say thanks to the enemy. Anyway, NO THANKS. Good grief."

Miyuki thought like that. and they got in fury, more and more. In SHIRAKAWA, they required politeness to consumers, and they, clerks were so arrogant. Why? Because they didn't recognize the difference between duty and right. Out of mind type existance, Alzheimer satans are.

Thus, they should vanish right now!!! No sound anyway. They can't communicate each other, anyway. Thus, they are isolated. Satans go afraid of being alone. Thus, leaving me alone, is their killer word. Oh, my dearly, Princess DIANA!

ADACHI and Roberta split. It happened, Miyuki consoled ADACHI. And ADACHI refused her kind consolation, saying, "I don't want to be consoled by Virgin TOHOHO, you, Miyuki." Miyuki is the reason of their separation.
ADACHI started to monoplize her. Thus, they sprit. Miyuki just said, "In two weeks, at max, you two would get tired of the staying in Nervana!" And Roberta got tired. Monotonous. Yawning....Haruhi SUZUMIYA...

ADACHI left alone. Thus, kind and quick Miyuki adviced Princess DIANA for him. Anyway, try!!! Robust, manish body holder. Not so princess like. Probably Duke's family. Look! Her younger brother looks like Duran Duran's vocalist. More lower middle class's fisiolonomy holders, they are. You would like them both. Try, anyway, Diana!!! Sing the song of Paul Young.

"They call you are older than I, I don't care even though. Oh, my dearing, Diana!" in the vulgar boy mode.

Neal Sedaca. Sorry. For me, anyway, oldies in 1950s.

He tried. Oh, good!! And she...refused. After Roberta???? Before, OK. After, NO THANKS...Both???

ADACHI, you should put up with this grotesque "I want to do it" cheerfully world. Miyuki's superb to pursue for her own happiness on this field. Too too hardles. However, exist, probably, we all hope...

For satans, only two world exists. Pair world. and then, only one. Insurance or not, now, indifferent. Anyway, I hate you, was their catch copy.

They really dislike Miyuki, they both. VANISH! Immediately!!!! The earlier, the better. Thus, vanishing. good. You should have vanished already, both, YUKARI and HARUMI.

Satans replaced them, Miyuki thought. However, genuinely they were satans. Just turned to muck. Just Alzheimer patients, they were, Miyuki thought. However, her anti-hygine situation and inclination of sexual oppressed desire meant satans. Unkind, in short. Attaking others, as soon as possible, when they recognize some slight error in our whole life. Satans, they were really.

They ate muck, however, we left them as they liked. However, they accused us, because of not stopping it. Suicide should be stopped by others, was their theory. Do it!!! Satans!!! Suicide paradice!!! Mass Disturvance. Mass Devastation. Musturbation!!!!

They did as they liked, and Miyuki perceived it. And wrote it on her blog. And they both decided to kill Miyuki???

Now? Already so many times, they did so. And now, they deciesed...Vanishing...Anyway, took medicine. And in the situation of being anihilated...NIRVANA.

Nihil, Nihiliated should be fine to express. Nothing. No place for losers, 'cos we are the champions, in the end!!!! Oh, I found an alternative! I will advice you. Find a good place, you should adore. INFERNO!!! HA-HA-HA-HARMAN!!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (127)

2017-06-25 19:19:21 | 日記
25/06/2017 (Sunday, evening)

first, see the news:

mail providing company, Google, as natural cause, did and does peep all the emails of the clients. The company thought that peeping is allowed socially, especially in case of business use. Alzheimer satanic company no.1, actually!!!

They admit this categorization, with their own robust pride. No shame fot satans. They can't recognize the difference between wrong and rightousness. Satanic character. Thus they eanrned a lot.
In Inferno, only money works, in Japanese famous proverb says so. Miyukis version is, "Infernal Satans work for Greediness." or 地獄の沙汰も金次第 or JUGOKU-NO-SATA-MO-KANE-SHIDAI.

SATANs mistook that SATOW family were their kins. Deep sighs. Miyuki explained, "At least, I am a kind of devils, not Satan, at all. A Demonion, a cute little devil, not satan, at all. Yes, I am sadist, like Satans, however, my sadism only works against satans, not for us, at all!!! You, satans, are sadists, yes. And you should continue to do your satanic sadistic work only among you, satans!!! Thus, you can torture you, yourselves, and kind dr.Miyuki Satow, assists your sadistic work, because I need to gain my bread, at the same time, I should enjoy my life, including my sexual pleasure, thus, I accept the offer to be sadistic to you, satans. I am too too kind enough to you, satans, OK? I am superb existance, compared with you, OK? I am cute little dimonion, who accepted the mission of devastate you satans all, OK? I am so so kind even to you, satans, OK? Usually, dimonions don't communicate with you, satans, because dimons are so clever and quick. However, Miyuki should work for us all, because of her last category as a cute pretty dimonion, OK? Business, she is doing, not just a trifle hobby, like aroma-therapy, Hawaian dancing, or ORIGAMI, OK, old bugs!!! Miyuki the cute devil, should destroy you all, you, satans, OK? This is war, between rightousness and wrongness. And Dr.Miyuki SATOW, despite of her total inclination of failing in every ocasion, parcipated into the team of rightousness, and gained a lot of successes, you know, satans. She is not your kin, at all!!! You should know the fact. ENEMY, she is enemy. Not your friend, nor kin, OK, satans!!!!"

Miyuki yelled so many times, however, they chased her, even now. Deep sighs. Why they can't recognize the difference between enemy and friends???? Because they are all Alzheimer satans.... More deepler sighs, almost near pooh... OMANKO KUSAI!!! NAKAYOSHI! not at all!!!! We hate you, satans!!!!

NAKAYOSHI, was used in Tokyo Bay Detention, as the word of complement. What does it mean? Bianca, the 814 asked Miyuki. Probably, the name of the comic only for girls, or some "we love you, guys!" like remark, and Bianca said, "In phillipines, NAKA-YOSHI is just SEX!!!"
The same origin, probably. Getting along with means we have possibility to do it. NAKAYOSHI!!!!

NAKAYOSHI, Friends, Ribbon, Chiao. These lines of girly comic magazines were producers of DDMic life. They influenced lot on Japanese girls, in their earily age, and tried to teach them DDMic world.

Miyuki disliked the world, because always the dirtiest ugly bitch, short and plump, gains the most popular boy in the class.

DOJI DE NOROMANA KAME DESUGA. ドジでのろまな亀ですが。"I am a kind of erroneous turtle, slow in moving". Chiemi HORI.

Stewardess Story. Mieko YOSHIMURA liked to imitate the protagonists. She hated the HORI, because ugly bitch type.

Mieko is a cleverest guy in our grade, among Platinum Tribe, in 1981. She entered into Liberal Arts I, the best of this field. She is a kind of sadistic type. No for us all. Even slow Miyuki didn't suffer any torture from her.

Her target was the ugly bitch, who stole the richness from the rightous guys like us all. Mieko's mother died earlier than we calculated, and we all felt sorry, because she was a single mother's kid. She lost her father in her infancy, and her mother, only when she was in her late 20s, diceased. Too too unhappy...Not so unhealthy family. She turned to be an orphan, earlier than we all. Why, she????

She has a younger sister, and Mieko almost never told on her. She is a DDM??? She did it???

Miyuki's case is similar to hers. DDMis sister, younger type, Alzheimer like syphilis. Mad dog situation now. Anyone should be refraining from her. The same period, they, the younger sisters, YUKARI and Mieko's sister, suffered from the syphilis, probably. Late 1980s, and early 1990s.

Bubble era, yes. They smoked, marifana, and they did it, among the hallusion. Feeling good, they yelled, and they tried, and went superb. Doing it easily with others...

Ugly bitch type. No one expects anything to them type. However, they liked to do it, and because of their inferiority complex, they didn't do it. Thus, with the assistance of marifana, they could do it.

For Miyuki's astonishing, this morning, at 5:00, Miyuki's mother started to move in the mechanical mode, like a russeling job. Oh, she is doing it, despite of her 78 years old??? Miyuki felt strange. And she stopped after 15 minutes, and got up, and went downstairs.

Miyuki was listing to the supposed conversation between YUKARI and her mother. However, no conversation at all. YUKARI was not in the kitchen. And after 40 minutes, her mother went upstairs with her messy foods in a tray, and opened the window, despite of Miyuki's lying on the bed, at 6:30 in the morning. OK, I will get up, earlier than usuall. And I will inform that you did it, and got me up like this.

Probably, for her, punishing Miyuki means a kind of purification of her own sin like doing it. Thus, satans do sacrifice. They do wrong, and instead of them all, they punished us all. Victims are sacrifices, for their ritual of purification. Thus, cleaning job, they prefered after their punishable behaviours.

Cleaning the kitchen means I did pea here. For them, the kitchen is toilet now. Thus, they pushed away Miyuki from the kitchen. Only between them both, it worked. Thus, we need to purify the kitchen all. Your job, OK? They replaced the kitchen as their toilet. Thus, they targetted Miyuki to eat in the kitchen.

Today, Miyuki was too too slow to move, because her feets had some wounded spots. Oydepus, Miyuki made a fool of herself. He liked to resolve the riddles, like us all. Miyuki's another strongpoint is, she can't give up until she resolves the riddle. Thus, she found a lot of hypotheses, and gained a lot of prize. Even Alex started to respect Miyuki. A kinky guy, always walking arround the rural village called Shirakawa, taking the pictures, so many times.

Alex asked Miyuki, "What are you doing everyday?" Miyuki responded, in short. "Job". Alex asked, "What is your job?" Miyuki's reply was, "Law related job." Alex asked, "You sifted from your previous one?" Miyuki's reply was, "I had already did this job. Now, I enhanced the territory. Not changedd." And Alex recognized that Miyuki never changes. Always the same attitude to him. Didn't say any concrete profession or place to work. Alex asked, "Where are you working", and Miyuki kept silence. Miyuki felt that it were similar to her mother's peeping curiosity. Thus refused to reply it. And he said, "You were seen near our school, when you were taking pictures beside the bus stop." Thus, his mates do who is Miyuki, and how she wears. Miyuki is famous among them, probably.

What is your mother's job?, Probably Alex was asked by his mates. And he will be obliged to respond. Thus, now, he can respond like that, "Some law related job. She is a kind of researcher in the field of fundamental rights. She always does the same job. She needs to work anyway." Thus, Miyuki would gain a big success. Honesty. Even to enemy. No lie at all. In case of her suspition of unreliability, she kept silent. Just it. Enough. Alex was afraid to be said, "Not your matter, stupid!!!"

Miyuki is always cool, and even to her family, she keeps her own secret. She is working anyway. And gains some money, sufficient to sustain her. In case of necessity, they ask her some money. Depends of the necessity. Objective necessity. Your salary is how much???

Alex should confess that he gained so so bit. Just a messy unnurtrishous foods, as feeding. They treated like that, "We paid a lot for you two, thus, you should pay now at once. And you have a rich mother, thus, she should pay for us two all."

Ignore the declaration of these kinky Alzheimer old bitches. They are incapables. No effective legal act they can do now. Just ignore. Nasty, however, ignorance at all. Or, they try to attack you both, arrogantly. Alzheimer bitches. Your grand mother did it early in the morning. With 78 years old. And started to torture Miyuki. Too too early for her to get up, because she went to bed so late last night.

Thus, she needed to take a rest in every place in the village, and finally, in front of RISAIAN, in NAKAMACHI area, sat on a bench, and, without knowing, started to sleep a bit. Sleeping outside with a bag with a wallet is so dangerous, yes. However, what should I do? No place to sleep well. Just confirming her mother's doing it, Miyuki was forced to sleep in her mother's chamber????

For her, YUKARI forgot that now she were playing the role of her mother. They are replaceable, thus, only one would survive, they declared, and they did combination. And this morning, YUKARI appeared in her mother's chamber, and YUKARI is always in mood of doing it, and started to do it, and found that she made a big mistake. With her mother's skin bag, in her chamber, she did it, and Miyuki recognized it. Miyuki put her hands from the bed clothings, and showed that Miyuki was awake already.

YUKARI stopped anyway doing it, and in a confusion, went downstairs, and made her own mishmash foods. Today, the smell of breakfast was different. Always, white rice, a fermented soybeans, and a cup of green tea. And her mother ate with some sticky nasty sound, with her big teeth like a horse. クちゃくちゃくちゃ. Kucha-Kucha-Kucha.

Miyuki disliked the sound. Alzheimer sound, Miyuki thought. And disliked the figure who produced the sound.

This morning, the guy in her mother's skin bag, made some dirty smell and diry different sound. Dirty smell was like some stewed soybean sauce type. And the sound, more crispy one. Anyway, dirty.

And the guy opened the door. Usually, only after 8:00 or Miyuki's rising up, she was accustomed to open. Today, as if Miyuki were not existing, this guy opened it, before 7:00. Unnusuall!!!

YUKARI's inner world and inclination combined with her mother's skin bag, actually. Thus, she is so harsh to others.

Miyuki bought Gooseberry yesterday, at the cost of US$1 per package, and made a soaked in salty water dish, to appereciate the taste when she had done when she was an infant.

In YAMAGATA-YA, a PAPA & MAMA store nearest her house, it was sold at US$0.2, however, the quantity was almost 5 times less. Thus, almost the same price of that age. In late 1960s. The same flavour. Just to cherish the mouth, and refreshment. TONCHAN also bought the package.

They remembered the way to take poisoneus chemical particles inside the green fruits. Just sork in a salty water.

For them both, YUKARI and her mother, green fruits mean suicide food????

Miyuki never would think of suicide at all! She wrote it to TAKAHARA or, namely, the boss of the satans at that time, so so clearly. Oh, TAKAHARA, you forgot it??? Oh, Alzheimer confirmed again. 1000% bravity! Hay-Say-Jump!

Miyuki sang this song called 100% full of bravity in front of her ex-pupils. Anyway, yell song, and the zone of the voice is convenient for her. And also in front of her ex-colleague of Kyorin Versity. and Shimpou, who was the day's presentator, made laugh of her, because she yelled during the song, "yeah, yeah!"

For Miyuki, without yell, the song didn't exist. However, for them, yelling is a kind of a trifle. Why they praised each other's singing ability, and only Miyuki was criticised by yelling???

Miyuki had not had any KARAOKE going habit at all. Before Alex liked KARAOKE, only 6 times in total, she had wented to KARAOKE. For others, too too common habit. "Anyway, I have no time to go there. " and she did know that in Japan, existed that the habit of KARAOKE for it own, or HITORI-KARAOKE, or 一人カラオケ.

Oh, figures sing lonely in the dark chamber? For Miyuki, KARAOKE is at least for two or more. Only one? I sing alone. Why I need to pay to do ony one KARAOKE???

Now, they put easily the medicine on any food of their family members. For them, killing all of the family is a kind of sacred mission. And for the others, nightmare.

Alex should fight against them both, even now. Sunday one only KARAOKE, was his favorite. And he loves to do it. As you like. Take care of your life and body and soul and money. They are preparing always to steal them all.

Sometimes, they vanished. yes. Today, Miyuki watched several guys vanished immediately. She turned arround and they were already transparent or namely, pooh.

They both are in the mode of sleeping forever. Prolonged so much. Persistence was their character. NATTO eating for it????

Oh, in the staff rooms in Kyorin versity in Hachioji, in case of Faculty of Foreign Language, EDO was the practitioner of this habit, while, in case of social sciences, ODA, the new professor in 2015.

He, ODA, graduated from faculty of technology of Tokyo Versity, and worked for Japan Bank, in the AKITA department, in AKITA prefecture, and in April, 2015, he came, and Dean OOKAWA positioned him as professor. The banker, in the third category turned into the professor, without passing any lecture nor associate professor's day, while Miyuki, after she got hired in 2003, after 12 years of struggle, she was positioned in the same, professor. Kyorin system of promoting staff. Cruelty 1000%.

Anyway, ODA and EDO, the two resemble name holeders, cooked NATTO, or fermented soybeans by way of microwave oven!!!!

Smelly, at the same time, NATTO loses its value. NATTO germ, positive one, would be killed after warming up. Scientist faculty bachelor's degree holder didn't know the fact??? His major was IT using bank trading system. Sound creator also. They put some extra on behalf of his gaining, like, tax collection, only a bit % of the total.

He is a kind of all stupid boy type. And he faked as if he were father of 5 kids. Oh, you are so fertile???, Miyuki got astonished when she heared the fact from the stupid kinky newcomer. Always done already type, she presumed.

No advantage at all. Go ahead. Miyuki would like to move from SHIRAKAWA. And they didn't know the fact. Thus, they thought that SHIRAKAWA were only one place that she would adore???

Just for mission, I am here. Our team mate would be fine to move from here. No man's land, and the residue of satans. Too too stupid.

Today, Miyuki found a vehicle, on which, a blue only diplomat long number plate was put, and on the blue plate, there was a normal white plate with different number!!! Double plates, with different categories. Big shot!!!!

And she found a lot of new discoveries in Plants' world. No male P counterpart flowers, changing coloring everyday' theme type colaboration art in ANEMONE field, mixture of thin leaf, turning to be more fat cactus type, and co-existance of several modified of shapes of leaves. Berry field was cut by someone.

Always, Miyuki was praising plants mode. Wow-Wow!!! Channel.

And she felt so noisy at route 289 area. However, after the long lines of vehicles, silence visited. Comparison was so big. No man's land's quiet sound, Miyuki prefered.

Miyuki was with her hands in a praying mode, like presentation of MTV by Miguel Falabella. "Goddamnit!" it means in case of Miyuki. She, to stop saying such dirty words, instead, she put her right and left hands together, and tried to find the beauty of the plants. Individual and collective. In both way, they are the real artists. Marvelous!!!

And Miyuki regretted that we human beings were so so arrogant as species. Miyuki was believer of modern civilization. Coolish, and she thought that this rational way of thinking would save the universe!!!!

Believed, and failed...How nasty and miserable, the cars, and the buildings, Is this the result of our civilazation? Too too messy. Miyuki got ashamed...We made a big mistake.

We, human beings, were trying to create a new model, as experiment, and ended up with IDIOCRASY by satans. This is the reality. Mission completed. Nasty, not at all. Just...TOHOHO...Our civilazaion is out of category. Just seded the planet into the hands of satans, the evilest and cruelist existance in the universe, just for showing up the last period. Most shameful way, they chose. And they commited the suicide now...

For them, nothing at all, everyday's monotonous days. however, only OMANKO conduct world, they lived. Exist? Exist. OMANKO only. Muck residents, called MONOLIS aliens.

Miyuki didn't recognize that they were always targetting Miyuki as their assasin. Miyuki remembered some of the disasters she suffered in her infant days.

When Miyuki was 5 years old, a needle stang her foot, and broke. Fatal, if the rest of the needle was absorbed into her body. She could take it by herself, and informed to her mother. "Oh, you could do it! Good grief!" And she put mercury included medicine, at that days, which was in common in Japan, and appologied a bit.

In the same period, Miyuki fell from the bycicle, when she were left on the chair for kids only type, on the road, in front of the shop, near NEMO-REI's grocery. Her mother stopped and got off from the bycicle and made an errand, leaving Miyuki on the chair on the bycicle. Miyuki lost balance, and the bycicle fell with her on the asfart road. Miyuki cried with tears, and her mother recognized, and got the bycicle arizen, and put Miyuki on the chair again, and she rode the bycicle, and came back home, and appologyed Miyuki a bit.

Always a bit. Not, "Oh, sorry, all my failure. I was so so happy that you escaped from the worst disaster!!!" with big hag and tears, anything at all. Always, "You are happy to escape from the disaster" type attitude.

And when she was in Funabashi, as she descrived before, she went to GUINZA, and almost lost in the department store, TAKASHIMAYA or MITSUKOSHI. After the accident, Miyuki was drawed her portrait by some comic illustrator on the higher floor. Thus, the portrait was with her crying face. Her mother decorated this portrait on the wall. Miyuki felt so contempted, that "This is not normal me. However, it costs so much, This, a phase of my life. A kind of proof of my infancy. Thus, I was obliged to put up with it. anyway, some my character revealed in the portrait." Messy Miyuki, in the portrait.

Alex and Clare were drawn the portraits, at the cost of US$5 per each, by a professional comic illustrator. And for Clare, a beautiful face, while for Alex, a plumpy face. For him, a contemptious. However, Miyuki didn't claim at all? Oh, plumpy!!! However, anyway, he has such an inclination. Not so so similar, my Alex is beautiful handsome guy, however, as a comic illustration, at this cost, acceptable.

Thus, Miyuki decorated the both on the wall. Cute clare, and plump boy Alex. The comic illustrator was male. Sometimes, almost spontaneously, it happens. Miyuki did know well the case.

She was taken her portrait photos in a professional photograher's shop, intruduced by her grand mother in Funabashi. the effect is superb, she believed. Everytime with this portrait, she gained a success. No failure at all. Male photographer, who took the photo of her grand father. Her grand mother said, "With this photographer, you would gain a better photo of portrait." Common price, the averege. Thus, Miyuki prefered being taken by him. Twice, she did, and he, the same photographer took both.

When the third time, she visited, he was not there. A younger alsmost 30 years old clerk took the picture, and Miyuki disliked them, all. however, she was obliged to buy them all. She paied, however, she pledged that she would never visit the shop again.

Photographer did know the technic, to show up a bit. Not so distant from the real. Just a kind of brightness was enough, and smiling. Angle, and so on. however, she, the lady, was almost amature. Why she could take the portrait for others????

It happened. Generally speaking, lack of professionalism, in case of Japanese female workers. Not skilful, and not diligent. And always claimed as if they were sleepy. Lack of sleeping, and lack of guts foods. And today, Miyuki ate Fried Chicken, at the cost of US$2. And shared with her team mates, carnivolos. Common type fried.

Miyuki said to them, "Harmless, OK, for us all. Blood dracura type, or disease transmitting type are not welcome. You are sometimes nasty for human beings, yes. However, sometimes, even for us, a kind of rival of the serious fighting. If you come with a lot of mates to attack our precious foods, it would cause disaster for us human beings. However, instead of these cases, if rightous, we can coexist each other. We eat the same type. Just it. Thus, within the limit, for us, OK.

However, your kin, wet worms, were the last one we put up with coexisting. They lived in the bathroom, unnecessarily, and increaced concealed in the sponge type soft one, including brush and so one. And their infant worms were so so nasty and dirty. Black, tiny, thin, and always with lots of the similar mates. Even now, Miyuki feels the sansation of when she found them. Nasty. her both arm skin gets thrilled. Instinctively she hates, it means.

Miyuki was so nasty for both Fauna & Flora, she understood. And even she, is allowed to live here. Thus, normal fries why not, she thought of. however, some too too nasty, and strange kinky fris exist. her haterid no.1 is the wet fries. No, no, no more!!!!

Atmic bombs for wet fries!!! Miyuki hates them all!!!

UJI, or infant worms, they are. Increaced easily, and chose to live in the bathroom. Peeping Tom like. Instinctive hatred means so so nasty and unchangeable.

She found some relativity between the number of nasty DDMs and that of the worms in the residence of Hachioji. And she disposed them as much as possible, to put into the trash. So many times, she tried. And finally, no wet worm world. Good relief...She disliked these worms, not fries at all.

Yes, nasty. however, not so instinctive. A kind of resemblance we have. And after death, they turn to be good foods of birdies. Miyuki doesn't want to eat now, anyway. however, some guys love to eat. Probably not so harmful, as we thought.

And she agreed to fight against in the serious fight. She already experienced 3 fries at the same time. Near the situation of Grimms tail of "7 in a body". Thus, she would try to be the hero of the tail, in the near future.

Just nasty would not cause the reason of devastate others. However, in case of collective attacking, she is obliged to attack them. Thus, not so peaceful with them. Truth, in generally speaking. And in case of attacking, they start to fight. This is the rule. Always messy situation in their chambers. Rotten food only, in their rooms.

They loved to use insecticide because of it. Manual way is the best. Miyuki fought against Cockroaches, and found that they were weakening, and Miyuki felt so nasty. Cockroach, next generation's candidate, was dying in HACHIOJI, at that time. yes, easy to kill, however, too too slow. Why you are so slow???

And they got rotten so easily. yesterday, the female clerk in Gyomu Super, was a common worker. However, today, when Miyuki came to the supermarcket, her target, a package of cherry was already ended up, and only big one package of super expensive same cherry was there on the shelves.

And she tried to buy white asparagas can, at the cost of US$1.5. However, the same clerk, in the cashing corner, declared that "It costs US$2.5." Oh, Auntie, you said US$1.5, thus I picked this can up to the casher. And, without cinfirming the price putted on the shelf, you declared like that.

And Miyuki now remembered that so called manager of the store was wondering near the shelves. Oh, they did team play! The female clerk declared US$2.5, and the male manager confirmed the value, and they claimed me because of my stupidity or big error.

Thus, Miyuki avoided the worst disaster. She didn't say anything, and left the shop, without saying. She wanted to buy a package of coconut sweet, however, changed her mind. This clerk and the shop, should not exist type. Now, it got confirmed. Better refraining from this evil wrongdoers. Ralf Neder, again. We are noticing your wrongdoings, you two, evil greedy satans!!!

Vanish! DDMs! Alzheimer erotic satans!!! You did it, and learned from the male type the technics, and you lost your strongpoint forever. You chose the wrong way. Bye for now, lady!!!

Flamboyant guy, who visits the supermarkets often. Thus, we should target him as soon as possible. Anyway, some kind of mentally illed situation, he is in. Thus, attack, all in a body!!! Watch his behaviour, and monitoring system would record his kinkiest figures!!!