

新首相フィリップ The New PM Philip

2010-08-25 18:43:40 | 日記

新しい首相が選出されました ウェスタン州出身のダニー・フィリップ氏で、ソロモンでは最も紳士的な部族といわれています

The new prime minister Danny Philip had been elected in the parliament.
He polled 26 votes ahead of his only one rival Steve Abana who polled 23.
The people in the Western province were generally told as most gentle tribe and the people in the Malaita province told as the most agressive tribe.
So that many people worried about some disturbance would happen by the Malaita saporters but, it seemed getting over by the effort of the Royal Solomon Island Police and RAMSI.
The election was only by the members of the Parliament, all public services and companies were off today.
I stood by at home all day. I didn't have a TV and radio so sometimes sat on th car seat and listened a radio news.
At 11 AM, just after the result announced, many hericopters were flying around over the city and it was a very noisy day.

首相選挙 The election of the PM

2010-08-24 07:33:17 | 日記

Tomorrow, the election of prime minister will be held at the parliament by the new members.
Until the dead line 20th, only two candidates were nominated, one was Danny Philip from the Western province and other one was Steve Abana from the Malaita province.
After the decision of the PM at the previous election 4 years ago, several disturbances occurred by the disappointed supporters and the China town had set on fire.
This time, the both camps the Heritage Hotel and the Pacific Casino Hotel are guarded by the police and RAMSI strictly.
Also the Japanese Embassy and JICA announced the alert to stop the unnecessary go out for these two days.
I’m not sure the relation with it, almost all meats disappeared from the shop of the Meat Lovers which is located at just the front of the Pacific Casino Hotel.
It will be worried if I will be able to cook the YAKITORI on the day of the party which will be held at the end of this week.

ヤキトリ Yakitori

2010-08-23 09:35:33 | 日記

I found the big long onion at the first time to see in this country and bought two bundles of them.
The purpose of it is to make Yakitori and the meat is already standing by in my refrigerator.
Only one problem is the skewers and I looked for them all over the town on Saturday but I couldn’t find.
However one of the JOCVs said that she had them with her and she gave them to me.
I got them on Sunday afternoon and took them to home soon.
Cutting the long onions and the meat for the proper size and stubbed with skewers.
Put some salt and pepper and put them into the oven.
After a while fat dropped down from the meat and becomes little burned color, it’s finish.
I tried one and so delicious and I brought about 10 of them to the JICA dormitory and provide them to several JOCVs.
Their reputation was pretty good and I decided to make more at the occasion of the party which will be held at the Japanese ambassador’s house at next Sunday.

I forgot to take a picture of after cooking because tooooo delicious.

ソロモンの家庭2 Solomon family 2

2010-08-22 18:07:57 | 日記
さらにはその家の主に金品をたかります たかられた主は同郷人の誼で断れずに小額ですが金品を渡します
そこで同じ言語を話すことが、同郷人の証でありこれをワントク(one talk)といいます

I described about the girls in Solomon family berore yesterday, but the boys are quite different.
Usually in the local province, the boys who are not the employee of company or public services stay at home and work mainly for heavy work such as the farming or house keeping.
However at the capital city Honiara, it is quite different.
Many boys come from the local province to look for the job, but to find job is not easy.
And they visit the success who came from same village and stay as an unwelcome resident but they don’t work at all.
Not only stay, they beg for money to the success. The host cannot refuse it and give small money to them.
There are about 300 kinds of languages in Solomon Island and they cannot communicate with other provinces.
To talk same language is the proof of the same villagers.
They say this “one talk” and it is not unusual living about 20 people together in a small house.
This is the reason of the occurrence of the Pijin English to talk with other provinces as the common language.
JICA recommends to the senior volunteer to employ the guard person to keep the security but sometimes several unwelcome people stay together in a small guard house of the inside of the gate.
Once they enter to the house, it is very difficult to reject them.
And it may be one of the reason of the high occurance rate of the crime in the capital city.
I don’t like this and I am making the good relationship with all neighborhoods instead of the guard person to keep security.

ソロモンの家族 Family in Solomon

2010-08-20 11:07:26 | 日記

In Solomon Islands, the average number of children in each family is 5 to 7.
Almost of all girls in the poor family will be kept at some richer relatives home as the house keeper and they call them “a house girl”.
My neighbor of the opposite house Nixon and Lindsy have no kids and they have three house girls.
Both Nixon and Lindsy are working out usually and they keep girls to give foods and daily expenses and they are working instead.
The oldest Yuni is 19 and her cousin Grace 14 and her sister Mincy 8 years respectively.
Mincy is still so young and she doesn’t work hard but other two are always working very hard.
Washing and cleaning seem as their main job but they are doing many other things of course without using the washing machine and the vacuum cleaner.
A few weeks ago when I invited Nixon and Lindsy to my house to watch the movie, I expected they will come together, but they didn’t come because there must be some discriminate.
After then Grace and Mincy are helping every Saturday morning for my garden cleaning.
However it is strictly prohibited to pay money to them and we agreed to provide some right foods and beverages instead of money.