

松坂UPDATE、Boston Globeの記事 - Chat 2

2006-11-22 13:27:43 | MLB
6. These days the Pacific League is superior to the Central League. Interleague play started last year. PL teams have won the majority of the games. PL has a DH, makes it harder to pitch.

7. Avoiding the temptation to try to blow his fastball by hitters in a tight situation... that could result in disaster. That's his weak point.

8. He said, before the posting began, that he wouldn't mind going to the Yankees, Red Sox, or the Mets. I don't think it matters that much to him. I think he understands what a great organization the Red Sox are.

9. The shuto is a fast cutter and sometimes it breaks down. The Americans used to say shooter back in the 20's.

10. Another $50 million over four years at the most. Boras would want him back on the market sooner rather than later.

11. Japanese hitters are harder to strike out than American hitters. They're very patient. They tend to go to 3-2 a lot. They don't have the power of Americans, generally speaking. There's nobody like Pujols or Howard in Japan.


