


2012-09-17 17:41:54 | 社会



Ospreys in Okinawa

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Tens of thousands of people rallied on Sunday in Okinawa to protest plans to deploy the MV-22 Osprey, the trouble-plagued tilt-rotor aircraft, at the United States Marine Corps base in the city of Ginowan. The Marines want to bring in 24 Ospreys to replace a fleet of Vietnam-era helicopters, but Okinawans, turning out in one of the largest anti-American protests in years, are bristling.

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The Osprey has a terrible reputation as a prime example of a hugely expensive, dubiously useful weapons systems. Okinawans don’t care about the misspent money. They worry that the plane is prone to crashing. To many residents, who have borne the heavy burden of the American military presence in Japan, deploying the Osprey on the island is rubbing salt into an old wound.

The first dozen Ospreys to reach Japan have been grounded while the Japanese government reviews the plane’s safety record. Marine officials insist that the Osprey’s notorious defects have been worked out and that it is safe and reliable. But, in April, an Osprey crashed in Morocco, killing two Marines. Another crashed in Florida in June. Though officials blame pilot error for the accidents, that has hardly eased local fears in densely crowded Okinawa, which has seen hundreds of crashes and emergency landings of military jets and helicopters since the 1950s, several of them fatal.

The anger on Sunday was not just about two dozen planes. It reflects frustration over islanders’ long-stymied efforts to get the Marines entirely out of Okinawa. Japan and the United States struck a deal in 2006 to close Futenma, move several thousand Marines off the island and shift others to a new base on Okinawa’s less-populated northeast coast. But many Okinawans saw this agreement as inadequate, and it went nowhere. A deal reached in April to move 9,000 Marines has also been stalled.

For too long, Okinawans have seen promises but no movement. The United States has an obligation to tread lightly in Okinawa and to listen to the concerns of the residents. It can start by putting the Ospreys someplace else.


2012-09-17 13:12:40 | 私の気持ち



 1. 同性の友達が少ない

 2. 会話のとき、相手からのスタートが多い

 3. 陰で悪口を言う  → 当たり前

 4. 彼氏欲しいアピールをする

 5. 芸能人などの「好きなタイプ」が多い






2012-09-17 07:31:14 | MLB




 2008年  9勝10敗  3.73  183.1回

 2009年  8勝 7敗  3.76  117.1回

 2010年 11勝13敗  3.39  196.1回

 2011年 13勝16敗  3.07  202.0回

 2012年 14勝10敗  3.26  201.2回

 5年間計 55勝56敗  3.41  900.2回



2012-09-17 07:14:49 | 社会




 37%  111票  石破

 21%   63票  安倍

 20%   60票  石原

  6%   18票  町村

  2%    6票  林

 14%   42票  その他

100%  300票  計


2012-09-17 07:04:11 | MLB




 47票   安倍 晋三    

 43票   石原 伸晃    

 33票   石破  茂    

 30票   町村 信孝    

 23票   林  芳正  

 23票   未定

199票   合計