Yacht TEMARI blog  ヨットてまりのブログ


天災、そして人災 Natural disaster and then human error...

2011-03-27 | 旅行











そうした活動を通じて、日本という国の存在、そこで必死に頑張っている日本人の姿を認識してもらえれば少しぐらい役に立てるかな? と考えています。

Whenever to see the teribble results of the earthquake and tsunami through media one after another, I realize that I can do nothing but only watch the TV screen amazingly.

Attacking my mind how human power is little agaist the natural strength since we only lived some thousands years while the earth grown up more than handreds million years.

Currently, we man has became arrogant and too confident to live in the earth and has scared the valuable nature.

 As resulted, we had hard attack by nature and the teribble crisis happened at Fukushima atomic power plant.

Who can say it is not a man-made disaster?

I have little guiltily to leave Japan for my cruising trip in such timing.

I have cosidered what we could do during our sailing trip for this catastrophe?

Finally I reach the conclusion that we can address what happened in Japan and what people are doing for the future to recover their life in the way of Japanese, to as many people as possible we will meet in various countries.

It should be nice if such activities will make many people to become familier with our home country Japan better than now.

今どきのヨット事情 Recent technology for cruising

2011-03-26 | 旅行








Is the ocean passage by sailing boat riskfull adventure?

I can say no.

Thanks to the latest technologies such as GPS, the long cruising is no more dangerous adventure.

In the past, we need to learn how to use sextant to know the boat position. And it is difficult to know the pin pointed position to use sextant on rolling boat.

However, we can easy to know the accurate position with less than 10m error by GPS displayed on the sea map in every minutes.

Not only navigation, we can easy to obtain the latest weather forcast anytime in any place by using satellite phone such as Inmalsat.

In addition, we could use lader system and auto pilot system to guarantee the easy and safty sailing.

Therefore, it is very easy for anybody to make it when they have foundamental sailing skills as well as the knowledge about weather.

Do you think an ocean passage is still riskfull adventure?

ヨットてまりの紹介 Introducing our boat TEMARI

2011-03-22 | 旅行


世界一周の旅に使用する船を紹介します。2001年製造・全長44フィートのALUBAT OVNI435というフランス製のヨットです。

この船は現在スペインのアルメリマルというマリーナにあり、我々の到着を待っています。44フィートというと、デカ!と思うかもしれませんが、欧米では平均的なサイズ。長距離航海を快適に過ごせる様々な装備があります。 船の詳細はTEMARIのHPを見てください。

てまり という名前について。


  1. 日本語の名前
  2. シンプルで外国人でも発音しやすく覚えやすい名前
  3. 主要な外国語で、卑猥な言葉や変な意味の言葉と混同されない名前
  4. 意味を聞かれた時説明しやすい名前

その結果つけた名前が てまり TEMARI です。



Let me introduce our boat named TEMARI
The boat was made in France byALUBAT in 2003  ALUBAT OVNI435 is specifically designed for ocean passage.
Currently she is at the port of Almerimar in Spain.

What "TEMARI" stanf for?

When we considered the name of our boat, we set the following criteria.

  1. The name is in Japanese
  2. Simple word that easy to pronunciate and remember for foreigners
  3. No negative meaning with the similar word in major languages
  4. Easy to explain the meaning.

Consequently, we decided to take TEMARI as the name of our boat.

What does TEMARI means?

TEMARI, hand ball in Japanese, used to be a popular toy among girls in Edo period in 18th Century. Hand wrapped by colorfull strings.

Because of the lovely outlook, Temari was not only the ball to play, but decorated specific occasion such as the Doll's Festival Day.



2011-03-22 | 旅行

はじめての海外長期滞在、はじめての長期間ヨットクルーズ、はじめての・・・・・・とすべてが初体験なのでチェックリストを頭に描きながら奮闘中。 かさばる物は3か月かかるという船便で既に発送済み。航空便で送るものを準備していて、インスタントラーメンを箱で買おうと思ったら、無い!今はあっても買うべきじゃないとあきらめました。電話の休止や郵便物の転送手続き、友人・親類への挨拶やお願い、ホームページの作成などなどやることがいっぱい。 肝心の船旅の準備、立ち寄り先の情報収集などは後回しになりそう。4月12日に予約してあるヨーロッパ行きの飛行機がちゃんと飛んでくれることを祈るばかり。 です。