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チェルシー、ニューカッスルに引き分け マンUとの勝ち点差縮まらず その3

Q: Jose, what a frustrating experience for you?

JM: nnn- I said fifty-fifty, suspension because within the game, but sometimes there was a target we had for a long long time to finish this period and go for the last three matches at home Manchester at home, in conditions of to be the champions in this moment, in the game between first and second, there are other three matches to be fair in everything, we're in good conditions, so I said fifty-fifty, happy because the target in condition after the double fixtures away, but at the same time, yes, the little frustration in relation to the result.

Q: Do you think the opportunity missed today?

JM: No, first of all, I cannot have more for my players, I think they are doing surely, amazing, I have no word to qualify, their contribution over the season. and today again, we played against the fresh team, the team with fresh legs, in motivation, is certain kind of aggressive (pressure?), and my team played with the game like they were having in West Ham, I think their play has been amazing, I cannot ask them more.
There was the chance. We missed to close the gap, yes, but at the same time, one game away at home, Man United game at home in the distance I told my players, Man United against Middlesbrough yesterday, today, we are very happy, we could keep the distance. it's not a drama. and facing the all the circumstances, I think we are brilliant, are difficult for us for new football rules, you have to face this new football rules, it's not easy.

Q: What are they new football rules?

JM: impossible penalty against for Man United, and is not possible penalty favour of Chelsea.

Q: What like? -- Do you believe it like what?

JM: like - how to say - I don't know how to say in English it's about the words you use in dramatic (grammatic), where the idea try to give the image or something, I cannot explain.
you know what happen this week means a lot. means a lot. one point yesterday, one point today.
I'm not saying we desereve that. I'm saying, over the ninety minutes Newcastle was a good team, they fought, they played well, they deserved the point clearly so I'm not saying that.
But we had a penalty.

Q: Which you are thinking, You mean Stephen Carr?

JM: Stephen Carr, it was clear penalty. You can speak the game about what you saw, but you cannot speak about the game we couldn't see. We couldn't see Chelsea winning in 10 minute. I think Newcastle deserved the result but the situation is not easy, and you know, I think I have a right to speak. I think nobody can punish me, because I said truth. I'm not saying the referee is not honest, I'm not saying nothing like that, to be fair, I see referee of Man United yesterday, fantastic -them-, I think they are great people, I have nothing to them. but yesterday was penalty and today it was penalty. If somebody want to punish me because of that, so they punish me, punish me. it means that the end of Democracy. and you go back to old times. Yesterday was penalty and today was penalty.

Q: Little -- coming up? What the liaison Ballack and Ricaldo Calvarho missed today?

JM: Calvarho I don't think he can play, Ballack in this moment he can't walk, let's see what is happening and Essien is the same.

Q: Can I just quick ask you about your positions as well for the last time, your board made a pretty clear statement last week saying that - that was the end of it you gonna be Chelsea manager next season, do you think is the end of it now?

JM: You know the heat end of it. I think If the board can't go into the media game, coming every day with another statesment. was Peter Canyon 2 days ago I'm not waiting for Mr. Tannenbaum tomorrow, need another Mr. -- tomorrow, and the end of it for me everything was clear if the media want more stories, it's up to media, I think in front of me honest people, when they meet and tell me, I'm Chelsea manager for next season, it's completely over. I want to stay and they want me to stay, --- with meeting face to face for me it's fair result.

* -- マンUミドルズブラ戦、後半90分。オシェイがゴール左前で決定的なパスをもらったイドンクを倒したプレー。

セリエAにも「ユーベびいき」というのがあったように、プレミアでの「マンUびいき」は仕方ないのかな? ロナウドがファウルをもらうのがうまい選手だと言うことは事実としてあるがそれも技術のうちと言ってしまえばね。


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チェルシー、ニューカッスルに引き分け マンUとの勝ち点差縮まらず その1

Newcastle 0-0 Chelsea

Sunday, 22 April 2007

Solano, Bramble, Taylor, Carr
Milner, Butt, Dyer, Emre
Sibierski (Carroll 78), Martins

Subs Not Used: Srnicek, N'Zogbia, Ramage, Babayaro.

Ferreira, Essien, Terry, Bridge
Wright-Phillips (Joe Cole 55), Makelele (Shevchenko 76), Lampard, Ballack (Mikel 18)
Drogba, Kalou

Subs Not Used: Cudicini, Boulahrouz.

Booked: Essien, Mikel, Lampard.

Jose: Another rule for United


Mourinho fumes at referee 'bias'



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チェルシー、ニューカッスルに引き分け マンUとの勝ち点差縮まらず その2

Q: Jose, there was a big opportunity missed today?

JM: NNN~~~ it depends a point of view. Our target for many many weeks was to finish these period, where now we have three matches at home and Man United has a match at home in three weeks. Our target was to finish this period with a situatuion where we could do it. and if you tell me ten weeks ago, three points in this moment after this double fixtures away home, and Man U double fixtures at home, I would be very happy with that but if you tell me this morning, no! this morning I want to finish one point. But the target that we archieved we are in conditions to fight for the Premiership, even against new football rules. One rule is not allowed penalties against Man United, and another rule is not allowed penalties favour in Chelsea.

Q: You can't believe it. your surely?

JM: I can't believe but you saw the same matches I saw in the last week. is a penalty, penalty not against Sheffield. is a penalty, not penalty against Middlesbrough, is not a penalty Stephen Carr hand ball in this game, so you are speaking about three Big dicisions, decision that can cost that can now directly rated with a point.
If you ask me Chelsea deserves to win this game? -I don't think so. I don't think so. I'm super proud of players and players efforts. What they were doing is amazing. I cannnot ask them more. But Newcastle was so fresher, they were always dangerous in counter attack, they defend well. They had some good performances in Bramble and Taylor in defence. I think they deserve to get the point. No doubts about it.
But we can speak about the game that we saw. All we can speak about the game, that could be if minutes ten Chelsea winning 1-0, so is something you have to face, you have to face great opponents, difficult teams, and new football rules.

Q: Manchester United title again now to lose is it?

JM: Sorry?

Q: You feel it, Manchester United is titled to lose?

JM: No, depends. it depends. What I'm feeling in this moment is they cannot lose, they cannot lose. Yesterday there's the penalty in the last minute. therefore they didn't lose. (舌打ち)So I don't know what can happen but-

Q: there's many decisions there surely course of the season surely they-
even each other--

JM: course of the season, yes, let's speak about it. Do you want to speak about it?

Q: I don't think go through wrong whole decisions this season.

JM: Do you think - if yesterday in last minute, that happened in Man United attacking box, do you think is the penalty against Middlesbrough? (燃えるような目でリポーターを凝視する)

Q: (絶句)


Q: if the owe you -you work with another moment, you were just behind Manchester United.


Q: Could I talk about another subject? if some statesment spoken for Chelsea, you are not gonna be sacked or not, for sueing another candidates, what your reaction?

JM: -- Happy reaction. I told many many times in the last few monthes that I very very much want to stay where the board speak to me and to extra, to the media, they tell me they want me to stay, not to leave and they want to finish with every speculation. I'm speaking with a people working with for almost three years, I believe what to say, they say happy with my contribution for the club, last three years, they want me to stay, and I very much want to stay, the story is over. we look forward our future together.

Q: What that be the end of speculation now?

JM: You know, I don't know the end of speculation, but for me, the end of it. and for the balls the end of it. I think the board cannot be every day in the media, saying, "Jose stay,Jose stay,Jose stay," I think I cannot do it again. because it looks silly, They did it once and is enough for me. I cannot be everyday saying "I want to stay, "I want to stay"I want to stay-- because is enough. We have a contract. The club want me to stay and I want to stay, for me is the end of it. The speculation is still in the press but it's up to media, for me, everything is clear and it's over.


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