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FA Cup

チェルシーFA杯決勝に進出 延長でバラックゴール その2

JM: Special feeling. I think the game was amazing. -is the kind of game where you finished the game you win, you are crazy happiness, but you have lots of thoughts to the opponents.
To Mark(Hughes), to the players, Blackburn players, Blackburn crowds, they gave us the game. They gave - it did not surprise me, I have to say that I was waiting for this but I think the game was -unbelievable. They fought like heroes like we did.
But football is like that normally the heroes is only the winners, and in fact we enjoyed the moment and they are sad. But I have very good feelings for them because the game was amazing, they were big part of the game, and to be fair also to the referee and other two officials, I think they also did very good for the game.


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