文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Japan's nuclear press is full of lies…This kind of story is not reported at all in Japan.

2024年06月22日 10時15分30秒 | 全般

The following is from a book of dialogue between Masayuki Takayama and Marn Emi Kawaguchi, published on 10/30/2016 under the title Japan, US, Germany - Which Country Will Survive 10 Years from Now?
It is a must-read not only for Japanese citizens but for people around the world.

The following is from p112: The future of the Japanese economy is bright, but ......

Japan's nuclear press is full of lies
TEPCO's coverage of the Fukushima nuclear accident was also strange. 
The media does not even say it was a nuclear reactor made by the American company G.E. (General Electric).
The tsunami caused the meltdown, but when we looked into the cause, we found that the auxiliary power supply was placed on the ocean side.
It would be a clear design error to go into trouble by cutting a high mountain low and putting the auxiliary power at the front.
That is product liability.
In other words, G.E. Corporation of America is responsible. 
Furthermore, I mentioned "40 years" earlier, but in the U.S., the usable life of a nuclear power plant is already "80 years.
Japan is making a big fuss over the fact that the Japanese government has allowed the use of nuclear power plants beyond 40 years, but in the U.S., 60 years has been allowed in the past, and now 80 years is the new limit.
This kind of story is not reported at all in Japan.
It is bizarre.
From the starting point, the nuclear power debate in Japan is wrong.
The argument is that nuclear power is not a natural energy source and is not good. 
Until about 2 billion years ago, the radioactive isotope "uranium 235" was more than 3%.
Due to natural decay, it is 0.7%, but Oklo contains only 0.2%, the same as spent fuel.
After scholars from various countries, including Japan, gathered to investigate, they found nuclear products and discovered this was a natural nuclear reactor.
It had produced 10O million kilowatts of energy for hundreds of thousands of years.
So, nuclear energy was also natural energy. 
Another strange thing is the logic that nuclear power is "bad" because it is a technology that the U.S. first used in the atomic bomb.
Recently, doctors in Fukushima published their research results.
They said that there is no difference in the incidence of thyroid cancer in children between Fukushima and other regions.
Humans and Drosophila should not be compared together.
The basis for this "nuclear power is dangerous" is the Drosophila experiment conducted in the U.S. by Herman J. Muller. 
Cells are sometimes activated by radiation, and even if deformed cells are formed, the cells themselves are aware of it and kill them by apoptosis.
Drosophila genetic cells, however, are primitive organisms that do not have an apoptotic system, so they are born with deformities, which are then inherited.
Muller, who conducted the research, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1946, the year after the atomic bombing. 
Muller was an American communist and a member of Oppenheimer's Manhattan Project.
By giving him the Nobel Prize, the U.S. emphasized the horror of the atomic bomb by planting the idea throughout the world that anything over one millisievert was dangerous.
It was strategic propaganda: "If you challenge the U.S., we will drop it on your country. If you do, your children will be born with deformities. 
The newspapers are now making a lot of noise about that threat.
Germany is similar in that it likes articles that scare people.
The Asahi Shimbun is also terrible.
They are always against nuclear power generation but only write things like, "We would like to encourage a shift to natural energy," without offering any counterproposals.
If they don't have a counterproposal, they should write that they don't have a counterproposal.
They select and choose the information that should be given to the public and only give out wrong information, saying that nuclear power is scary.
It's a con artist's trick.

This article continues.

2023/6/10 in Osaka
