文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I have never seen such blatant interference in internal affairs by the U.S.

2023年04月27日 00時03分52秒 | 全般

The following is from a tweet by kairagi that we just discovered.
Japanese people have not discriminated against minorities for a long time, so there is no need to bother with anti-discrimination laws.
In your home country of Tennessee, Nashville, a transgender person shot up an elementary school and killed a child. 
Shouldn't you be more concerned with your country's problems before interfering in Japan's internal affairs?


U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel
The Foreign Ministers of the G7 nations, the President of the Japanese Trade Union Confederation (RENGO), Tomoko Yoshino, and most Japanese people agree with me. That is, Japan needs an anti-discrimination law that protects the rights of LGBTQI+ people. We all agree. 

Kamiyu Takayasu.
I have never seen such blatant interference in internal affairs by the U.S.
The Japanese government should criticize Emanuel's blatant interference in its internal affairs.
The U.S.-Japan military alliance is paramount, but this act destroys the trust between the two countries.
And Inada's complicity in it is inexcusable.
The Japanese government should protest Emanuel!
What are conservative politicians doing?
