文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

This man is best suited to be a customer caller at an Aeon rather than a politician.

2023年11月03日 10時46分22秒 | 全般

The following is from Masayuki Takayama's book "America and China Lie Selfimportantly," published on 2/28/2015.
This paper also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.

Are the "anti-authority" voices of Japanese cultural figures targeting the wrong person?
Artur Rimbaud went his own way even after making a name for himself.
After a lover's quarrel with his mistress, Berlène, he went to Africa and became an arms dealer. 
But the Japanese who have made a name for themselves are different.
He is not just a celebrity. I want to be thought of as a more important cultural figure.
And for some reason, they think a cultured person is someone on the left. 
So, Hisashi Inoue, who wrote screenplays in a strip joint and made a name for himself with "Hyokkori Hyotanjima," suddenly became a guardian of the MacArthur Constitution, saying, "I am an anti-war cultural figure. 
Seiichi Morimura, too, was tired of being just a mystery writer, and one day, he jumped on the bandwagon of the Japanese Communist Party's "Satanic Satiation," hawking "How About the Left?
Unit 731 in Manchuria was conducting human experimentation on a par with the Nazis.
They say it is the truth. 
The U.S. said, "Japan is a brutal invading nation that deserves an atomic bomb," and they were eager to prove it.
But everywhere they looked, the Japanese were beautiful, and there was no looting, rape, or abuse of prisoners of war.
So they made up the Nanking Massacre, the Bataan Death March, and so on. 
If Unit 731 had done even the slightest thing wrong, the U.S. would have jumped for joy and made 30 times as much noise as they did in Nanking.
The Japanese Communists say, "Unit 731 gave us valuable data for the U.S. military, so we missed it. So, we let them off the hook."
Stupid idiot.
The U.S. had been conducting human experimentation involving several hundred U.S. citizens in Tuskegee, Alabama, where syphilis patients had been swimming for 40 years.
Clinton finally admitted it, apologized, and made reparations. 
In fact, in Guatemala, after WWII, it was discovered that they experimented on prisoners and mentally disabled girls by putting syphilis bacteria in their eyes to see how long they would die, and Obama apologized for that. 
The U.S. is a nation that experiments on human bodies.
Japan has no place in it.
Morimura did not know this, but he wanted to act cultured, so he took Kenji Miyamoto's advice. 
Unlike this kind of acting coy, leftist writer, there is also one who deals with leftist material with a calculated approach.
Toyoko Yamazaki, for example. 
For example, "The Sun That Never Sets," which was based on Japan Airlines.
Although Yamazaki runs away from the story, saying it is fiction, the main character, "Onchi," is Kantaro Ogura, the chairman of the Japan Airlines labor union.
He was a staunch Communist Party activist, and while a student at the University of Tokyo, he flew the Red Flag at Mitsukoshi. 
Leftist activists are popular.
Even Nishibe was popular.
Ogura was tall and handsome, so he was even more popular.
A female clerk at Mitsukoshi was intrigued by Ogura's agitation 160 people were seriously injured when they ran into a police squad.
Ogura concealed his history of such activities, infiltrated Japan Airlines, and became the chairman of the Japan Airlines Workers' Union. 
Roosevelt said, "Don't even let Japan have a clockwork airplane."
Shizumaro Matsuo forced GHQ, which even banned aerodynamics courses at universities, to approve "Japan Airlines for Japanese only.
What happened there is a topic for another article, but Matsuo intended to use JAL as the cornerstone of rebuilding Japan as an aviation powerhouse.
Therefore, he created the Air National Guard to secure prewar pilots or even sent them to the U.S. military to learn the know-how of air traffic control. 
Ogura, however, was different.
He tried to destroy Callow Japan Airlines, just as he tried to kill Mitsukoshi.
He manipulated a Japan Airlines stewardess to demonstrate in Ginza, just like the female clerk at Mitsukoshi.
Demands are six times the monthly salary, hiring a car to go to work, and two days off for menstruation.
Stockings should be provided free of charge. 
Ogura went on strike after the strike, flight cancellations continued, and JAL fell into deficit.
Matsuo stayed up all night, accompanying Ogura at these group meetings to emphasize the importance of Japan Airlines.
Amid several rounds of negotiations, Matsuo's daughter became seriously ill with leukemia.
When the negotiations were suspended, Ogura said, "Take advantage of" and played innocent, keeping Matsuo at the negotiating table until dawn every day.
The father could not make it to his daughter's deathbed. 
At this time, the union members learned for the first time the cruel nature of Ogura.
Ogura lost his place and left for overseas duty himself. 
Yamazaki concealed this fact and wrapped Ogura in lies to make him a hero. 
The novel ends with the Japan Airlines plane crash at Mount Osutaka.
The cause was Boeing's mismanagement.
If Matsuo's dream of rebuilding the Japanese airline industry had been fulfilled, it would never have happened.
Yamazaki made Ogura, who ruined it, into a hero.
Yamazaki made the shit taste like curry and fed it to innocent Japanese. 
She now portrays Nishiyama Takichi, a Mainichi Newspaper reporter, as "a newspaperman who fights against power" in "The Man of Destiny." 
It is also a lie.
He posed as a newspaper reporter, courted a female Foreign Ministry official, made love to her, and got the story. I am not saying there is anything wrong with that.
But if he was a reporter, why didn't he keep the source of the story secret?
He lied that she seduced him.
That alone does not qualify him as a reporter. 
A reporter is a reporter only when he writes a story.
But he didn't even write the story.
He took the story to the Socialist Party to sway the administration.
It is the work of a sōkaiya (corporate racketeer), not a reporter.
Yamazaki turned such vulgarity into a hero who stood up to power.
She thought that the power was the Liberal Democratic Party government. 
No, that is not true.
The real power that controls Japan is the U.S.
It continues to occupy Okinawa, saying it will not allow territorial expansion through war.
However, while the United States needs strategic bases, it does not need 1 million prefectural residents.
They still wish they had killed everyone when they landed on Okinawa.
So, they left the base as it was and only forced Japan to support the prefecture's people.
The Japanese people were happy to see the bases returned to Japan, but now they are still begging Japan for money to maintain the bases, saying that they should be grateful for the favor of the U.S. 
Tsuneo Watanabe of Yomiuri, whom Yamazaki portrayed as a schnorrer reporter, was in Washington then.
He says that the reversion of Okinawa involved textile negotiations, another aspect of U.S. greed. 
What is "standing up to power" without regard to the U.S., which has been deceiving and threatening Japan and plundering its wealth? 
What made me laugh was that Katsuya Okada, the thinking zero fooled by Yamazaki's lies, apologized to flagitious Nishiyama.
This man is best suited to be a customer caller at an Aeon rather than a politician.

2023/11/2 in Osaka
