文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Is not there anything Koreans can do besides anti-Japanese propaganda?

2017年08月06日 17時36分46秒 | 日記

In the meantime, when North Korea completely ignored the UN resolution and launched the rocket again, Trump muttered with Twitter, "That man has nothing else to do".

This phrase was utterly to hit the mark.

However, when the world has to be aware that not only North Korea, but South Korea, it is exactly the same is coming.

If you search the net for what kind of country is Korea, in one hour you will know the actual state of the totalitarian state itself.

Even if there are not a few examples of inconvenient facts being deleted from the net as a result of many people acting in large numbers with actions specific to the totalitarian state,

Since the total number of themselves grew up receiving totalitarian education of anti-Japanese education they acted in large numbers.

Why has Korea become a totalitarian state?

If you search papers related to Korea or the Korean Peninsula from my previous editorials, you will know perfectly.

He argued against Kim Il Sung for legitimacy, also forged the Korean Constitution (forging up to the history of Korea), began, anti-Japanese education is the cause.

It is making outrageous state now.

Since the following regimes are also totalitarian states, we continue the totalitarianism or Nazism like Promote hatred for other ethnic groups and other citizens to maintain our regime, it is making outrageous state now.

Change the Sea of Japan to the East Sea, South Korea mobilizes the totalitarians and uses the united nations and the United States as the main stage, calls and e-mail offenses are being applied to each country, August 4 The Sankei Shimbun reported.

As a result, in a survey of 195 countries, it reported that an unbelievable situation such as "Japan Sea" 58% was supported.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it was a Chinese vassal state since the history of the Korean Peninsula.

It is no exaggeration to say that it was an ancient society with the worst discrimination system in the history of human beings The Korean Peninsula, the United States considered that this was not a country and withdrew even the consulates.

Korean Peninsula was such a country.

At that time the international community had agreed that Japan would be best to annexation.

Until Japan annexation, Korea, which did not even have technology to make carts (making wheels)

At that time, for example, China could only accept treatments from bilateral and third countries from the West.

For example, Chinese was not allowed to ride a first-class vehicle.

However, only Japan was treated as the first country. Since it was annexed to Japan, Koreans were able to receive similar treatment as Japanese.

So it's not too much to say that Syngman Rhee could study abroad in the United States.

Since ancient times, it remained unchanged, remarkable governance continued being done, it is not exaggeration to say the only in the world Japan, one of the civilized countries of the world,

Japan, which was also an oceanic country since ancient times,

The world has long been written it on the Sea of Japan in the world map.

Until Japan was consolidated, it was not until the day that Japan was one of the poorest countries in the world until the Japan Sea, even the aspect as a country, had a question mark (the United States clearly said that this is not a state, the consulate was withdrawn) But,

As a fascist grew up in anti-Japanese education, they do not notice at all what raised by the Nazist, and they are repeating really truly disgusting work such as not being in the Sea of Japan all over the world, it should be written as Tokai.

"Is not there anything Koreans can do besides anti-Japanese propaganda?"

But the world, you are the same sin.

Your ignorance is listening to such totalitarians' words.

Your ignorance continues to allow abysmal evil and plausible lie as their nature.

Then you have made an instable and extremely dangerous world right now.

It is not anyone else. You made it by hand to abysmal evil and plausible lie.

For that reason, Yama is now hard fighting to produce tools to make you suffer from hardship of hell (because of the large number of you).
