文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

However, I could not get through to the German for some reason. 

2024年06月19日 16時09分24秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
It is a must-read not only for the people of Japan but also for people around the world.

Do Newspapers and Television Have a Future?
However, the Asahi Shimbun is a newspaper in the form of a medium, so it requires time and effort to read.
NHK is even worse.
As a TV medium, it has more power to penetrate the public than newspapers, as information can be obtained just by watching it. 
I once told a friend in Germany about NHK's management committee.
The same committee brought in Naoki Hyakuta and others to make the news more neutral after Prime Minister Abe became prime minister.
However, I could not get through to the German for some reason. 
When I think about it, it is a given that "state-run broadcasters" in any country tend to be biased toward the government.
In other words, the Germans did not understand what I was saying because they did not expect a state-run broadcaster to report anti-government news, as in Japan. 
Even today's German state-run broadcasters may appear critical and neutral, but they still have the government or the more significant national interest in mind.
That is the nature of state-run broadcasting.
Only Japan is different.
NHK's management committee, up to now, has been a mere decoration. 
Related to this, Mr. Katsuto Momii is now the chairman of NHK, and there was significant resistance to him. 
The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) is always cited when discussing state-run broadcasting in Japan.
NHK has consistently maintained the stance that "anti-Japanese sentiment is right," saying things like "The BBC is complaining to the government."
It is the kind of situation that seems to suggest that reporting on the false Emperor trial by comfort women is proper journalism.
After all, after Shintaro Ryu retired and after the 70-year Security Treaty, I think the major mass media in Japan are now completely out of control.
The nuclear power plant issue is another case where I often wonder, "What is that? 
Germany's "20-year feed-in tariff (FIT) for renewable electricity," which Japan imitated, Germany revised drastically in 2014.
But they don't report that.
There is a lot of information available, but Japanese newspapers and TV stations go out of their way to pick out stories that should be ignored.
It is unforgivable.
The newspapers and TV should be giving out more information, but instead, they give out worthless stories that suit their own "anti-Japanese" agenda.



