文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Patriotic book criticizing Korea, which is a 'Country of lies'

2019年11月15日 18時09分29秒 | 全般

The following is a column from Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai's serial column that in the last alongside Mr. Masayuki Takayama at the weekly Shincho released yesterday.
As I have mentioned many times, Ms. Sakurai is the national treasure that Saichō says.
It's no exaggeration to say that I didn't know her at all until August five years ago when I subscribed to the Asahi Shimbun.
I was not only at the level that I knew only her face but because of the Asahi Shimbun, the reader was given a ridiculous imprint that she was a right-sided person.
The reader is often read in the Asahi Shimbun because, for example, Kenzaburo Oe ... this is a real disappointment.
Patriotic book criticizing Korea, which is a 'Country of lies'
Yoshiko Sakurai
It objects Moon Jae-in South Korean President's Anti-Japan / pro-North Korea, and Socialist Route, and the people who stand up increase rapidly.
Lee Young-hoon, former professor of economics at Seoul National University, stands at the forefront of the line against Moon’s 'anti-Japan,' and his book 'Anti-Japanese Tribalism' (from now on 'Tribalism') is a best-seller.
The Japanese version of the book, which became the theoretical pillar of the anti-Moon Jae-in movement, will soon be available in bookstores, but I got it a little earlier and read it all at once.
Lee has always been involved in numbers and facts as an expert in economic history.
The facts derived from fieldwork have nothing to do with political bias.
Lee has been disseminating historical perceptions and information that are completely different from anti-Japanese distortions and fabrications that have been disseminated in Korea.
This led to tremendous accusations while being a respected professor at Seoul National University.
This time he is taking a firm stand on 'putting his life on the line.'
That is the publication of this book.
'Tribalism' is full of cool analysis and objective facts, but has a fierce expression like spitting fire that can't help giving a strong impact to Koreans.
For example, the prologue entitled 'Country of lies'.
The subtitles such as 'Lying people,' 'Lying politics,' 'Liar studies', and 'Lying trial' will shoot through the hearts of Koreans.
Later, 'anti-Japanese tribalism' appears as a word to express today's Korea.
'Korean liar culture is widely known internationally' 'The politics is giving liar's model.' 'Liar's learning has the biggest responsibility.' 'The liar culture of this country has finally ruled to justice.' After writing, Lee explains the anti-Japanese tribalism that has spoiled the spirit of the Koreans and induces Korea in the wrong way.
It becomes long but is an explanation as follows.
Shamanism, which is a characteristic of Korean society, is based on materialism and tribalism.
In the world of shamanism, Yangban is Yangban even when it dies, and Nobi is Nobi when it dies.
That's why people lie and scam to get Yangban status. Dirty money is allowed.
There is no truth or value to share in a world where everyone runs in materialism.
Anything is possible.
And one group rejects the other for the ultimate interest.
Those groups are by no means ethnic groups that share values, cultures, and emotions, but only tribes.
Politics based on tribe is tribalism.
Simply put, tribalism is a foolish spirituality born from an 'illusion' that is unrelated to the fact, reason, or rationality.
Don't trust, don't be affected.
It is a bad spirituality that should be a square refusal, and it is widespread in Korea.
This fierce criticism of his motherland Korea is a screaming conscience, love for his country, who has become a liar, and regretfulness that is close to despair.
As an example of his illusion and spinning his history, Lee took up a land survey project by the Governor's Office, one of the sources of Korean hatred of Japan.
This article continues.


