文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I have encountered and been victimized by criminal activity blocking searches in Bing.

2022年05月22日 08時43分57秒 | 全般

It is a chapter from 03/22/2018, titled "Intelligent Manipulation of Japan, which is dumbfounded by the Peace Constitution, etc., to divide public opinion in their favor and reduce national power," which I sent out on 03/22/2018.
I have encountered and been victimized by criminal activity blocking searches in Microsoft Search Bing.
If you do not know what the Moritomo issue is even after knowing this fact, you are equivalent to professing that you are so stupid that you do not even know what kind of countries China and the Korean peninsula are.
China is a one-party communist dictatorship where propaganda is everything.
Unlike Japan, it is no exaggeration to say that China spends daily in a propaganda struggle.
They are intelligent enough to manipulate Japan, which is still in a daze over its peace constitution, divide public opinion according to their wishes, reduce national power, and attack Japan.
It is a piece of cake in Japan, where the Asahi Shimbun and NHK monopolize the Japanese TV market.
It is sufficient to take control of the Asahi Shimbun and NHK.
Former President Hirooka of Asahi, who had Katsuichi Honda write a book about his trip to China, was invited by the Chinese government to stay in China for more than a month, skipping a shareholders' meeting.
It goes without saying what this means.
The Japanese branch of China's state-run broadcaster was in the NHK building.
In addition, in the postwar vacuum, NHK was infiltrated by many zainichi Koreans, including those affiliated with Chongryon.
When Itiro Furutachi was hosting the flagship news program of TV Asahi, a subsidiary of the Asahi Shimbun newspaper,
The man whom Furutachi proudly referred to on-screen as Mr. Ri Chi-seon, etc., was a Chongryon elite, a graduate of a Korean high school who studied and graduated from Peking University.
TV Asahi had such a person as deputy director of the foreign affairs department and assumed that "we are, you see, moralists."
I was so surprised and scared that I fell out of my chair.
Readers who read the chapter I sent out that day know this.
The Korean Peninsula, even South Korea, is, in reality, a Nazi state.
Korea is a country that fabricated its history to cover up the fact that it is a country that created its Constitution.
Or to incite hatred against other countries and people to stay in power.
Or they incite hatred against other countries and peoples to divert the people's dissatisfaction with their misrule.
The anti-Japanese education initiated by Syngman Rhee is a good form of Nazism.
It has continued to this day, 72 years after the war.
Kishida has never once protested against this.
And whose name is known only as a minister of Foreign Affairs?
He has never once protested against this.
He has not the slightest doubt that this is a scheme of theirs.
If this is the way to topple the Abe administration, he is the prime minister, the most shameless person in the world.
Or is it because his brain is made up of the editorial board members of the Asahi Shimbun and NHK news?
It is precisely at this point that China's intentions are clear to anyone with at least the brains of an elementary school student.
Or in South Korea, when Moon Jae-in is about to show his true colors as a proxy for the North and is about to unleash his anti-Japanese activities.
The main actors are Kiyomi Tsujimoto and Makoto Kimura, supported and sponsored by the Asahi Shimbun and other newspapers, opposition politicians, and so-called cultural figures sympathetic to them.
The masterminds are the Chinese Communist Party and the Korean Peninsula.
The masterminds are the Chinese Communist Party and the Korean Peninsula, Japan's hostile nations, and the bastard children they have unleashed in Japan, the Smerzhakovs.
The Moritomo/Kakei theater and racket created by the hostile Japanese state and the Smerzhakovs as their bastard children in Japan or those in their hands through money traps and honey traps funded by them.
Kishida, who cannot even see that their real goal is to prevent the Constitution from being revised, is not fit to be the prime minister.
It is a fact that even elementary school students can understand that they intend to keep Japan from revising the Constitution to keep Japan as a defenseless and weak country that is best suited for their purposes.
He doesn't even notice the manipulation of information, such as public opinion, created by The Asahi Shimbun and NHK.
He must be the worst kind of person; the reason goes without saying.
The fact is, things are not looking good for him. 
The Abe administration will fall in Japan. 
China will exploit the gap and land its militia on the Senkakus.
Now is the time for the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) to come together, and first of all.
Thoroughly investigate the connection between Tsujimoto, Kimura, and the other non-career members of the Kinki Finance Bureau who committed suicide and whether or not they have any contact with the Asahi Shimbun and others.
We must work in unison to let China know that Japan will not allow the Senkaku Islands to land on X-Day, which China, a one-party communist dictatorship, aims.
The LDP must unite to defend the Abe administration against China.
We must smash the measures mentioned above of those who are, in reality, traitors and treasonists, and,
Japan must show China and the Korean Peninsula that Japan is the best country regarding truth, justice, freedom, and intelligence.
The Japan-U.S. alliance must now be firmer than a rock.
At the same time, we must amend the Constitution without delay and force China to give up its aggression against Japan forever.
In other words, Kishida is unfit and disqualified at this point.
There is no other than Shinzo Abe, who has the most prominent work in the developed countries.
For them, Shinzo Abe is the most formidable opponent in recent times, which is why they have been working with Asahi, NHK, Tsujimoto, and others.
They have mobilized Asahi, NHK, Tsujimoto, and others to launch a full-scale attack on him.
As I have said many times before, the goal is to stop the revision of the Constitution.
They want to keep Japan a convenient country for them forever.
Kishida, who needs to understand that this is their goal, is a failure as a politician who has to maintain Japan.
