文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

In fact, none of the tank corps associates have heard of that staff remark.

2019年06月15日 11時39分07秒 | 全般

Why may Shiba have imitated Katsuichi Honda?
The way of drawing people also exceeded the description for Ichiji Kosuke. It is a chapter that was issued on 2018-09-29.
The reader should have thought that there is something in common between Masayuki Takayama and me.
I subscribe to the weekly Shincho weekly to read the serialization columns of Mr. Masayuki Takayama and Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai.
The serialization column of this week's issue, too, proves that his erudition, insight, excellence of the verification and height of the coverage ability are excellent.
Shiba Ryotaro will have been the existence that is there even if it is senior for him as the newspaperman of the Sankei Shimbun and is close.
About his book, I don't mean to brag but haven't ever read even one book...
I have never thought of reading ...
But I knew him well.
Because I had subscribed to Weekly Asahi for a very long time ...

Because I read 'Going the Highway' of Shiba, which has been a serialized attraction of this weekly magazine, almost every week.
At the same time, I felt something like a chance because I had encountered him twice in the bar at Hotel Hokura in Tokyo.
I had a chat with a very close friend of Dentsu at the time, and he probably had a meeting with the weekly Asahi officials.
This is because I encountered it twice at a nearby seat.
Thus, in 2010, shortly after appearing on the Internet, the most extensive library in human history, I wrote a sentence that bantered him.
That's because there was something in the issue of Takayama's subtle criticism this week.
My friend, a leading reader, made fun of me, saying that only Takayama and I could criticize Shiba Ryotaro.
I'm emphasizing all sentences except headings.
Takayama Masayuki
At 150 years after counting from Meiji
When I entered Sankei Shimbun, there was a series of Ryotaro Shiba's 'Ryoma Goes' in the evening paper.
I remember that I was very impressed by the depiction of the person.
In the days of the campaign against the Japan-US Security Treaty (1970), Clouds on the Slope was also serialized in Sankei Evening.
I could not wait for the evening paper to arrive.
My older brother, who had been saying an idiot since that time, 'The newspaper is Asahi,' switched to Sankei.
'Sakanoue' was sufficient.
However, as the series progressed, the depiction of the person I admired so much was strangely heavy, and I even hated reading.
For example, About Maresuke Nogi who let out many persons killed in action in the Port Arthur fortress capture.
Shiba criticizes him for being incompetent and so on.
For Ichiji Kosuke, the staff officer, Shiba, was getting more and more jealous.
I don't know who is a Japanese writer and who scolds people so far.
Recently, Hosaka Masayasu wrote about Tojo Hideki worthless.
I think that Shiba has given citizenship to a description that is not Japanese like that, and vulgar depiction of Korean criticism against Japan.
When the serialization was over, I was in the Haneda press club.
When I was covering the airline companies, the executive of Japan Airlines was the grandson of Abo Kiyokazu, who was the chief gunner of Combined Fleet.
He was the one who commanded an artillery attack on the Baltic fleet beside Togo Heihachiro.
In ANA, the grandson of Ichiji Kosuke who was abused by Shiba was the manager of the management office.
I heard from two of their impressions about how to draw their grandfather, but they had a lot of objection.
If he wanted to ask Shiba directly about the matter, he would soon move from Sankei to Asahi to start a travelogue.
From around that time, Asahi color came out strangely.
"Run over and kill" remark is around that time.
Shiba returned from Manchuria before the end of the war and was at a tank corps base in Sano City, Tochigi Prefecture.
There were also rumors of US landing.
Imperial General Headquarters Staff said to keep US army at bay down from Sano at that time.
But the road is full of sheltered people.
When asked what to do, the staff said 'Run over and kill.'
It's a perfect statement for the officer of the 'cruel-hearted Japanese Army' that Asahi has created, but I thought it was a little weird.
A tank corps still remained in carefree at Sano when the US forces landed, and everyone flees from Tokyo.
Is it dispatched now soon, what a situation is possible?
In fact, none of the tank corps associates have heard of that staff remark.
Why may Shiba have imitated Katsuichi Honda?
The way of drawing people also exceeded the description for Ichiji Kosuke.
This manuscript continues.
