文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Japan built a school in Korea, set up a hospital, laid a train, and conducted electricity.

2019年06月15日 11時44分48秒 | 全般

Everybody who subscribes to the following book in response to my recommendations should be amazed at his knowledge, insight, fineness of verification, and high level of coverage.
At the same time, you would agree with my comment that he is the one and only journalist in the post-war world, which is entirely accurate.
Who is Mike Honda?
In the '90s, that is, half a century has passed since the end of the war, I was a correspondent in the United States.
What surprised me most was the insidious writing of The New York Times.
Whenever the word 'Korea' appeared in an ordinary editorial, they always added a common epithet 'where Japan once colonized.'
It isn't mainly a story before the war and is now the comment of North Korea of the following form about the hunger.
Similarly, if 'Southeast Asia' appears, it will be written as 'where Japan had conducted atrocities.'
The Netherlands colonized Indonesia for four hundred years, and they did not build schools or hospitals.
France built a prison instead of a school in Vietnam and sold opium instead of medicine.
They call it colonial.
Japan built a school in Korea, set up a hospital, laid a train, and conducted electricity.
In a word of colonialism, they intentionally tried to plant the impression that Japan also exploited Korea brutally.
This is not limited to the New York Times. The Los Angeles Times and the British newspaper Independent are the same.
Then, it is a military comfort woman and Nanjing Massacre of Armed Forces of the Empire of Japan and later, the atrocity in South East Asia that such a newspaper enumerates most significantly.
In Nanjing, they write that the Japanese military had exploited to the full, killing 7,000 civilians daily for six weeks and raping 2,000 women every night for six weeks.
If it is a fact, we may have a pregnant clamor that concerns Japanese sperm, which is inevitable to rape.
In fact, there are 30,000 mixed-blood children left in Vietnam where Korean soldiers dispatched, but there are no Japanese-mixed children in Nanjing.
There is no bone for 300,000 people.
The witnesses are somehow limited to the New York Times reporters and American professors and the Australian 'Manchester Guardian' reporter.
Speaking of Australia is the former prisoner nation of sucking up to the US.
The comfort women in the military were made by Takashi Uemura of the Asahi Shimbun referring to the lie of Yoshida Seiji's comfort women forced.
"The Japanese forces forced an innocent Korean woman to be a comfort woman on the battlefield and was called a women's volunteer corps."
In fact, Korean procurer sold to a brothel.
It was also amplified by Australian journalists, and US Congressman Mike Honda announced that 'the Japanese army has made 200,000 females of Asian women sexual slaves' up to the condemning resolution proposal.
It looks like this guy is claiming to be a Honda with a founder name change!?
This manuscript continues.
