文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

If air pollutants cause global warming, then China is entirely responsible.

2024年05月24日 13時21分22秒 | 全般

If air pollutants cause global warming, then China is entirely responsible.
You should know that people who only say nice things from the East or the West are all seducers.
They are the ones who will permanently harm humanity.
You should also know that China and South Korea, the land of abysmal evil and plausible lies, will use them to their advantage.
If air pollutants cause global warming, then China is entirely responsible.
China has been in the following situation for over 30 years.


A long time ago, I came to this realization with first-hand knowledge.
It is because my house overlooks the city of Osaka.
I wonder why the Japanese media has hardly reported on this.
Pm2.5 from the Chinese mainland was polluting the air.
If you look up the source of pollution in China, you will see that the sky over China is black-red.
It is the worst pollution level in the world, with unbelievable numbers.
China is a country where people live in such a place and continue to leave it unattended.
China has been doing this for over 30 years.
If air pollution is the cause of climate change, the most significant source is China.
It is nowhere else.
There is nowhere else.
(Although India and Indonesia have their problems with air pollution.)
In other words, all we have to do is control China.
The ignorance and incompetence of the world are too great.
In Japan, too many politicians, starting with Shinjiro Koizumi, need help understanding things at the elementary school level.
Biden and the U.S. Democratic Party.
Climate change is a trap that China has set for the developed world.
If you don't realize this, you and the world will not only be deceived by China again, but you will be making a grave mistake that could allow the worst dictatorship in human history to gain hegemony.
If we are talking about reducing carbon dioxide emissions, we recommend that Japan immediately resume full-scale nuclear power generation.
The current propaganda about the promotion of renewable energy and the liberalization of electric power, a joint effort of China and pseudo-moralists, is complete horseshit.
If we don't realize that this ridiculous situation has exposed their lies, humanity will only face a dark world ruled by abysmal evil and plausible lies.
Biden and the U.S. Democratic Party.
You were once completely ignorant about Japan.
It is why the world is so dangerously unstable today.
Please stop repeating your ignorance and incompetence.
For example, there are two things you should say to Japan.
Immediately restart all the nuclear power plants mentioned above.
Immediately arm yourself with nuclear weapons and have a deterrent force to stop China's tyranny.
Take the lead in stabilizing Southeast Asia.
As the leader of the liberal camp in Asia, secure a free and open South China Sea, including a true US-Japan alliance, a Japan-Europe alliance, Australia and India.
This article continues.

2024/5/22 in Kyoto



