文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Resend! Kanehira is a person who is entirely unqualified to call himself a reporter

2023年05月31日 12時31分12秒 | 全般

Kanehira is a person who is entirely unqualified to call himself a reporter

This chapter had suffered a crime of search obstruction.

Everyone should be dismayed by the reality of TBS.
The following is a chapter that I dared to subdivide and send out on December 7, 2017.
However, contrary to my intentions, the greatness and significance of this genuine thesis were also lost due to over-subdivision.
I am re-disseminating it in one place.
It is a must-read for the Japanese people and people worldwide.
I used to watch NHK's Watch 9, TV Asahi's News Station, and TBS's News 23 in sequence before going to bed.
Now, I regret that I used to spend my time on such stupid things.
Why was I doing such a stupid thing?
I was working hard in the real world.
I never dreamed that the people in the news departments of Asahi, Mainichi, NHK, etc., were such terrible people, people with a masochistic view of history and anti-Japanese ideology. 
These people, in reality, are agents of China and the Korean Peninsula.
It is not an exaggeration to say that they are traitors and treasonists.
As for Kenzaburo Oe, one of the people's representatives who sympathize with them, I had no idea about the Okinawa note or his foolish praise of North Korea, and I continued to respect him.
Of course, now I have no choice but to watch NHK, but I don't watch the other two companies at all.
Their reporting is propaganda using the public airwaves, a sham moralism, and printing Asahi Shimbun editorials. 
The reality is that they have abandoned their duty to report the truth.
When I stopped watching TBS News 23, I was even more dismayed when I saw the evening news specials, as I wrote at the time.
When I saw a man who looked and acted like a thug or a gangster sitting proudly as a commentator, I was... Aha! TBS is a helpless broadcaster, rotten to the core. 
After reading the following genuine article in this month's issue of Hanada magazine, I am 100% convinced that my intuition was correct.
The mug shot in the article also reconfirmed that the man's name who looked and sounded like a thug was Shigenori Kanehira.
(Emphasis in the text except for the headline and *~* annotations are mine.

Preamble omitted.
However, there are at least two people who claim to be reporters for so-called major media outlets belonging to newspapers, news agencies, and TV stations, and who have made announcements in newspapers and on TV, or made statements at press conferences, without making any interview requests or inquiries to me.
One of them is Kanehira.
The difference between ordinary people and reporters 
Many of the "reporters" who asked me for an interview were not acquainted with me and did not have my contact information.
Even so, they managed to find my contact information by, for example, contacting the publisher who published my book or through acquaintances to TBS officials. 
But what about Kanehira?
I had been working at the TBS news bureau for 26 years, so it would have been effortless for him to get my contact information if he had wanted to.
Or, it would not be surprising if he still had my contact information stored in his cell phone or computer. 
However, six months have passed since this case was first reported, and Kanehira has not interviewed me at all.
From this point alone, I can conclude that Kanehira is a person who is entirely unqualified to call himself a reporter. 
To verify this inference, I will present one fact. 
In May 2005, Kanehira became the head of the news bureau of TBS.
Shortly after this, I had a chance to talk to him.
I was in charge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Political Affairs Department at the time, and I intended to exchange opinions with him about the situation in North Korea. 
However, the first thing Kanehira said to me was, "Shinzo Abe is the person who should not be allowed to be a politician."
He suddenly said something so strange that I asked him, wondering what he meant. 
"Have you ever interviewed him directly?" 
"There is no way. I can tell that he is not a good person just by looking at that slack face."
*I want to say what I felt at first sight to this man, Kanehira, who may or may not be a genuine Japanese.
Your face says you are a thuggish bastard.
One of my friends described it as the typical face of a leftist in the media*
Before taking charge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I worked as a reporter for Shinzo Abe, then secretary-general. 
"What is it that you don't like so much about him?" 
"I can't stand the fact that such a far-right politician is the Chief Cabinet Secretary."
Kanehira had worked as a reporter in the social affairs section and then as the director of "Chikushi Tetsuya News23," but he had no experience in the political affairs section.
I vividly remember how surprised I was to see the strange expression on his face as he exploded with anger at a politician he had never directly interviewed as if he were an irreconcilable enemy.
Inexplicable ticker-tape footage 
Then, on July 21, 2006, a little more than a year after Kanehira became the director of the news bureau, TBS aired a special feature on Unit 731 of the Japanese Army during World War II on the evening news.
The content of the special news was that Unit 731 had a plan to attack the American troops who would land in Japan after the war with bacteriological weapons. 
However, it was not the content that caused controversy but the beginning of the special VTR.
For some reason, a flipchart of then Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe, who had nothing to do with the project, was shown for three seconds, with the caption, "Guerrilla activities! which had nothing to do with the project. 
It knew that Prime Minister Koizumi would be retiring at the end of his term as president of the LDP in September. His successor, Taro Aso, Sadakazu Tanigaki, Yasuo Fukuda, and Shinzo Abe, were candidates.
Among them, Abe, being in Koizumi's good books, was considered the most promising. 
Therefore, this VTR became a significant problem as TBS's malicious manipulation of impressions created a bad image of Abe by using an unrelated photo of Abe at the beginning of a special feature on Unit 731, which was said to have developed bacteriological weapons. 
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, which oversees the broadcasting business, immediately launched an investigation. Three weeks later, on August 11, they issued a stern warning to TBS under the Broadcasting Act.
Later, at the request of the company's upper management, I asked Mr. Abe to attend the "hand-off ceremony.
Chairman Hiroshi Inoue (now Chairman of the National Association of Commercial Broadcasters), President Shunji Ishihara, and I attended TBS. On Mr. Abe's side, he and one of his secretaries had dinner at a ryotei restaurant in Akasaka. 
After the dinner was over without incident and sent off Mr. Abe's side, Mr. Inoue and Mr. Ishihara decided to drink at a bar next door.
At this time, Mr. Inoue said something surprising to me. 
"That Abe guy is no good. Instead of that right-wing politician, we should be praising politicians like Yasuo Fukuda and Toshihiro Nikai, who can get along with Asian countries better." 
Inoue, who has been at the top of TBS for a long time, bared his dislike for Abe, with whom he had just made a deal.
His uncontrollable feelings toward Mr. Abe seemed to be similar to Kanehira's.
As the atmosphere became awkward, Ishihara, who had experience in the politics section, intervened. 
A reporter in the politics department has to cover the politicians assigned to him, whether he likes it or not. 
Mr. Inoue was the one who had selected Mr. Kanehira to be the news bureau chief a year and a half ago.
The fact that TBS continues to take an anti-Abe stance is not unrelated to the physiological aversion of these executives.
This article continues
*Not only the Japanese people but also people worldwide should be dismayed by the reality of TBS, a broadcasting station that uses the public airwaves for its news reporting.

