文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Moral Collapse is Coming…Shaking the very foundations of the nation

2023年06月23日 23時32分48秒 | 全般

The following is from an article by Naoki Hyakuta in the monthly magazine WiLL, which will be published on the 26th.
WiLL is one of the leading monthly magazines in the postwar world that publishes authentic articles.
I have a three-year subscription to the magazine, so it arrived at my home today.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese but also for people worldwide.

Declaration of the formation of the new Hyakuta Party
Japan will cease to be Japan if the LDP, which liberals have hijacked, remains in power
The LDP is the "enemy of the people." 

I will never forgive the LDP. 
I have long said that 70% of LDP members are scum.
I have said that 80% of them are scum, and recently I have declared that 90% are scum.
Although the "scum ratio" increases with each passing year, I have still reluctantly supported the LDP.
It is because opposition parties such as the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the Communist Party of Japan are "100% scum," not "100% buckwheat noodles." 
Then, in July last year, former Prime Minister Abe was killed by a bullet.
Less than a year later, the LDP is crumbling noisily.
And what emerged from within the crumbling party was "the image of a corrupt liberal party."
The LDP was never a conservative party, to begin with.
Nevertheless, the LDP managed to hold its own without becoming liberal because former Prime Minister Abe tightened the reins.
As soon as former PM Abe passed away, the tag came off, and the true nature of the liberal party was revealed.
The ultimate culprit is the Law for promoting LGBT Understanding (from now on referred to as the LGBT Law).
With the passage of the LGBT Act, Japanese society has entered the "beginning of the end." 
Even if the LDP were to enact constitutional reform, I would not support it for the rest of my life.
It is well-known that the Japanese Constitution is the "evilest Law under heaven."
Even in the event of an invasion by another country, the actions of the Self-Defense Forces are restricted by Article 9 of the Constitution.
The Constitution of Japan puts the lives of its citizens in constant danger. 
The LGBT law is so stupid that even the Constitution is hazed.
Unless other countries attack Japan, the lives of the Japanese people will not be threatened.
Despite Article 9 of the Constitution, we have led a peaceful life.
But the LGBT law is different.
From the moment the Law is enacted, Japanese society will collapse internally, and our peaceful lives will be taken away. 
With the passage of the LGBT bill, which threatens people's lives, I have deemed the LDP an "enemy of the people."
From now on, I will denounce the LDP and every member of the LDP.
LDP members who pushed for the passage of the LGBT bill, please be prepared.

Moral Collapse is Coming
I have often spoken out about the dangers of the LGBT bill. 
The most familiar and obvious is the deterioration of public safety due to moral decay.
Undoubtedly, there will be a dramatic increase in crimes in which self-identified women with penises dangling from their bodies invade women's restrooms, locker rooms, and baths, abusing the LGBT law. 
When the danger of women-only spaces being invaded was pointed out, proponent Tomomi Inada reiterated, "There is no need to worry about that."
Ironically, the day before the LGBT bill was passed by the House of Representatives Cabinet Committee, an incident occurred in Tsu City, Mie Prefecture.
A 54-year-old man wearing a skirt entered a women's bath.
The perpetrator caught red-handed, denied the charge, saying, "I am a woman. 
Since this case was before the LGBT law was enforced, the perpetrator was caught red-handed.
However, even arresting the perpetrator after the Law is enforced will be more difficult.
Even if you warn a man who enters a women's bath, he will argue, "I am a woman at heart; you discriminate against LGBT people! I am a woman at heart. 
It is difficult for facilities to get rid of such "self-proclaimed women."
If they order them to leave the women's bathrooms and locker rooms, they may later claim they have suffered psychological damage and demand compensation.
If there is even one case in which the facility side loses in such a court case, the facility side will have no choice but to keep silent, fearing the risk of litigation.
If the facility loses even one case, the offenders can walk with the massive backing of the LGBT law.
The women victims have no choice but to cry themselves to sleep. 
After the incident in Tsu, there was an outcry against Ms. Inada, "How will you take responsibility? 
Ms. Inada tweeted, "We don't assume criminals," and "Criminals will be dealt with under a different law," but she completely missed the point.
How do we determine if the person is transgender or a criminal who abuses LGBT laws?
It is too late to do anything until after the victim is found. 
The police will not be able to do much about it.
Police officers hesitate to arrest for fear of being accused of "wrongful arrest" later.
Even if a courageous police officer decides to make an arrest, the prosecutors will be reluctant to prosecute.
If the case is brought to court and they are found not guilty, their careers will be damaged.
They will be reluctant to prosecute except in cases where they are clearly guilty.
No one wants to use a public bathhouse that perverts overrun.
The facilities will be forced to close, and the onsen culture will disappear. 
Public bathhouses and other women-only spaces will become ants in a haystack, and moral decay will spread throughout society as if a dam were to break.
Japanese society has been built on mutual trust, but that will be a thing of the past.
A bleak society like that of the West awaits us, where we must protect ourselves by ourselves.

Shaking the very foundations of the nation 
The LGBT law will also create a new "public money choo-choo" system.
Government offices and corporations will hold training sessions under the guise of "promoting LGBT understanding," and schools will provide radical sex education.
I am particularly concerned about the impact on children.
The activists who are invited as lecturers may imprint on elementary school children the beauty of homosexuality.
It may lead the children to have a distorted view of family and love.
Why is it necessary to teach homosexuality and same-sex marriage to elementary school children who are not yet old enough? 
The issue of the imperial lineage is fundamental to the nation.
The Imperial House Law stipulates that the succession to the throne will be carried out by "male descendants" of the Emperor on the paternal side.
For more than 2,600 years, Japan has had a male line of succession.
This rule of male lineage has enabled the separation of authority and power.
No one, not even the powerful of the time, could threaten the position of the Emperor. 
Masculine and feminine lineages have naturally been distinguished based on biological sex.
My concern is that the concept of "gender identity," as described in the LGBT law, will be introduced into the Imperial Family.
Should a "trans woman" with a male body and a female mind be treated as a woman, or should a "trans man" with a female body and a male mind be treated as a man?
It is not difficult to imagine the confusion that would arise.
If the rule of male-male succession to the throne becomes ambiguous, legitimacy will be shaken. 
A break in the imperial lineage would mean Japan would cease to be Japan.
It is probably one of the reasons why left-wing activists were pushing for the LGBT bill.

Lawmakers who duped conservatives 
It is not only the substance of the LGBT bill that angers me.
I am also intensely offended by the LDP's cowardly approach. 
At the LDP subcommittee where the bill was discussed, the majority of the members were against it.
Despite this, the proponents and the party's executive branch forcefully submitted the bill to the Diet.
It is natural for conservatives to voice their anger on social networking sites. 
The LDP, fearing criticism, spread rumors.
Fearful of criticism, the LDP has been spreading rumors that the bill will be left "hanging" until the end of the Diet session because the opposition parties have failed to reach a consensus.
The term "hung" refers to the fact that the bill is in a state of limbo, unable to be deliberated on.
Proponents of the bill, such as Keiji Furuya, a Diet member, have said, "Don't worry, the account will be scrapped anyway."
Some conservative commentators also said, "Amateurs in politics should shut up. Don't criticize without knowing the LDP system." 
However, if you open the lid, you can see it.
I did not trust the "hangings" in the first place.
Because they were based on the premise that the opposition party would oppose them.
From the very beginning, the LDP executive branch had no intention of scrapping the bill.
That is why they decided to submit the bill to the Diet, even overcoming opposition within the party. 
The betrayal of former Prime Minister Abe is also unbelievable.
The leading proponents of LGBT are Tomomi Inada, Yoshitaka Shindo, and Keiji Furuya, all Diet members.
They were indebted to former Prime Minister Abe.
Despite this, they pushed through the LGBT bill that Prime Minister Abe had tried to block outright.
My stomach is churning.
Politics cannot be entrusted to people who forget their debt of gratitude.
They will eventually betray the people with impunity. 
There were three proposals for the LGBT bill: the LDP-Komei bill, the Restoration-Kokumin bill, and the Rikken-Kyosan-Social Democratic Party bill.
The day before the Diet debate, the LDP discussed with the Restoration Association. Ultimately, the LDP's bill was passed with the Restoration Association-Kokumin's bill as a whole.
If the LDP-Komei proposal were passed as is, further opposition from conservatives would be unavoidable.
It is said that the government conceded the Restoration Association and the National Democratic Party of Japan due to this decision.
Why didn't they scrap the bill if they feared a backlash from conservatives?
Why in the world was there such a rush? 
As I said at the outset, I have vowed never to forgive the LDP.
I will never support them, no matter what.
There are spirited members of the LDP, especially young people.
However, I cannot support them as long as they belong to the LDP.
As long as the LDP's executive and factional leaders are all corrupt, there is no sign that the LDP will return to being a conservative party.

New Hyakuta Party to be formed 
The US Ambassador to Japan, Rahm Emanuel, was unusually insistent on the passage of the LGBT bill.
He has criticized Japan for being behind the curve.
It is a complete interference in our internal affairs, and just recently, he said from the top, "Japan is in the process of evolving." 
I assure you.
Japan is the most beautiful country in the world.
There is not one millimeter of need to imitate the West.
We should change what needs to be changed in accordance with the times.
What needs to be preserved should be protected.
That is what conservatism is all about.
However, the liberals are trying to destroy Japanese culture, traditions, and virtues.
And they are doing so in a hasty manner.
Japan will cease to be Japan if the LDP, which liberals have hijacked, remains in power.
That is why I have decided to launch a "proper conservative party." 
I may be the one who starts a new party, but it may be a mantis's axe.
It will take 20 years, ten years at the earliest, for the new party to become a threat to the LDP.
I am not sure if I will be alive then.
But it is more likely that Japan will cease to be Japan before then. 
-If I did that, I knew that it would happen, but it was something I did without being dissuaded by the Yamato spirit. -Yoshida Shoin
We live in an age where even the expression "masculinity" is becoming a bit reserved, but I dare to say this.
I was born a man and have lived my life as a man.
It would be a waste for a man to stand idly by and watch my beloved Japan go through a crisis. 
Since I launched the "New Hyakuta Party" in anger, I have not yet decided on a pledge or even a name for the party.
However, we do have aspirations.
Together with my colleagues who share our sense of crisis, we will gradually give shape to this plan.
Please look forward to it!



