文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The Japanese suffered many disadvantages from Asahi Shimbun's report.

2019年06月15日 12時11分30秒 | 文明、政治、経済

3 following books were involved as the friend of the round-trip of the Superexpress.
I asked the friend of a leading reader to help as soon as possible inform the whole Japanese people and people around the world about a chapter in Mr. Kadota Ryusho's book.
A friend showing me the critique while saying when or not the reading column of the Sankei Shimbun yesterday was read.
Mr. Masayuki Takayama seldom writes a critique, but this time, a friend is said to have felt that he would write about this book.
It was also the book review that was most relevant to the chapter I wanted to send.
His critique is introduced to this chapter continuously.
'Yoshida report' report
The malevolence of Asahi Shimbun
'Yoshida report' report and comfort woman report
Asahi Shimbun is indeed 'strange existence' for the Japanese.
In Japan, the media that have shown contempt for Japan and Japanese internationally until here, and that drove us into a disadvantageous viewpoint don't see an example besides.
The Japanese suffered many disadvantages from Asahi Shimbun's report.
For example, Asahi Shimbun makes pose a problem as the existence of a Korean military comfort woman.

It was taken to a field in the name of 'female volunteer corps' and forced into the prostitution act by a Japanese serviceman companion.

In 1991 (Heisei 3) years August 11th and destroys 'Japan-Korea relations 'now wholly, and it is as the announcement that it is a big wall in front of the youngster of Japan that tries to be progressive in the world.
There were a lot of women in Japan and Korea who had a business of prostitution, unfortunately, under various circumstances when poverty dominated all over the world.
'300 yen of a month's income' which is approximately 30 times of soldiers' salaries are exposed to was guaranteed, and there were many unhappy women attached to such a business.
However, those women became the existence that was 'taken' to a field by force and whose 'prostitution' was forced by Asahi Shimbun.
The same as the Japanese was 'showed contempt for' oppositely.
The basic structure of the 'Yoshida report' reported by Asahi Shimbun from May 20, 2014, is the same as this.
This campaign article was first to be stunned in scale.
Not only the top page but also the two pages of the headline were cut out, and it was so large that a particular page was created on the Internet version (Asahi Digital).
Asahi reported in this article that, on the morning of March 15, 2011, 90% of TEPCO's employees at Fukushima Dai-ichi 'have violated the director's command' and 'withdrew from the nuclear power plant.'
In other words, a large number of staff members were 'against the command' from the scene and fleeing.
Moreover, it was revealed by the 'Yoshida report' by the governmental accident investigation that Asahi acquired, that-.
If it is a fact, it is a huge scoop that has never been reported before.
But is that true?
This manuscript continues.
The following is a review of Takayama Masayuki published in Sankei Shimbun.
It resorts to regain sanity.
Ill of a newspaper
By Kadota Ryusho (Sankei Shimbun Publishing · 880 yen + tax)
There is a person that of Asahi Shimbun here is bad any amount.
It isn't only 'here.'
All are bad.
It has shown contempt for the Japanese, pouring comfort woman's lie for 30 years.
It keeps doing play dumb only for even it to be the discontinuance one.
The surroundings are also indulgent.
The 'newspaper distrust' column of weekly Bunshun is the treatment as the major newspapers that has a good sense all along.
The person who told an Asahi Shimbun distrust, too, left most.
Also, if we wondered when or not the self-righteousness of Asahi Shimbun is restored, an author appeared on the paper 'it is a pep talk to a newspaper!'.
This book gathered it mainly but with Asahi Shimbun, the Yoshida report event of fate, too, is.
The devotion of head of an office Masao Yoshida and subordinate was applauded by the world, staying in that 1st nuclear accident of Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima on the scene.
The Yoshida report of the official accident investigation committee was undisclosed, but Asahi obtained it and reported '700 subordinates were away by sticking to their life' and scoffed the world's praise.
The material is a closed document.
Although there was no way to examine the truth, the author interviewed the Yoshida director for a long time and heard the story of his subordinates.
Point out false reports of the Asahi Shimbun in steady coverage, the lie of the Asahi came to light.
The reporter who wrote did not interview the spot.
There isn't the intention to write a fact, there was only about how to show contempt for the Japanese.
A newspaperman now didn't cover any more like this newspaperman.
An author says that it connects with the corruption of a newspaper.

It does not cover but points out of the symptom when it is in the 'narcissistic not to see the actuality' condition, dissembling 'we are fighting against the people who want to make war with a pen.'
There, to Chinese and South Korean insolent, it takes out the masochism view of history that does not have a basis, saying 'don't forget the pain of the victim of the colonial rule and invasion' for example and holds down a sound argument.
The Megumi-Chan incident also writes that 'disruption of Japan-North Korea friendship negotiations,' and Renho Dietwoman's dual citizenship becomes 'Is pure Japanese so important?'.
All 'What is the purpose to use for Japanese looking down?' and authors are asking Asahi Shimbun and newspaper world that follow it about the influence and skillful speech.
The author is from Tosa.
The voice trained in the sea breeze is turning around the US President Trump at the Kokugikan to gain the prosperity of a handshake.
It is complaining to a newspaper now in that booming voice to regain sanity.
It is one book I want the Asahi Shimbun reporter to read first than anyone else.
Review Masayuki Takayama (Journalist)


