文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Since when was the global warming conference a Chinese fornicator?

2023年06月21日 16時14分56秒 | 全般

It is now a well-known fact that China has ambitions to dominate the world in the fields of nuclear power and super high-speed rail
November 14, 2020
This chapter was subjected to the crime of search obstruction on Google.

Since when was the global warming conference a Chinese fornicator?
I am convinced that the current cop21 aligns with Chinese fornication.
It is no exaggeration to say that I am the first and only person in the world to realize this indisputable fact.
It is also my first-hand knowledge.
My house overlooks the center of Osaka.
One long time ago, I noticed the air was unusually dull.
I searched the Internet, thinking that this must result from an attack of pm2.5 from China.
I was right.
The air pollution in China was no longer at the level of human habitation.
It is a one-party communist dictatorship, which is why it continues today.
In a country of 1.4 billion people, of which 900 million are enslaved people in the name of "rural household registration," a single person's life is as good as a piece of paper.
The one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party of China considers "human life" and "international agreements" to be as good as paper trash, except for fulfilling their ambitions.

The Obama administration is the one that has allowed China to grow.
When China began its rampage, Obama invited rock stars to the White House for a concert.
He was pretending to be the world's greatest celebrity.
Having won over the Obama administration, China began its illegal occupation of the South China Sea.
In response, the Philippines appealed to the International Court of Justice and won the case outright.
At that time, what did the one-party dictators of the Chinese Communist Party say?
They said, "That thing is nothing but a piece of paper."
It is what they meant.

I searched to see when the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) began to follow China's adulterous plan.
It was in 1997, at COP3 in Kyoto, Japan.
It was at this time that the Kyoto Protocol was adopted.
The following is from an online explanation.
The Kyoto Protocol requires all participating industrialized countries to
"reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 5% between 2008 and 2012, compared to 1990 levels."
The Kyoto Protocol also sets targets for each country to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Under this arrangement, the EU committed to an 8% reduction, the United States to 7%, and Japan to 6%.
Although the U.S. later withdrew from the Kyoto Protocol regime (making it clear that it would not ratify the protocol) and thus reneged on this commitment, this reduction target was the first agreement of its kind in the world. 
It represented a significant step forward in the international community's cooperation to address global warming.
*It is no exaggeration to say that this text symbolizes pseudo-moralism*.
On the other hand, the Kyoto Protocol does not require developing countries to reduce their emissions.
It is because, based on the agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that "developed countries that have historically been responsible for emissions should be the first to take reduction measures," the Kyoto Protocol reflects the idea that for the first commitment under the Kyoto Protocol, developed countries that have caused global warming so far should first take the lead in taking measures This is the very reason for China's adulteration.
*This is precisely China's adulteration plan itself.
But 1997 was not yet the nightmare era of the Democratic Party of Japan.
So I searched and found that it was during the second administration of Ryutaro Hashimoto.
As readers know, it is a well-known fact that Ryutaro Hashimoto is a perfect example of a typical Chinese honey trap.
It is easier than twisting a baby's hand to entrap a developed country, a country of unfathomable evil and deceptive lies, a country made up of propaganda infested with pseudo-moralism and political correctness.
Japan was ruled by the worst newspaper company in the world at this time, which was nothing more than a traitor.
The Asahi Shimbun, a subpar company, ruled Japan.
It was the heyday of the Asahi Shimbun.
The GHG emissions trading is a sham that even a grade schooler can understand.
But the industrialized countries, infested with pseudo-moralism and political correctness, accepted it without question.
For more than 20 years since 1997, China, for example, has been emitting air pollution unparalleled in the history of humankind, while Japan, for example, has been paying trillions of yen to China under the name of "emission rights trading.
Nowadays, the so-called "culturists" in Western countries always talk about "sustainability," but it is no exaggeration to say that this is also a Chinese scheme.
I have recently been wondering about this matter.
I first came across a woman named Naomi Trauden, a student at Keio University who is also a TV personality.
I first saw her on TV Tokyo's "Nikkei News 10.
Her facial expression gave off a whiff of pseudo-moralism.
It looked like it was made up of shallow knowledge or an editorial from the Asahi Shimbun. 
It looked silly, as if being sustainable takes precedence over everything else.
The thing that symbolized this foolishness and frivolity was a feature of Yusuke Iseya as if he were a leading figure in the sustainability movement.
I watched in disbelief at the frivolity of TV Tokyo's coverage.
Soon after, Iseya was arrested.
I thought it was a good thing.
However, Nikkei News 10 showed no sign of remorse.
So I began to watch this program while watching it.
To put it in the Kansai dialect, I can't watch it because it is "too stupid.
Nikkei News 10, which is not ashamed to use the public airwaves to have such a woman talk about, so to speak, "playtime," is also a news program that sometimes raises concerns about relations with China.
It is a news program that is highly conciliatory toward China.
Recently, however, I was surprised to learn that she also appears on NHK Osaka's noon comedy talk show.
What is it with Japanese TV stations, I wondered.
I had heard that she was half German and half-Japanese.
I thought, "Well, the producers of the programs that use her must be infected with the spirit of "learn from the Germans."
But still....
Let me digress.
China has continued to produce air pollution unprecedentedly in the history of humankind, while the developed countries have been drastically slowing down the pace of their national power buildup.
In addition to inexpensive thermal power generation, there were unbelievable reports that state-owned oil companies sold cheap and affordable oil.
China has succeeded in making electricity, the rice of industry, extremely expensive and unstable for the Western industrialized nations, whom it wants to overtake in a single stroke.
Over the past 20 years, there has been a massive electricity cost gap between China and the developed countries.
It is now well-known that China has ambitions to dominate the world in nuclear power generation and super high-speed railroads.
Japan has the world's best technology in these fields.
In March 2011, Japan was hit by the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.
At the time, Japan had the world's largest nuclear power plant and the world's best atomic technology, along with the United States.
Naoto Kan, the worst prime minister in history, turned Fukushima into Fukushima.
China and South Korea saw this as an opportunity to take advantage of the situation and plotted to undermine Japan's industrial competitiveness and national strength.
The advance guard was led by Masayoshi Son, Mizuho Fukushima, her husband's human rights lawyers, and the Asahi Shimbun and NHK.
Until Miyagi Prefecture made its decision last night, Japan was being played for a fool by them.
Naoto Kan, the worst prime minister in history, did what the Chinese and South Koreans intended: an immediate and total shutdown of all nuclear reactors.
One episode illustrates just how foolish this policy was.
At the time, the Secretary General of the United Nations was Ban Ki-moon, who had one of the lowest ratings in history.
Even he said this.
An immediate and total shutdown of all nuclear power plants is wrong (and stupid).
It is an obvious fact that at that time, many heads of state throughout Japan went along with Masayoshi Son's scheme to shut down all nuclear power plants, install solar panels, and so on.
It was an expression of stupidity no different from the attitude that drove Japan into war.
Even now, so-called cultural figures speak out against nuclear power plants as if they were fools.
There is no doubt that China is behind them and is greatly supporting them.
CCP, the embodiment of abysmal evil and plausible lies, is watching their movement with a big smile. They say, "We've done it."
Speaking of another super high-speed railroad, China plans to construct a linear motor car and conquer the world in this aspect.
China stole this linear motor bullet train technology from Japan.
The other day, Kawakatsu, the governor of Shizuoka Prefecture, who is widely known to be the No. 1 pro-China person in the world of linear motor cars, viciously and with extreme difficulty halted the construction of the JR line, which had finally started construction for practical use after many years of study.
Before him, the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office had suddenly launched a maneuver against Japan's leading general contractors in anticipation of the start of construction of the linear motor car.
It is a known fact that Komeito is an extremely pro-China party.
It is also a well-known fact that more than a few people are involved with the Soka Gakkai in Japan's public prosecutors.
All of these things result from the Asahi Shimbun ruling Japan until August 2014.
Indeed, one step closer to extinction, Miyagi Prefecture, a prefecture that I will forever love and be proud of, made a decision yesterday that will save Japan from ruin.



