文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

China is an arsonist pretending to be a firefighter.

2020年06月05日 16時03分07秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
China is an arsonist pretending to be a firefighter.  
In Japan, masks have disappeared from the streets in the blink of an eye since January.
In addition to the hoarding, this is because China has banned the export of domestically manufactured masks.
The U.S. "3M" and the Canadian "Medicom," which locally produced in China, are also under embargo.
President Trump got angry when he knew this. 
After the national outbreaks had subsided, China donated masks, PPE, and testing kits for the new coronavirus and sent medical teams to countries where the outbreaks had spread in the opposite direction.
Masks have also been sent to Japan from Chinese companies, individuals, and local governments.
In Japan, such a move has been treated favorably in the press as "repaying China's debt of gratitude. 
Many Japanese companies, local governments, and individuals indeed donated to China at the time of the outbreak of infection and explosion, so it is not unreasonable to say that this was a return of gratitude.
For example, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government is said to have sent at least 330,000 pieces of protective clothing to China.
But I was hoping you could think about it. 
It was China that hid the infection spread while buying up masks and PPE around the world, driving countries to an extraordinary shortage of products.
That, too, is "by design," according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
That's what we learned from the U.S. and Canadian press, but it's just way too gullible that Japan is now accepting such a mask from China with gratitude. 
The Chinese Communist Party's patronizing masked diplomacy was described by Michael Sobolik, a young fellow at the "American Foreign Policy Council" as 'an arsonist pretending to be a firefighter.'
It's a perfectly fitting phrase.
If a firefighter who was set up after the fact by a big organized operation, it is an "actor who is more than a firefighter."
Behind the scenes of the Great Calamity, the CPC was working cunning and conducting operations on a grand scale.
It's just like, "The Chinese Communists are terrifying.
This article continues. 

