文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

If he is truly a righteous man, he should hold China accountable.

2021年03月02日 10時59分01秒 | 全般

Until July 2010, when this column appeared, China and South Korea, the countries of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies," had been spreading anti-Japanese propaganda in the international community as they pleased.
One of the leading agents of Korea in the U.S. is a middle-aged woman named Mindy Kotler. Her partner is apparently a Korean living in the US.
In the past, there was a storm of Toyota bashing in the U.S. based on a fake story started by these women.
When I happened to see this woman testifying at a congressional hearing, I immediately pointed out to the world that this was complete horseshit and part of the anti-Japanese propaganda to undermine Japan.
It is also an obvious fact that Maehara, who was the minister in charge of the Democratic Party of Japan's cabinet at the time, was ignorant and unaware of such things. He sympathized with the stupidity of the U.S. and coldly shunned Toyota.
Not only did no one write or say the truth, but when there was no one even to defend Toyota, the leading company in Japan, I pointed out the horseshit of the U.S. in this column and defended Toyota, as readers know.

It is China that is dying to convert its cars to EVs.
For example, the Chinese look at Japanese rice cookers' elaborate manufacturing technology and say, "The Chinese can't do it; we can only buy their technology with money."
If that were the only reason, it would be because China has trained an unbelievable number of server troops to steal technology from advanced countries.
However, they knew that they could never compete with the advanced western countries, especially Japan and Germany, in the current automobile manufacturing technology.
However, they can compete with electric cars, which have fewer parts and less accumulated craftsmanship.
Especially when it comes to manufacturing inexpensive electric vehicles, China can compete and gain an advantage.
For this reason, China teamed up with a Canadian con man to successfully seduce the industrialized nations trapped in pseudo-moralism at the Rio and Paris conferences.
They forced us to choose the sham of renewable energy, destabilized power generation, and drove up electricity costs.
China is not regulated in any way and can burn all the cheap coal it wants.

We are so caught up in pseudo-moralism that we have lost sight of the scientific perspective. 
China continues to use the Asahi Shimbun and NHK to incite opposition to nuclear power plants' operation.
While mocking our stupidity, China went ahead with the construction of new nuclear power plants.
In just ten years, China has overtaken Japan as the second-largest nuclear power producer in the world.
Here, too, there is a person who is truly unforgivable to me.
It is Bill Gates.
As many of you know, he has read that the time has come for ultra-high performance small nuclear power plants.
That is why he frequently visited Japan and visited Toshiba, which had the world's best technology.
When he saw Toshiba's technological capabilities, he exclaimed, "Wow! When he saw Toshiba's technology, he exclaimed, "Wow!
He immediately entered into a business alliance with Toshiba.
After that, Toshiba's existence was threatened by the huge fraud at Westinghouse, its acquired company.
At that time, Asahi and NHK treated Toshiba as a zombie company, which is a clear fact.
Bill Gates is now selling Toshiba's technology for ultra-compact, high-performance nuclear power plants to China as his own product.

One of the things I wonder about Prime Minister Suga is why he would do such a thing.
Bill Gates, who is probably trying to cover up his own misdeeds, is making a special effort to pose as a humanitarian aid worker.
He does not criticize China at all, even though it is obvious that it is a disaster brought about by China.
And yet, he never forgets his rhetoric about delivering vaccines to developing countries in Africa and elsewhere.
If he is truly a righteous man, he should hold China accountable.
He is coming after the pockets of Japan, the world's largest creditor nation.
Prime Minister Kan was happy to accept the invitation of such a man.

He should have said "no" in an orderly fashion without regard for the eyes of the foolish international community.
'The Japanese government must first cover the hundreds of trillions of yen in losses incurred by the Japanese people, and it cannot afford to assist other countries any longer. You can do it yourself because you will continue to generate huge margins forever.'

He made another statement that could have fatal consequences for Toyota, for example.
He stated that all cars would be electric, with an unfounded deadline.
As expected, Akio Toyoda immediately responded to this.
But, I thought.
It was his own fault.
I don't know if Masayoshi Son instigated it or not. Still, the fact is that Toyota has suddenly shifted its focus to China, which is arguably their biggest enemy.

The money earned in China cannot be brought back to Japan in the usual way.
Until now, there may have been some companies that managed to bring it back through Hong Kong through some complicated manipulations, but most companies had no choice but to reinvest in China.
In other words, from start to finish, they have been used to enrich China.
Now that Toyota has made its own move into China, it would be a good idea for Japan to follow China's lead and switch to electric vehicles.
This is what Prime Minister Suga must have been thinking.
This article continues.







