文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Even Biden and blunt scissors can be useful in the hands of a clever person

2021年03月08日 20時52分59秒 | 全般

The following is from a feature article in WiLL, a monthly magazine now on sale, titled "The Deep State "Shadow Government" Revealed by Trump," featuring a conversation between Masayuki Takayama and Mutsuo Mabuchi.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
Preamble omitted
Even Biden and blunt scissors can be useful in the hands of a clever person.
I am also concerned about the relationship between the Biden administration and China.
They say that they will inherit the Trump administration's policy toward China, but is that really the case?
One thing that has bothered me a little is the collision between the Soryu, a Self-Defense Force submarine, and a Chinese cargo ship off Cape Ashizuri.
The Japan Coast Guard is investigating this accident as a maritime accident.  
If they do that, it will leak confidential information about the state-of-the-art submarine to China.
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism is in charge of the Japan Coast Guard (laughs).
According to the world's military common sense, it is unthinkable to have the police investigate military equipment.
Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi immediately expressed his apology, but he should apologize after clarifying the accident's cause.
China's invasion may be on the horizon.
Biden says he will protect the Senkakus, and he is overjoyed, but it is pathetic.
Isn't that a despicable spirit?
Biden is a Japan-hater, to begin with.
When he was Vice President of the Obama administration, he said in a speech in support of Hillary, "I don't think Trump knows that we wrote the Japanese Constitution so that Japan cannot have nuclear weapons. Didn't he learn that in school? Trump lacks judgment and cannot be trusted," he said.
When Mr. Abe tried to visit Yasukuni Shrine, he said, "I ordered Abe not to visit Yasukuni Shrine.
The Asahi Shimbun writes of such a foolish anti-Japanese president, "Biden is trying to fix his stuttering disorder, overcome the misfortune of losing his family, and restore ties between the United States and Japan.
There is not a word of truth to be found there.
Why don't they tell the Japanese people that Biden is a filthy fraud?
The Biden administration is illegitimate, and Japan should keep an appropriate distance from it.
The world is no longer listening to the US.
Regardless of whether we return to the WHO or not, the world is beginning to disregard the United States.
In such a situation, it would be counterproductive for Japan to cling to the U.S. to protect its national interests.
First of all, the WHO is a pawn of China.
China finally allowed the investigation of the origin of the virus in Wuhan after a year.
I guess it means that they have already finished disinfecting the whole place and destroyed biological weapons evidence. 
Anyway, it's time to ask Biden about the origin of the Constitution.
He would probably be happy to say that the constitution was made in the United States and infused Japan with a hundred lies.
Then Japan will move to enact a new independent constitution.
Even Biden and blunt scissors can be useful in the hands of a clever person.



