文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The need to show off how great the Communist Party is is actually because

2024年07月16日 13時51分07秒 | 全般
It is from "A Testament to the Japanese," a collection of conversations between Shoichi Watanabe and Kimindo Kusaka, published by Tokuma Shoten (1,300 yen).
This book is a must-read for all Japanese citizens.
The two men used the title "will" because it is not for show.
Preamble omitted.
Emphasis in the text other than the title is mine.

Prime Minister Abe has turned Japan's " weak-kneed diplomacy " around
Japan and the United States 
Regarding issues surrounding historical perceptions, it's no good to scrutinize what the other side has to say.
We have to be the ones to go first.
And let the other party carefully consider what you say.
The Chinese always need help with words.
It is because what they say is always like a castle in the air.
Japanese people have always loved the Records of the Grand Historian and the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, so they tend to think that the Chinese are diplomatic geniuses, but this is a big misunderstanding.
On the contrary, China is terrible at diplomacy.
After all, looking at history, China's diplomacy has been a series of failures.
If China had been good at diplomacy, it would not have had the Western powers arbitrarily snatch its territory and interests from the 19th to the 20th centuries.
It is true not only of peacetime diplomacy but also of foreign wars.
China has never achieved its original objectives in war, whether through the Opium Wars (1840-), the Sino-Japanese War (1894-), the Korean War (1950-), or the Sino-Vietnamese War (1979).
The only times China has won have been against ethnic minorities, such as Tibet.
The Chinese Communist Party actively promotes the idea that China "fought the Japanese army to protect its homeland and people," but that is also historically inaccurate.
At that time, the Japanese army was fighting against Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist army, and Mao Zedong's Communist army hardly fought against the Japanese military.
In that respect, Japan is not good at diplomacy, but it has only done meaningful things, so if we spend this much time, Japan will win all Japan-China diplomacy.
The more Xi Jinping goes on the offensive, the more cornered he will be.
Even China's aircraft carrier "Liaoning" is a paper tiger.
Aircraft carriers will not be helpful in future wars.
Even Chinese soldiers should know that.
They know, but they build them to show off to the people.
What a pathetic country, wasting money to show off to the people.
The need to show off how great the Communist Party is is actually because the Communist Party's foundation is weakening.
As symbolized by Mr. Abe, Japan needs to say apparent things and stay still.
Even if it does that, it will never be attacked.
That shows that Japan has the power to do so.
Despite this, the left-wing newspapers have been writing non-stop about how "Japan does not have the power to do so, so we must be friendly with China. We must be friendly, we must be friendly," but as you know, they are now on the verge of collapse.
I remember well "Shokun," in which Professor Watanabe fought the Asahi Shimbun alone.
I thought about this, even though it was only now because I saw how the newspapers reported on the results of a public opinion poll conducted by Kyodo News on the 20th and 21st.
The Tokyo-based newspapers Sankei and Mainichi and the Tokyo newspapers all carried this article in their morning editions on the 22nd. Still, each used headlines about the "laxness" of the government and the ruling party, such as a drop in cabinet approval ratings, scandals, and inappropriate remarks.
However, this public opinion poll contained more critical information.
It is the answer to the question:
"Five opposition parties have jointly submitted a bill to the House of Representatives to repeal the security-related laws that allow the exercise of the right of collective self-defense, claiming that they violate the Constitution. Do you think the security laws should be repealed?"
38.1% of respondents said that they should be repealed. In comparison, 47.0% said that they should not be abolished, clearly indicating that those who acknowledged the existence of the security laws were in the majority.
It came just after the five parties—the Democratic Party, the Communist Party, the Japan Innovation Party, the Social Democratic Party, the People's Life Party, and Taro Yamamoto and Friends—submitted a bill to repeal the security laws on the 19th, so it is hard to imagine that this was not newsworthy.
The voters have left them in the cold, and their starting point has been thwarted.
During last year's deliberations on the security laws, the opposition parties claimed that "the majority of the public is opposed," and the media opposed the rules and called for "the government to listen to the will of the people."
That argument has completely collapsed, so it's good that this has become a significant headline.
The same was confirmed in a public opinion poll conducted by Kyodo News on January 30 and 31, when people were asked about the government's policy to relocate the US military's Futenma Air Base (located in Okinawa Prefecture or Noen City) to Henoko in Nago City.
In this question, contrary to the left-wing media's opposition to the Henoko relocation, the number of people who "support" (47.8%) exceeded the number of people who "do not support" (43.0%), but this point did not attract much attention.

*This fact was also utterly unknown to households that subscribe to Asahi and other newspapers and watch the news programs of their subsidiary television stations.
Despite winning a close election, Okinawa Governor Onaga used sophistry such as "All Okinawa" and made repeated national humiliating remarks, even going so far as to visit the United Nations. It is no exaggeration to say that he has been following the wishes of China and South Korea, who want to divide Japanese public opinion.
How on earth did TV Asahi's "News Station," which has given him such a high ranking, report on this?
If you think about it, the result of allowing people who call themselves the hosts of that show to continue shaping public opinion in Japan has been the growing arrogance and tyranny of China, a one-party communist dictatorship, and the growing arrogance and tyranny of South Korea. This Nazism state has continued to teach anti-Japanese education 70 years after the war.
They have halted the progress of the "turntable of civilization" and created Japan's long-term deflation, which has caused Japan's national power to fall by 1,400 trillion yen.
What makes them so pernicious is that during this time, while their annual salaries of hundreds of millions have not decreased in the slightest, nor have the yearly wages of employees of their parent company, the Asahi Shimbun, decreased by even a single yen, and while their pensions have not been reduced, they have created a reality in which one in six children grows up in poverty with an annual income of less than 1.8 million yen.


