文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Carl Sagan - Reina del Cid with dedication to a great statesman

2022年07月17日 07時51分40秒 | 全般
The following is from a tweet by Mr. Ryusho Kadota.
It proves the overwhelming popularity of Abe, while a small number of unidentified Japanese people even humiliated the deceased.
I am convinced that the left will never be mainstream in Japan again.
It is hard to believe that anti-Japanese forces oppose the gathering of world dignitaries at the state funeral to show the significance of the existence of Japan, a country of freedom and human rights.
Abe's "death" may herald the "death" of the leftist political parties in Japan.

Carl Sagan - Reina del Cid

Tweet quotes
Ryusho Kadota
"I think everyone liked Mr. Abe as a human rather than a rare prime minister. Otherwise, high school students wouldn't have stood in line for hours in the rain to buy flowers with their meager allowance, and world leaders wouldn't have sent out messages that seemed so unusual," said Masaharu Isshiki.
Mr. Abe has captured the world's leaders with his unique personality.
It is a rare statesman who will never appear again.


