文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The True Identity of the Chinese Communist Party, which has thoroughly deceived Japan and the world

2023年03月10日 11時09分18秒 | 全般

It is an urgent task for Japan to rebuild its national defense to counter a military power that has not attempted to hide its intention of aggression. Therefore, the Japanese must wake up now.
It is the chapter I posted on July 20, 2020.
Not only Japanese people but people worldwide need to reread it.
The following is from the reading section of the Sankei Shimbun on July 18.
It is a review of Michio Ochiai's book titled The True Identity of the Chinese Communist Party, which has thoroughly deceived Japan and the world.
It is a must-read book not only for Japanese people but also for people worldwide.
Free yourself from the sense of atonement.
The world has grown tense with the spread of Wuhan Corona.
Hong Kong, which has reached the end of the "one country, two systems" policy, is dead, and countries, mainly the United Kingdom and the United States, are taking a confrontational stance against the dangerous movements of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
However, Japan has not taken a firm stance against repeated intrusions into Japan's territorial waters, has not protested against the People's Daily's claim that "Ryukyu was taken over by Japan," and cannot immediately decide to cancel President Xi Jinping's visit to Japan as a state guest.  
Under the beautiful name of Japan-China friendship, Japan has grown the economy of the Communist Party of China and continued to increase its tyranny.
This book reveals the root causes of the distorted Sino-Japanese relations.
The Japanese misunderstand the truth of the China Incident and the true identity of the Chinese Communist Party.
The Chinese Communist Party, which succeeded in imprinting lies on the Japanese with skillful propaganda and instilling a sense of atonement, was able to gain an advantage.
The author believes that the Asahi Shimbun began reporting on the Nanjing Massacre as a premeditated move to instill a sense of redemption among the Japanese before Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka visited China.  
The CCP understands that Japan's strength lies in its Imperial lineage veneration and its military and has continued to work to weaken those two pillars.
Anyone can easily see that the attitude of the Japanese media towards reporting the Yasukuni issue and other issues reflects the intentions of the CCP.  
By reading this book, you will be freed from the sense of atonement for the China Incident and will understand the dangerous identity of the CCP.
It is an urgent task for Japan to rebuild its national defense to counter a military power that has not attempted to hide its intention of aggression.  
The Japanese must wake up now.   
(Heart Publishing editorial department Terumi Sasaki)

2023/3/9, in Kyoto


