文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

We Japanese cannot stand Emmanuel's arrogant words and deeds.

2023年06月15日 20時08分45秒 | 全般

Kaori Arimoto
Well said Arimura san.
You are the first Parliamentarian to condemn Ambassador Emmanuel's interference in our domestic affairs.
We Japanese, who consider the Japan-US relationship important, cannot stand Emmanuel's arrogant words and deeds.




Kadota Ryusho
Has a U.S. ambassador to Japan ever been so denounced?
Haruko Arimura of the Liberal Democratic Party harshly criticized Ambassador Emanuel's words and actions on the LGBT bill.
She said the Japanese people's feelings were offended and even mentioned the impact on the Japan-U.S. relationship.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should take a firm stand against the ambassador who continues interfering in internal affairs by looking down on Japan, saying, "Japan is in the process of evolving."




