文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is no exaggeration to say that this is one of the most important books of the 21st century

2021年05月27日 23時20分56秒 | 全般

The following book by journalist Yoshio Kisa, former Yomiuri Shimbun Berlin correspondent, is a must-read for the Japanese people and people around the world.
The Japanese people should go to their nearest bookstore and buy a copy right now.
I will do my best to make the rest of the world aware.
It is no exaggeration to say that this is one of the most important books of the 21st century.
This excellent book also proves that my thesis in the previous chapter is correct.
It is no exaggeration to say that Japan is the only place where the world now has a genuine thesis that required reading every day.
It is God's providence that the turntable of civilization is turning in Japan.
I have mentioned the reasons for this several times.
For the first time in human history, Japan has created a society without class, religion, or ideology.
There was no such country anywhere else in the world but Japan. 
Before Japan, it turned the turntable of civilization in the United States.
The reason was that the U.S. was the champion of freedom and democracy.
For the next 170 years, Japan and the U.S. must lead the world in parallel.
The GHQ has left a terrible mark on Japan.

When I still subscribed to the Japanese edition of Newsweek, it carried a poll on German attitudes toward Japan and the Japanese people.
I was surprised and dismayed to read that about half of the German people had anti-Japanese views.
I have written several times about my anger and contempt for Germans.
This book is a perfect example of how vile the Germans are for holding anti-Japanese views toward Japan.
It was only natural that such lowly people would create and sympathize with the Nazis.
It is only natural that such lowly people would sympathize with the anti-Japanese propaganda of China and South Korea, the land of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies."
Almost all Japanese would be stunned to learn that the Germans are such lowly people.
The Japanese media, which has failed to inform us of the reality of the German people, is not only not a journalist but is also not even a member of the media.
They and the scholars and so-called cultural figures who have been sympathetic to them have been saying things like, "Learn from Germany" and other such nonsense.
They are the worst idiots in human history.
This book also proves 100% the correctness of my intuition, which has been abusing those saying, "Learn from Germany."





