文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

and the Japanese are a rare people who do not feel the need to treat others as slaves

2024年06月05日 07時06分40秒 | 全般

Yasuke (date of birth and death unknown) was a black man who came to Japan during the Warring States period. As a missionary-owned slave, he was considered a gift to the warlord Oda Nobunaga but was favored by Nobunaga and taken into service.
On February 23, Tensho 9 (March 27, 1581), when Valignano was granted an audience with Nobunaga, Yasuke was brought along as his slave. 
The "Shinchō Kōki" describes him as "a black monk from Kirishitan Province." He is about 26 to 27 years old and has "the strength of ten men" and "a body as black as an ox."
According to the Jesuit Annals of Japan, Nobunaga, who was convinced that he was indeed dark-skinned, showed great interest in this black man and got him from Valignano. 
Then, he named him "Yasuke" and had him become a formal samurai, keeping him close to Nobunaga. 
It wrote Nobunaga had taken a liking to Yasuke and eventually intended to make him a lord (lord of a castle).
According to Taku Kaneko, a manuscript (in the possession of the Sonkei Kaku Bunko), which is presumed to be a copy of an autograph handed down in the Kaga Ota family, descendants of Gyuichi Ota, the author of "Nobunaga no Koki," describes that this black man Yasuke was given private residence and a waist sword and sometimes worked as a tool bearer.
It is no exaggeration to say that Japan has been a genuinely democratic nation since ancient times, so much so that it is incomprehensible to the rest of the world, and the Japanese are a rare people who do not feel the need to treat others as slaves.

Totsuka Etsuro, a lawyer from Rikkyo University who held a crucial position in the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, went all the way to the United Nations several times to spread the story to the world, which the Asahi Shimbun widely reported based on Seiji Yoshida's lies. 
Lawyers such as Mizuho Fukushima used it as material to attack and extort money from the Japanese government. 
Totsuka Etsuro said, "They are not comfort women, but sex slaves." 
He proclaimed in an interview with Sekai Nippo that he was the one who established them as sex slaves.
I even think it is possible and is, in fact, a person with DNA from the Korean peninsula, which was an outrageous slave state before Japan annexed it. ?
Because, without mentioning the example of Nobunaga, no genuine Japanese would ever think of sex slavery.

Katsumi Murotani, one of the most well-informed commentators on the realities of Korea, makes it clear that this attitude of enslaving others still exists in Korea in his column "The Shape of a Neighboring Country" in this month's issue of HANADA magazine.
His article is also a must-read for the Japanese people and people worldwide.
When they realize how much evil is involved in the anti-Japanese propaganda being perpetrated around the world by a nation of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies," those fools who have taken it seriously and call themselves intellectuals will realize their folly to the point of wanting to crawl into a hole before they go to hell. 
It will be presented in the next chapter and beyond.

2024/6/4 in Kanazawa
