文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It says that Asahi is a convinced accomplice of the Unification Church.

2022年09月23日 11時58分02秒 | 全般
The following is from Masayuki Takayama's serialized column that marks the end of Weekly Shincho, released yesterday.
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
A must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people worldwide.
It had an accomplice.
The Unification Church's Sun Myung Moon is said to have reemerged as the Messiah in a world where evil reigns.
A similar story is told in the Zoroastrian scripture Avestā.
When evil reigns, virgin bathing by a spring conceives the Messiah Saoshyant.
The born savior fights evil with the people, seals the evil god in the depths of the earth and establishes a thousand-year kingdom of bliss.
The Jewish people were inspired by this and created Judaism, and the savior myth became the model for Mary's conception in the Christianity of their grandchildren.
Sun Myung Moon is, so to speak, the junior of Jesus. Still, he is dismissed by adopting the theory that "he is the adulterous son of Zachariah and Mary" about his senior.
Moon also says he went to the spirit world and "pleased" Jesus and Muhammad by caring for Korean women.
Nixon even happily invited him to the White House, despite his pedantry.
Because of his other banner, anti-communism, Nixon has been happy to give large sums of money to anti-communist organizations.
The financial resources come from "donations and contributions from believers," many of whom are contributed by a nominal 600,000 Japanese believers.
They buy religious books at 30 million yen a copy. Like the mother of Tetsuya Yamagami, the man who shot former Prime Minister Abe, they donate houses and fields, amounting to 60 billion yen yearly.
So Sun Myung Moon built a magnificent palace in Gyeonggi-do with several hundred billion yen inheritance.
The Unification Church is thankful for Japanese believers, but according to the Asahi Shimbun, "the number has now decreased to 40,000.''
Many of them have shortened their lives by donating large sums of money.
Since it is a new Korean religion, it seems there are many Korean believers, but it is unpopular locally and has about "20,000 followers" (the same newspaper).
Most believers are Japanese women like Junko Sakurada, who married a poor Korean with a large dowry and are still making an effort to donate money.
Why are believers concentrated among the Japanese?
Why are the Japanese being duped?
It has to do with Sun Myung Moon's "Messiah who came out when evil flourished."
In fact, the evil Moon refers to the 36 years of Japanese imperial rule.
He says that Japan is Satan who robbed Korea of its wealth and enslaved Koreans.
The facts are very different.
Theodore Roosevelt was wary of emerging Japan and imposed Joseon on Japan, which he saw as a future disaster for Japan.
Japan did not like it but eventually gave them the same treatment as the Japanese.
Every year, they invested 20% of the national budget in lighting the electricity, running the railroads, and building 5,000 elementary schools to universities.
It was how Korea was able to rise from the Stone Age to the modern era in one stroke.
However, the anti-Japanese Syngman Rhee demanded an apology and compensation based on the Cairo Declaration, which stated that Japan had enslaved Korea, and the dispute continued until the reign of Park Chung-hee. 
Japanese newspapers were critical of South Korea's outlandish intransigence during this period. Still, the Asahi Shimbun turned pro-North Korean and began saying, "Japan should atone for the Korean peninsula." and so on.
Since then, there have been reports of Japanese crimes without a shred of truth, such as "Thousands of Koreans who worked at the Matsushiro Imperial Headquarters were killed,'' and "Rumors killed many Koreans during the Great Kanto Earthquake.'' lined up.
Masayuki Fujio, a former reporter for the Yomiuri Shimbun, wrote in Bungeishunju that "the annexation of Japan and Korea was partly the responsibility of the Korean side.
Asahi informed South Korea, and Fujio was dismissed.
With no more sound arguments, Asahi wrote a lie about comfort women, saying that Korean women were abducted and made into sex slaves. Yayori Matsui and Takashi Uemura reported that the Japanese military had forcibly taken women from Pusan and Seoul.
Sun Myung Moon told his Japanese followers, "Japan is Satan. The Asahi also wrote that Japan is Satan and has done many bad things."
"Buy a pot of inspiration. You will be saved, and it will diminish Japan's sins."
Masato Inui, an editorial writer for the Sankei Shimbun, quotes the truth about this as a story of a former believer.
As a child, I read the Asahi Shimbun at home and was taught at school by a Japan Teachers' Union teacher that Japan had done many bad things," it said, "so I honestly believed Sun Myung Moon's teachings."
It says that Asahi is a convinced accomplice of the Unification Church.
