文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Emanuel. Fools! High-headed! Stand down!

2023年04月25日 19時00分04秒 | 全般

The following is from a tweet by Tetsuhide Yamaoka, which we discovered yesterday.
Blatant interference in internal affairs.
The Biden administration, which has run the U.S. into the ground, will not let go of Japan, the perfect colony, but rather is trying to return to direct rule.
The Kishida administration has been flatly rejected by this Rambo, Ambassador Emanuel.
If the Japanese people do not say "No," the Biden administration will unabashedly impose its far-left globalist policies on the Japanese people.
Prime Minister Kishida has been completely taken for a fool.

*Democrats (party members?) of the U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Emanuel.
He is so shallow and lousy that he cannot see that LGBT is a plot to destroy the liberal camp as plotted by the leftist pedophiles.
And with that brain, he will lead Japan, a country that boasts of the world's highest intellectual, educational, cultural, etiquette, and behavioral standards.
High-headed! Stand down!

