文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

To avoid such a situation, we need to pay attention to domestic espionage.

2024年06月16日 15時46分00秒 | 全般
Genkotsu Takufumi: The Terror of 50,000 Communist Party Spies
November 17, 2016 Published.
December 07, 2022 Updated.
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
The facts that this paper reveals could not have been known by the Japanese public, who only subscribe to newspapers such as Asahi and watch TV stations that are their subsidiaries and monopolize terrestrial broadcasting and NHK.

Mobilization of "Japanese-Chinese Nationals" Threatens Our Country's Security
Part of the Silk Road Initiative
On August 6, 2008, while the world was abuzz with excitement over the opening ceremony of the Rio de Janeiro Olympics, about 230 fishing boats carrying Chinese maritime militia and six armed vessels of the Maritime Police Bureau swarmed into the adjacent waters of the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea.
Since then, the number of fishing vessels has increased to more than 400, the number of ships of the Coast Guard Bureau has risen to more than 20, and tensions are still high in the area.
However, Chinese warships had already frequently appeared in Japanese territorial waters in June, and during the House of Councillors election in July, fighter jets and warships showed a different kind of show of force.
With the July 12 ruling by the Hague Court of Arbitration in the Netherlands refusing to recognize China's territorial rights in the South China Sea and the country's economy becoming unstable, it was inevitable for China, which was concerned about its prestige, to target the Senkakus with "offense is the best defense" to create an advantageous posture while it still could.

These series of Chinese moves are deeply related to the "Silk Road Concept," which was launched in 2013 and consists of the "land-based Silk Road" linking China and Europe and the "maritime Silk Road" connecting via ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and South Asia.

China aims to capture infrastructure demand from countries along the Silk Road, mainly in Eurasia, to prop up the slowing Chinese economy (the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is one aspect of this concept that provides financial support).

On August 1, China's Supreme People's Court, the country's highest court, established a "rule" that holds criminals accountable if they engage in illegal fishing or trespassing into territorial waters under their jurisdiction. This made it legal to arrest Japanese nationals near the Senkaku Islands.

The world will be divided in two between the US-led Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership (TPP) and the China-led New Silk Road to strengthen the economy, and the troubled East China Sea and South China Sea will be areas where the hegemony of the two countries will clash.
With the Senkaku Islands, Japan will play the role of Sanadamaru against Chinese hegemony.

To make a move against China's growing hegemony, Japan, with the world's third-largest economy, should take the initiative in the encirclement of China rather than the United States, which is stuck in the middle of a presidential election.

The term "three battles" appeared in the Political Work Ordinance of the Chinese People's Liberation Army in 2003.
China says the "three battles" are "public opinion warfare (fostering public opinion to inspire the morale of one's forces and discourage the enemy's willingness to fight)," "psychological warfare (using propaganda, intimidation, deception, and distancing to break the enemy's will to resist)," and "legal warfare (putting the enemy in a passive position and assisting military action by ensuring the legality of one's military actions).

On the other hand, if China were to revolt, Japan would be in a state where its stomach had been ripped open by a treacherous friend.
To avoid such a situation, we need to pay attention to domestic espionage.

2024/6/13 in Kanazawa


