文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Such a nation had never existed anywhere in the history of the world.

2023年08月07日 16時14分39秒 | 全般

It is the chapter I sent out on September 5, 2019.
That the 20th century was the century of war…
For example, quite different from the so-called cultural people who contributed to the column of Nikkei Newspaper yesterday ...,
Every human being in the country is involved in the war somehow.
Poets who volunteered to go to the battlefield and to be killed were too many to count ...
It is natural because there is no such thing as a truthful poet and a person who is not a patriot.
However, intellectuals, cultural people, and lawyers represented by yesterday's author or NHK's staff who speak that Japan has colonized the Korean Peninsula are different.
Their root of the patriotism that should be possessed by nature as a Japanese citizen is distorted and rotten.
A wrong war etc., is the Nazi's Jewish slaughter and ...,
Massacres against the people who repeatedly came from China and the Korean Peninsula ...,
Or the Indians' massacre of the United States.
By Soviet spies and Asahi newspaper Japan is bogging down Second Sino-Japanese War ...,
Soviet spies who had coaxed the Roosevelt administration formed the public opinion of pro-China · anti-Japan at once in the United States with this subject as a theme.
If they succeed in sending 5% of the agent, they will control the organization subject to maneuvering. 
Propaganda maneuvering is the task of the supreme proposition (since there are no other brains). It is natural as well.
At that time, the Soviets also let the spies pass through to countries that formed public opinion anti-Japanese, such as Canada.
The famous Herbert Norman is one of them.
After all, when Lenin succeeded in the Russian Revolution, intellectuals around the globe, have suffered a lot of shocks due to the weak point of top-heavy ideas or information intellectuals had.
It is also one factor that caused Akutagawa Ryunosuke to commit suicide.
For example, Deutscher wrote that intellectuals at the time were shocked by the Russian Revolution.
Like the ideal revolution by the workers, the Russian revolution caught the excellence in the study of each country.
Although it is not impossible because it still does not know what communism really is like.
After the war, Japanese intellectuals repeated the mistakes of thinkers at this time.
That yesterday's 'Oiso Koiso' was disclosed distinctly.
Who disseminated that Japan had a wrong war?
Whose concept was made by brainwashing by whom?
It could not understand the majority of Japanese postwar school intellectuals at all the truth that it can understand even in kindergarten children.
It is also laughable to name thinkers; everyone who gave the Nobel Prize to Oe Kenzaburo is the extreme of stupidity.
Who has spread that Japan made a wrong war? 
It is the United States.
Who depends on brainwashing? 
It is the brainwashing by the United States.
They conceal the world from the most extraordinary slaughter acts of war history; human beings went to 127 cities throughout Japan with an incendiary bomb to deflect the world.
Furthermore, to hide the world from the most significant and worst crime in human history, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the United States made Japan a villain man to conceal it.
To that end, the United States, Takayama Masayuki, said the American newspaper originally had a lot of fakes, and N.Y. Times made a forge (cooperation with KMT Chiang Kai-shek?).
The Nanjing massacre was the Chinese Communist Party dictatorship; The Asahi Shimbun wrote this article following the Chinese documents.
It is cooperating with this Chinese propaganda in large part on the particular feature series of 'Journey of China' spread across the world = the agent itself, Katsuichi Honda, who did the act did not get punished as a traitor, became a big best-seller, got massive cash, got a face like a big reporter, followed the entourage, he is comfortably off.
Honda's form is compatible with Uemura Takashi, who continued fake reporting of comfort women.
Uemura Takashi snaps at Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai, the Japanese treasure, unreasonably, and in the case that more than 100 attorneys appeared as surroundings in the trial made in Sapporo District Court.
In the Japan correspondent club, defending the lowest guy Uemura Takashi and the Asahi Shimbun and slandering Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai, a treasure of Japan, is Italy's shameless guy.
China and the Korean Peninsula utilize the attitude the United States took after the war and continue multiplying.
However, Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the postwar world, has verified and disclosed to us the fact that contrary to their propaganda, Japanese soldiers were gentlemen even on the battlefield.
They were the ones who possessed the sense of beauty and decency that Japanese people have cultivated over the past 2,600 years.

Why did the U.S. not only indiscriminately attack 127 cities throughout Japan with incendiary bombs but also Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
There is a factor that the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was due to the racism of the world and the U.S. administration at that time,
The biggest reason is that the Japanese people were so strong that the Japanese army was the strongest in history.
Even when supplies were cut off, most of them fought to the death on distant battlefields, risking their own lives to protect the country where their families, wives, and children lived.
Such a nation had never existed anywhere in the history of the world.
It is, although Bushido would have been one factor in this.
The Japanese army was too strong.


