文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Ostensibly, it is a moralistic sham, getting people who don't give a damn to write articles.

2024年06月09日 15時34分29秒 | 全般

The Asahi Shimbun has been running Japan with the attitude that if you don't do what Asahi says, they will lead public opinion to eliminate you.
June 05, 2022
But because they wear the mask of justice, the mask of the guardian of democracy, they are worse than the scoundrels of the street. 
It is the chapter I sent on December 31, 2015, titled.
It had suffered a criminal act of search obstruction.
I have revised the paragraphs, etc., and re-submitted them.

It was around 2009~2010.
The Umeda-Kita Yard project, which took over 20 years to complete with the collective wisdom of Osaka's public and private sectors, was decided. Strangely enough, the project plan had stalled and was in chaos, so I decided to fight alone against the Kansai Economic Federation, the Kansai Association of Corporate Executives, and Osaka City Hall for three months.
When I started the battle, I handed a report to our executive director, as I did every time, describing how I had talked with them.
I had him deliver it to a reporter named Tagaya at the Osaka headquarters of the Asahi Shimbun, who had written a major feature article on the North Yard. 
We were still waiting to receive a response.
The Asahi Shimbun's Osaka headquarters should have been even angrier than I was.
As readers know, for example, when the Imperial Hotel office was completed.
I received an invitation from a Dentsu man in Tokyo, with whom I was very close at the time, to enter this office building and come to Tokyo, and that the real headquarters from now on should be located in Tokyo.
I turned down such an invitation and continued to stay in Osaka.
So it was a battle for my life.
The above reporter, Tagaya, had no philosophy and wrote articles like a man who had no idea why he was writing a major feature on the North Yard.
He was just an errand boy or a moralist for Asahi's ostensible and pretended moralism.
The big bad was behind the scenes and wanted to confuse the North Yard and delay the first-phase sales of the Umeda North Yard at any cost.
They were also working to bury the project plan by writing that the second phase should be a green park, which changed the plan.
Only later did I learn that it was the Asahi Shimbun itself.
It perfectly answered the question, "What is Asahi Shimbun?
In other words, Asahi is a match pump.
Ostensibly, it is a moralistic sham, getting people who don't give a damn to write articles.
Behind the scenes, they are the villains themselves.
The editorial board members of the past have been a mess of ideas, of Marxism, and so on, and they have used their absolute power to control the discourse in Japan as their cover.

They have been running the country with the attitude that if you do not do what Asahi says, they will lead public opinion to kill you.
In other words, they are no different from the scoundrels who inhabit the streets.
However, the fact that they wear the masks of justice and the guardian deity of democracy makes them worse than the villains of the streets.
To be continued.


2024/6/7 in Nagoya
