文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is an oddity that would not be seen in any other developed country.

2024年06月10日 10時38分16秒 | 全般
April 23, 2019
What this chapter reveals is the fact that the Japanese government (in this case, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) is using taxpayer money to support anti-Japanese activist figures and groups.
It is an oddity that would not be seen in any other developed country.
The person in charge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also a mere honor student who grew up in a house that subscribes to the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, which is why he can do such a ridiculous thing.
I searched for Hideaki Uemura, which was mentioned in the previous chapter.
I found that this obviously dubious and presumably not genuine Japanese man... 2006 (Dec.): He was invited as a representative of the SGC to participate in the "50th Anniversary Celebration of the United Nations Membership" jointly hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United Nations Association of Japan.
If there were a CIA or FBI in Japan and I were the director, I would have investigated this person's relationship with China and the Korean peninsula without a moment's hesitation.
I was also dismayed to see him appearing so proudly on Wikipedia.
I recently wrote that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had been a moron and a bastard since the end of the war,
I was proven even more astonished that I was right.
2005 (August): A new framework for open discussions between the Japanese government and NGOs on UN reform, the "Public Forum on UN Reform," is launched in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Japan International Volunteer Center (Kiyotaka Takahashi), and Peace Boat (Akira Kawasaki).
An external evaluator evaluated the results and issues, Professor Seiji Endo of Seikei University, in the form of the "Evaluation Report of the Public Forum on United Nations Reform" in March 2013, which is available on the following website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan The report is available at the following website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. (http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/gaiko/un_kaikaku/pdfs/houkoku_201303.pdf)
2006 (December): Invited as a representative of SGC to participate in the "50th Anniversary of the United Nations Accession" co-hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United Nations Association of Japan.
*At the same time, an article convinced us that this man was the mastermind behind inviting Mozambican farmers and a slack-jawed older man from Norway to Japan to carry out anti-Abe activities.
The article was published in the same month.
1993 (September): Together with NGOs, related organizations, and individuals, we invited Rigoberta Menchu Tumu, the 1992 Nobel Peace Prize laureate and 1993 UN Goodwill Ambassador for the International Year of Indigenous Peoples, to Japan.

2024/6/7 in Nagoya


