文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The Identity of the Anti-Japanese Network

2023年10月07日 08時00分48秒 | 全般

It is the chapter that I sent out on 2020-06-07

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
The Identity of the Anti-Japanese Network
In 1991, the Saitama Prefectural Police announced that the missing Yaeko Taguchi was the one who taught Japanese to Mayumi Hachiya (Kim Hyon-Hui), the North Korean spy who caused the Korean Air Lines plane bombing.
When the abduction issue was about to be brought into the spotlight, Asahi launched a comfort women campaign three months later, as if it had been timed to do so.
In the summer of 1991, Takashi Uemura wrote an utterly false article titled "Forced Comfort Women Open Their Mouths," Yoshiaki Yoshimi, a professor at Chuo University, followed it up with "Military Involvement in Comfort Women. 
The comfort women issue was made into a diplomatic issue and rehashed to distract attention from the abduction issue.
The timing is curiously coincidental.
Whenever something inconvenient for North Korea or China happens, Asahi always makes a fuss about it.
Around the time the Moritomo issue began to be reported by Asahi, North Korea's nuclear and missile tests were becoming more active.
They were clearly making guesses.
Eventually, they would say to the Japanese government, which had complained about North Korea's missile tests, "Are you trying to hide MoriKake by emphasizing the missile threat?
As criticism of China intensified in Corona, Asahi made one "allegation" after another.
It brought up the suicide note of a Ministry of Finance official who committed suicide by falsifying documents, and when that didn't gain much traction, it turned to the Aveno mask.
When that too failed, they extended the retirement age for prosecutors.
The media is completely controlled.
Anti-Japanese and pro-China forces have taken root over the years.
The people on the other side are willing to take time.
Even the Senkakus, Zhou Enlai, and Deng Xiaoping sowed the seeds by "shelving" them, and before you know it, Xi Jinping is saying that they are a "core interest.
It took half a century to concoct a single lie.
Looking back at history, it is difficult for those who have taken the wrong path to continue to win.
They will eventually face severe repercussions.
This article continues.

