文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

That is the duty of politicians to Japan and the world.

2024年06月09日 21時41分01秒 | 全般

On March 10, I attended a charity concert at the Hamarikyu Asahi Hall in aid of the Noto Peninsula.
On New Year's Eve, 2020, I was astonished to discover her on YouTube.
She, of course, won all the violin contests around the world in which she participated.
She was a talent that people worldwide were astonished at and admired.
What surprised me even more, and at the same time made me feel proud as a Japanese, was that following in her footsteps, a few years younger, was also Himari Yoshimura.
Of course, Himari followed in her footsteps, winning every contest she entered worldwide.
Readers know that I have been writing in this column for some time now about the beauty and excellence of Japan and the Japanese people.
They have been the best proof that my editorial was correct.
In the middle of the second row from the front, I had the best seat in the house that day to hear these miraculous talents emerging in the music world.
The fertility, power, and beauty of her sound were all overwhelming.
I was one with her sound from the first note to the last.
It was a supreme experience.
I write this column while listening to classical music on YouTube every day.
After returning home, I remembered what Beethoven said about music for the first time in a very long time.
I had spoken these words several times to people around me when I was young.
Music is the highest of the arts..." When Beethoven said this, there were no movies.
So I have told them many times that this is true.
Painting, poetry, novels...because only music has a body.
Music is the sound, painting is the line, the novel is the style, and photography is the composition and the moment.
Only music has an echo, a body.
This event made me realize the depth of the music world in Japan.
Japan is a great country.
The government should spend more than enough money on the music industry in Japan, which is so much more diverse than ever, instead of wasting around 15 trillion yen on the lousy Gender Equality Law, the Child and Family Agency, etc.
Artists like Murata Natsuho and Yoshimura Himari appear one after another because Japan's music scene has the deepest talent pool in the world.
In other words, it proves that Japan is a beautiful and rare country where the tradition of Murasaki Shikibu and Sei Shonagon continues today.
The Japanese government must realize this and create the best environment in the world so that the Japanese music industry can always lead the world.
That is the duty of politicians to Japan and the world.
Spreading money around the world like an ATM will not earn genuine respect.
The world will respect Japan only when it is the best in the arts.
Real art cannot be created and nurtured in a world where the people's quality of life is low.
Because Japan's people are the best in the world, the best music is born.
Natsuho Murata uses an Amati, but now she wants to play a Stradivarius.
In other words, the sound of the Stradivarius must respond to all of her talent.
The government should promptly purchase a superb Stradivarius and allow her to use it.
The reason goes without saying.
She is a peerless talent who will continue to bring the highest praise to Japan and the Japanese people, something that all the members of the Diet cannot achieve even if they were to band together.
She has single-handedly achieved the highest level of diplomacy and national prestige.
And, as Himari has followed in her footsteps, their talents will continue to awaken the next generation's talents, one after another.
The Japanese government continues to give vast amounts of public money to people with vicious and vicious anti-Japanese ideology.
Now is the time to do what needs to be done.
Realize that there is good government that can be done right now!

2024/6/7 in Nagoya
