文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

From then on, the Japanese had an outstanding ability to take in civilization and be ingenious.

2024年06月22日 20時48分42秒 | 全般

Look at the Edo period. It was during that period that the world-class Japanese culture developed.
Japan has been poisoned by the strange progressivism of "globalization."
August 29, 2019
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Preamble omitted.
*Anyone with keen insight reading this special feature of dialogues will surely burst out in laughter at certain points.*

Look at the Edo period. It was during that period that the world-class Japanese culture developed.
Japan has been poisoned by the strange progressivism of "globalization."
The term "seclusion" is again quite extreme, but the cultural maturity of the Edo period was astonishing.
Yes, a world-class culture was in full bloom.
As proof of this, Japanese ukiyoe greatly influenced European impressionist paintings.
Japan was a peaceful nation that did not wage war with foreign countries.
In the book "The Face of the Departed World" by Kyoji Watanabe (Heibonsha), it is mentioned that when foreigners came to Japan during the Edo period, they were all amazed at the beauty and uniqueness of the country.
I am glad Perry from the U.S. came at the end of the Edo period.
If it had been the British, Japan would have been torn to shreds and colonized.
In that sense, we should also honor the heroes of the Sengoku period.
They saved Japan by establishing the Christian prohibition.
The missionaries of that time were like the vanguard of colonial rule.
They brainwashed the people by teaching them the teachings of the Bible and then proceeded to rule in concrete terms.
It was a very clever method.
However, Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu of that time saw through such intentions and suppressed the Christians.
Many Japanese were killed, but overall, I think their decision was the right one.
Nobunaga is well portrayed in Frois's "History of Japan". 
He seems to have been a genius.
He instantly grasped the fact that the earth was round.
He was full of enterprising spirit.
Nobunaga was the first of the warring feudal lords to recognize the effectiveness of the flintlock gun.
He was far superior to any European country at the time and produced a much larger quantity of guns, to the surprise of Froiss, who wrote that he was amazed.
From then on, the Japanese had an outstanding ability to take in civilization and be ingenious.
Hiraga Gennai of the Edo period also generated electricity using something called Elekiter.
The domination of people of color by whites has been a principle of world history since the Middle Ages.
Only Japan was an exception to this principle.
The domination of Korea was an extension of that principle.
Korea could have come under Russian rule, so Japan's actions should not be criticized too much.
When Russia felt Japan was about to lose the war, it unilaterally broke the treaty and invaded Hokkaido without permission.
They killed 50,000 to 60,000 Japanese and sent the rest to work in Siberia.
Not only Japanese but also German POWs were in the same situation.
They invaded Russia and were defeated, but all captured German soldiers were sent to Siberia.
Russia is an ethnically dangerous country.
They try to catch you with sweet talk about the Northern Territories at first, but you must not fall for it.
They will use Japanese money to develop the Northern Territories, but they will never return them.
Russia's intentions are clear.
Joint development is fine, but all Russians who emigrate should become Japanese citizens.
Delicate Japanese will soon be enslaved (laughs).
The national government should manage them.
Shinzo is confronting scary countries.
After all, we should return to the Edo period and isolate ourselves from the rest of the world.
This article continues.

6/10/2023 in Osaka


