文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

There is no need to adjust to them. Korea is a world of lies,

2020年10月19日 15時10分04秒 | 全般
It is the chapter that I sent out on 2019-10-17.
This chapter must be read with a keen eye not only by the people of Japan but also by the people of the world, especially the Germans, especially the Berlin citizens.
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Don't indulge them in a half-hearted attempt.
Koreans must have heard it as an old story somehow from their grandparents.
So, inwardly, they feel pro-Japanese.
But politically, they are anti-Japanese, so they are mentally divided.
It is the best example of bipolarization.
But that doesn't mean I feel "sorry for them" or "let's forgive them for being anti-Japanese" at all.
I am the same way.
So what Japan needs to do is interact with Korea independently and confidently rooted in Japanese culture.
There is no need to adjust to them.
Korea is a world of lies, and both sides will end up unhappy if we conform to that lie.
If Japan becomes resolute and robust enough to repel the U.S. and China, Korea will tempt to become Japanese again.
Since it means going back to Korea's beginning, I think Koreans will accept it with joy.
That's enough for me (laughs).
There are many Koreans in Japan, but they are the ones who are divided and refracted.
I know it's painful, but it becomes a spoiled and evil stand out when it's like the earlier "Weekly Post."
They dropped their name, got a Japanese name, and yet still condemn Japan.
The criticism of the "Weekly Post" is also a bit easy to make.
Don't indulge them in a half-hearted attempt.
Instead of listening to what the Koreans have to say, we should go back to the past and steadily tell them the truth.
One suggestion is to create a section in Japanese history textbooks on the "era of the annexation of Japan and Korea" and the "era of the rule of Taiwan" so that children can learn the historical facts from their childhood.
That way, no matter what South Korea says, Japan will be able to stand up to them.
And we should translate Mr. Matsumoto's book into Korean and make them read it. Then we can let them make their own choices.
They can say whatever they want because they have no history, culture, or anything else that is fundamental to their people.
Both Japan and South Korea need to acquire a correct view of history.
Japan needs to get rid of the historical view of the Tokyo Trials that the U.S. has imprinted on it. 
South Korea should honestly look at its history, including Japanese imperialism, and start again from now.
* Junko Miyawaki is one of the world's leading historians of Orient, and Masayuki Takayama is the one and only journalist in the post-war world.


