文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is where Japan's giant trading companies come into play. 

2021年12月22日 16時59分20秒 | 全般

The following is from a series of columns by Nobuyuki Kaji, professor emeritus at Osaka University, which opens the monthly magazine WiLL released on December 20.
Japan is at peace - this is a big lie.
Well, so to speak, the fact is that there is the boss of the kids (USA), and my Yamato butters up against the general and is protected by the general.
However, the Self-Defense Forces do exist, but various laws bind them.
Even in a state of emergency, we are not legally allowed to launch a preemptive attack.
We can only fight if the other side attacks us. 
In this case, a sumo wrestler of the lowest rank is a mimicry, like a yokozuna sumo wrestler who always receives and stands, which is not a very decent story.
But, of course, there should be no war. 
That's a matter of course.
If so, how do you win without a war?
There are many ways to do this; let me give you an example.
During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military had the upper hand due to its modern capabilities. 
In order to support Vietnam, which inevitably defeated, China had a winning strategy against the U.S. forces.
It was not realized in the end, though, this is the kind of military strategy.
They would wear military uniforms but carry no weapons, raise their hands in the air, and surrender to the U.S. forces. The number was 10,000. On the second day, 10,000 similar soldiers surrendered.
Since they were surrendered soldiers, the U.S. military had to feed and house them. But with 20,000 men, it was a lot of work.
However, on the third day, another 10,000 surrendered a strategic surrender. 
What would the U.S. military do?
They had to prepare camps for 30,000 unresisting prisoners. 
And, of course, food and clothing. 
Another 10,000 surrendered with no equipment except for their uniforms the next day. 
It was a terrible situation. The U.S. military had no choice but to enter into a truce immediately. 
It was the kind of military strategy that the Chinese were seriously planning.
It is in the nature of the Chinese to do whatever it takes to win, to gain an advantage.
If you look at the various military strategies in history, you will see that the Chinese will go to any length to win.
If this is the case, Japan must develop a strategy to counter it.
However, most of the opinions are purely military strategy, and many of the authors are also former Self-Defense Force officers. 
That's fine. However, as a comprehensive strategy, there is another kind of strategy that is not military. 
Write down what it is, and feel an inevitable self-loathing.
It is because, although I have written about this idea many times over the past several decades, no politician or person involved in the Self-Defense Forces has ever raised it. 
In this sense, I lack energy, but for the sake of my country, I will mention it once again here, but I will limit myself to a brief description. 
Let's begin. To attack an enemy, you must attack its weakest point. It is obvious. 
What is China's weakest point? To put it bluntly, it is a problem of a shortage of wheat, its staple food.
The Chinese continent is divided into north and south by the Yangtze River. The staple food in the south is rice. There is enough of this, but the staple food of the north, wheat, is in short supply.
In recent years, the amount of wheat exported is reported to be 10 million tons (the annual consumption of 100 million people), but I do not believe it.
Thirty years ago, the shortage was 30 million tons. So, they say they have succeeded in increasing wheat production in the past 30 years? That is a lie.
Is there any evidence that the northern half of China has increased its production by 20 million tons? It is impossible.
The volume of water in the Yellow River, the key to agriculture in the north, has been decreasing. 
The number of Chinese immigrants in Australia is increasing because they want to buy Australian wheat in the future. 
The U.S. is the most powerful country in terms of military power and agricultural power. China is a lower-ranked country because it lacks agrarian power.
If that's the case, it's time to play the wheat game. 
It is where Japan's giant trading companies come into play. 
In other words, Japan should lend the trading company several trillion yen without interest and buy up all the wheat.
Alas, I've run out of space here. Let's go again. 
According to the ancients, one must have a strategy in place in the camp to win the war a thousand miles away.

