文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2017年04月17日 22時05分31秒 | 日記























People from all over the world are aware that their maliciousness is unprecedented in human history

2017年04月17日 17時18分05秒 | 日記

The same is true for the "Goethe-Institut" which Germany made for the spread of German and German culture.

* Until I read this book, I did not know this fact at all. So-called cultural people, including Kang Sang-jung who continued to say ridiculous things such as learning in Germany, in the media, Asahi Shimbun is the lead, as no one, they did not say that it is learning German who is making Goethe-Institut. In other words, the time has come for all the Japanese citizens and people all over the world to know that Ozaki Hotsumi is in existence now, all the people who have continued saying "learning in Germany" is there. *

By this alone keen - eyed men knows everything I say, but for people all over the world it will not be so add comments below.

First of all, the financial assistance that Japan has sent to China after the war is the largest amount of human history as financial assistance to other countries.

In addition to funds, Japan came lavishly with technical assistance under the shout of friendship between Japan and China.

People from all over the world do not know that today's China exists only with this fact.

As for Korea, at the conclusion of the Japan - South Korea Treaty, Japan provided financial assistance with an amount equivalent to three times the Korean national budget at that time.

People all over the world do not know that this made a miracle of Han River and made Korea now.

The governments of China and South Korea intentionally do not teach this fact to the public at all.

So most of both citizens do not know anything.

On the contrary, China and South Korea, in the international community,

Japan just losing the war,

Depending on the United States, Japan, which has simply been attached to the defeated country side,

For 72 years after the war, they continue to do anti-Japanese propaganda to keep Japan as a political prisoner.

It is to loot money from Japan as they like at the time of their favor.

They used it arbitrarily, that is, they conveniently used themselves, Weizsäcker, a German, is the presidential address.

They continued to tell Japan to learn from Germany and apologize forever.

The form of China and South Korea is exactly an abysmal evil and a plausible lie, that.

People from all over the world are aware that their maliciousness is unprecedented in human history,

When you have to know, it is coming in.

Is it because the content of the head is made in the thesis in the Asahi Newspaper, Ozaki Hotsumi living right now, Haruki Murakami said that Japan must continue to apologize to China and Korean Peninsula forever, new work it is trying to spread the Nanking Massacre 400,000 theories, it is deception.

This draft continues,

the time has come for all the Japanese citizens and people all over the world to know that

2017年04月17日 15時55分21秒 | 日記

Takayama Masayuki who is the one and only journalist in the postwar world and Kaori Fukushima who is one of the authority on Chinese affairs in present age made a wonderful dialogue on the United States and China and published from Tokuma Shoten on January 31, 2017, it is a must read for all Japanese citizens and people all over the world.

Emphasis on sentences and * ~ * are mine.


Preamble abbreviation.

In the case of Japan, who was holding the Japanese media, it has been America since GHQ.

It was so even after the occupation and reign of GHQ, which lasted seven years after the withdrawal of the US military in 1952, was over.

I think that what America did to leave that tradition is "Fulbright study abroad system" that I have said many times since.

This hint was also under Carthage rule, made Carthage's younger brother study abroad in Rome, reborn into pro - Roma and returned it to the country.

The United States imitated it.

A lot of newspaper reporters who studied at Fulbright, including former Mainichi Newspaper reporter Tokuoka Takao.

And they all became correspondents of the United States.

Only the story which was favorable to the United States was transmitted to Japan.

China imitates that "Confucius Institute" in the world.

The same is true for the "Goethe-Institut" which Germany made for the spread of German and German culture.

* Until I read this book, I did not know this fact at all.

So-called cultural people, including Kang Sang-jung who continued to say ridiculous things such as learning in Germany, in the media, Asahi Shimbun is the lead, as no one, they did not say that it is learning German who is making Goethe-Institut.

In other words, the time has come for all the Japanese citizens and people all over the world to know that Ozaki Hotsumi is in existence now, all the people who have continued saying "learning in Germany" is there. *

Prime Minister Abe seems to be considering such a cultural strategy project, but he says that the public opinion does not come to follow.

Because it is the media that makes public opinion.

The media does not think about such a thing either.

Because the media is still in dog kept in America, we have gaps.

This draft continues.


2017年04月17日 15時36分44秒 | 日記























Person who can understand all this with one shot is probably more conscious people sensitive

2017年04月17日 13時42分22秒 | 日記

Thirdly there is a paper by Furuya Tsunehira, I read the Asahi Newspaper this morning, I was sure that the Asahi Shimbun company is behind Koike.

I first learned the word SDGs in Furuya's paper.

This morning, as the Asahi Shimbun subscribers saw, the Asahi used nearly the entire page on page 11 (with the students who luck knowledge, study and abilities appeared as in SEALDs), the students SDGs it was doing a big title titled such as.

To make the Asahi Shimbun is really malignant for the realization of their distorted thought, no, now say more clearly, now to fulfill the role as Ozaki Hotsumi living in the present, like this it clearly manifests itself in the constitution to use young people.

Now I have noticed, is not it exactly like SEALDs and SDGs, how to use upper case letters and lower case letters? It is surely the coined word of the same person.

The following is from Furuya's paper.

Emphasis in sentences other than heading * and * are me.

Yuriko Koike, let you get down to laziness soon


However, the beginning of the strangeness I felt about Koike is not the so-called "Toyosu relocation problem" scattering but the shadiness to the succession of words that paraphrased into English.

Koike used the word "diversity" frequently.

Even though readers who were misunderstood as "a concept to create a new city center in Odaiba" are also suitable, I am one of them.

It seems to be said that diversity is so, but this level is still good.

"Wise pending" "Sustainable Tokyo".

Koike's general policy speech had only a sense of incongruity.

You can call it「賢い支出」「持続可能な東京」normally.

In February 2017, Koike appeared in a symposium sponsored by "Sustainable Business Women".

That pattern was posted on a social network media, but it is said that they discussed "Realization of SDGs" with "How to make the procurement of the Olympus sustainable".

Person who can understand all this with one shot is probably more conscious people sensitive to "social and wise doctrine (haha)" from usual.

Whether it is「サステナブル」 or「サスティナブル」, its notation does not seem to be unified, and SDGs mean "sustainable production consumption".

If it was made to SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) because it does not understand the meaning as "sustainable production consumption", it will be redundant expression as it already contains sustainable meaning.

Although this is not the responsibility of Koike, the article title of this social network media is "to materialize SDGs through sustainable procurement of the Tokyo Olympic Games".

"Sustainable procurement" and "SDGs" are overlapping expressions.

To be precise, 「東京五輪の持続可能な調達を具体化へ」 is correct, but whether this editor also thought that it is cool to use English words forcibly, it makes sense even while wearing a headline by oneself it did not understand, it tried riding the tide of Koike's frequent English letters, a single instance indicating what happens all the time, such circumstances.

People who regard "good wind as something advanced as long as English letters are repeated", regardless of right or wrong of political thought, obviously produced by Koike,

There is a tendency that likes the atmosphere of something such as flippant merely scratch the surface of an affair that creates succession of English letters.

Impression operation by paraphrase of words

This draft continues.

If Uchida is a bad guy, it is needless to say that this Nakajima is the same or a collaborator

2017年04月17日 12時37分33秒 | 日記

Regarding the circumstances of Yuriko Koike's appointment to the Tokyo Governor Election, this will weaken the Abe administration, eventually overthrowing the Abe administration and, as in the past, trying to shorten the administration's power,

Be changeable as a Weathercock regime is created, the Asahi Shimbun who wants to drop Japanese national strength and lose Japan's international credibility and honor,

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is not only saying that you have an abnormal brain but you are totally brainwashed by Chinese and Korean intelligence agencies,

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a group of Ozaki Hotsumi who is living now,

The reader knows that I mentioned that the editorial boards of the Asahi Shimbun have been referring to Ishiba Shigeru, the leader of the faction that she belonged to, to divide the Abe administration as usual.

The monthly magazine Will May released on March 26 had three papers criticizing her.

Watanabe Shoichi, Shinji Hirono, Tsunehira Furuya is the order of three.

The following is from Mr. Hirono's paper.

Emphasis in the sentence other than heading is me.

Unveil Koike Magic's trick

Shinji Hirono (journalist)

Toyosu is dangerous, Ishihara is bad - Be careful of fake news from Koike

"It is a good opportunity to compete without Komeito. Rise party's spirits let’s do elections that have never been done”

On March 14, Prime Minister Abe met with Liberal Democratic Party Secretary General Toshihiro Nikai and Hirofumi Shimomura (president of the Liberal Democratic Party of Tokyo) acting as secretary general, emphasized the stance of taking over leadership for the Tokyo metropolitan election in July .

To stir Abe prime minister's emotion, it is the announcement of "election cooperation" by Yoshio Nakajima, the head of the Tokyo Metropolitan Komeito the day before that, and Noda Kazusa representative (Yuriko Koike governor special secretary) of the local political party "Tokyo Fast Association".

Nakajima Member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly who entered the political circle from Komei newspaper reporter got the third term of Setagaya Ward parliamentarian 3rd term, the fifth term of Member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Komeito is the oldest in Komeito, who will be involved in Tokyo government for 20 years.

Along with "Tokyo Metropolis' Don" as Shigeru Uchida (former LDP secretary general), he is one of the directors who have directed many years of self-government collaboration in Tokyo Metropolis.

Nakajima Tokyo Metropolitan Assemblyman who seriously tied a striped tie and Noda secretary of a flashy silver necktie with black shirt.

After the meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, they moved the place to a room of the Keio Plaza Hotel, and added the governor Yuriko Koike and got in the picture.

* It is a well-known fact that Koike has made Uchida Shigeru the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly's Don and attacked it thoroughly as being a bad man, but it is a well-known fact, but this fact is nothing but her policy The facts are prominently proof.

Every Japanese citizen with a decent brain other than the owner of the brain that has a brain higher than elementary schooler and brainwashed by the Asahi Shimbun should instantly know what I am talking about.

Koike's lies that made Uchida a villain like that are extreme.

If Uchida is a bad guy, it is needless to say that this Nakajima is the same or a collaborator as much as the bad guys.


2017年04月17日 11時59分03秒 | 日記







渡部昇一、広野真嗣、古谷 経衡の3氏の順番である。


















2017年04月17日 11時48分08秒 | 日記

3番目に古谷 経衡の論文があるのだが、私は、今朝の朝日新聞を読んで、小池の背後に居るのは朝日新聞社である事を確信した。




















「持続可能な生産消費」だと意味が分からないからSDGs(Sustainable Development Goals)にしたとしたら、すでにこの中にはサスティナブルの意が含まれているから重複表現であろう。 







Il n'y a pas de peine à admettre l'erreur de pseudo-moralisme

2017年04月17日 10時56分34秒 | 日記

Au soir, NHK News Kansai, une conférence de presse du gouverneur Matsui a été diffusée.

Moritomo Gakuen a demandé l'approbation pour établir une école élémentaire après avoir révélé que Hata Nariaki Kamoike avait dit qu'il était après sa mort et a déclaré qu'il était vraiment en colère et qu'il était en colère hier. Mais après avoir dormi toute la nuit, je pensais que c'était douloureux , Douloureux de mentir là-bas. Je me suis senti pitié.

Je pensais que les mots du gouverneur Matsui étaient tous des mots qui s'appliquent aux médias comme les partis d'opposition et Asahi Shimbun.

Il n'y a pas de peine à admettre l'erreur de pseudo-moralisme et de pseudo-communisme, douloureusement, malheureusement, avec pitié, il n'y a pas d'endroit comme l'âme du samouraï.

Ils essaient de garder le péché coupable contre le Japon.

Non c'è dolore cercando di ammettere l'errore di pseudo-moralismo e pseudo-comunismo,

2017年04月17日 10時56分00秒 | 日記

Alla sera NHK Notizie Kansai, una conferenza stampa dal governatore Matsui è stato mandato in onda.

Moritomo Gakuen chiesto l 'approvazione di istituire una scuola elementare dopo aver rivelato che Hata Nariaki Kamoike aveva detto che era dopo la sua morte e ha detto che ieri era veramente arrabbiato e ha detto che era arrabbiato ieri, ma dopo aver dormito tutta la notte ho pensato che fosse doloroso , doloroso per dire una bugia lì. Sono venuto a provare pietà.

Ho sentito che le parole di Governatore Matsui erano tutte le parole che si applicano ai media, come i partiti di opposizione e Asahi Shimbun.

Non c'è dolore cercando di ammettere l'errore di pseudo-moralismo e pseudo-comunismo, dolorosamente, male, pietosamente, non c'è nessun posto come l'anima del samurai.

Stanno cercando di mantenere sul peccato colpevole contro il Giappone.

No hay dolor tratando de admitir el error del pseudo-moralismo y pseudo-comunismo,

2017年04月17日 10時55分28秒 | 日記

En la noche NHK News Kansai, una conferencia de prensa por el gobernador Matsui fue ventilado.

Moritomo Gakuen solicitó la aprobación para establecer una escuela primaria después de haber revelado que Hata Nariaki Kamoike había dicho que era después de que murió y dijo que ayer estaba realmente enojado y dijo que estaba enojado ayer, Pero después de dormir toda la noche pensé que era doloroso , Doloroso decir una mentira allí. Llegué a sentir lástima.

Sentí que las palabras del Gobernador Matsui eran palabras que se aplicaban a los medios de comunicación como los partidos de oposición y Asahi Shimbun.

No hay dolor tratando de admitir el error de pseudo-moralismo y pseudo-comunismo, dolorosamente, pobremente, lamentablemente, no hay lugar como el alma del samurai.

Están tratando de mantener el pecado culpable contra Japón.

Es gibt keinen Schmerz, der versucht

2017年04月17日 10時54分55秒 | 日記

Am Abend NHK News Kansai wurde eine Pressekonferenz von Gouverneur Matsui ausgestrahlt.

Moritomo Gakuen beantragte die Genehmigung, eine Volksschule zu gründen, nachdem er offenbart hatte, dass Hata Nariaki Kamoike gesagt hatte, dass es nach seinem Tod sei und sagte, dass er gestern wirklich wütend war und sagte, er sei gestern wütend gewesen, aber nach dem Schlafen die ganze Nacht dachte ich, dass es schmerzhaft war Schmerzhaft, um dort eine Lüge zu erzählen. Ich kam, um Mitleid zu haben.

Ich fühlte, dass die Worte von Gouverneur Matsui alle Worte waren, die für die Medien wie Oppositionsparteien und Asahi Shimbun gelten.

Es gibt keinen Schmerz, der versucht, den Fehler des Pseudomoralismus und des Pseudokommunismus zuzugeben, schmerzlich, schlecht, erbärmlich, da ist kein Ort wie die Seele des Samuras.

Sie versuchen, die schuldige Sünde gegen Japan zu behalten.

Não há dor tentando admitir o erro do pseudo-moralismo e do pseudo-comunismo,

2017年04月17日 10時54分21秒 | 日記

À noite NHK News Kansai, uma conferência de imprensa pelo governador Matsui foi ao ar.

Moritomo Gakuen pediu a aprovação para estabelecer uma escola primária depois de ter revelado que Hata Nariaki Kamoike tinha dito que era depois que ele morreu e disse que ontem ele estava realmente com raiva e disse que estava com raiva de ontem, Mas depois de dormir a noite toda eu pensei que era doloroso , Doloroso para dizer uma mentira lá. Eu vim a sentir pena.

Eu sentia que as palavras do governador Matsui eram todas as palavras que se aplicam aos meios de comunicação, como partidos de oposição e Asahi Shimbun.

Não há dor tentando admitir o erro de pseudo-moralismo e pseudo-comunismo, dolorosamente, mal, lamentavelmente, não há lugar como a alma do samurai.

Eles estão tentando manter o pecado culpado contra o Japão.


2017年04月17日 10時53分51秒 | 日記


森田學園申請批准成立小學後,透露了Hata Nariaki Kamoike曾經說過是在他死後說昨天他真的很生氣,並表示昨天生氣,但是睡覺整整一夜,我以為是痛苦的 在那裡痛苦地說謊。 我來到了可惜。





2017年04月17日 10時53分21秒 | 日記


森田学园申请批准成立小学后,透露了Hata Nariaki Kamoike曾经说过是在他死后说昨天他真的很生气,并表示昨天生气,但是睡觉整整一夜,我以为是痛苦的 在那里痛苦地说谎。 我来到了可惜。


