文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The media does not think such things in the slightest.

2017年04月13日 23時01分38秒 | 日記

The following is also an excerpt from the excellent book in the previous chapter.

It is a fact that all Japanese citizens and people around the world must know.

Preamble abbreviation.


In other words, I will go back to the media story, but in the case of Japan, I wonder who was holding the Japanese media, it has been America since GHQ.

The US Army withdrew in 1952, it was the same even after the occupation and reign of GHQ, which lasted seven years, was over.

I think that what America did to leave that tradition is "Fulbright study abroad system" that I have said many times since.

This hint was also in Domination of Cartago, letting Carthago's siblings study abroad in Rome, reborn into pro Rome and returning it to the country.

The United States imitated it.

A lot of newspaper reporters who studied at Fulbright, including former Mainichi Newspaper reporter Tokuoka Takao.

And they all became correspondents of the United States.

Only the story which was favorable to the United States was transmitted to Japan.

China imitates that "Confucius Institute" in the world.

The same goes for "Goethe-Institut" which Germany made for the spread of German language and German culture.

Prime Minister Abe seems to be considering such a cultural strategy project, but he says that public opinion does not arrive.

Because it is the media that makes public opinion.

The media does not think such things in the slightest.

Because the media is still in dog kept in America, we have gaps.

This draft continues.

For example, what should you do when you cannot bring out funds?

2017年04月13日 22時27分54秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

For example, what should you do when you cannot bring out funds?

It is said that he will promise to give his funds to all his subordinates.

So, when the circumstances change, he will do it in the form of gathering the funds again and somewhere.

In any case, he seems to think freely of his own top priority.

If you can never do, it is to make it a retirement fee of your trustworthy people or use it for guarantee of employees, to withdraw all to zero.


Some people it worked as specializing in laundry for my old acquaintance.

Some of my old acquaintance worked in money laundering specialty.

It seems that they are asked to send out 300 million yen from overseas companies to foreign countries.

Although it could easily money laundering in the past, it told that "Now that crackdown is getting stricter, even if I get 10 million yen or 20 million yen, I cannot cross a dangerous bridge."

The current situation may have changed.

It is becoming very difficult to transfer funds backwards as compared with the past.


Now that the RMB is low, too much asset shift is taking place from domestic to overseas.

Chinese companies are binge shopping overseas companies, but they seem to be able to escape funds even in the form of M & A.

Another way is to cross the bridge from Shenzhen to Hong Kong with cash.

But since there is no high bill of 100 yuan or more, it is hard to be cash.


The way of money laundering is not only to bring it out by cash but also to use overseas Chinese pool funds.

They also use ordinary banking systems and others.

10 million yen to 20 million yen for bringing out 300 million yen, it seems to be a fee of a few percent.


China is a criminal state itself.

Originally it was necessary to liberalize and transition to the managed currency system at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

However, China did not liberalize.

This draft continues.

It is often said by business people, apart from withdrawing separately, we do not know what

2017年04月13日 21時35分31秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

When I listen to the current story, we cannot bring it out, it seems to be "We will give it to you", is not it?

Because it is troublesome to take home with it, there is nothing to view it cannot left it all.

The current labor law in China is being revised so that the employee protection is tremendously strong.

First of all, employees cannot dismiss without signing.

Unilaterally it is impossible to impose a dismissal.

Negotiation for signing is eventually a lifting of retirement payment.

If you do not do it, "anti-Japanese demonstration", especially Japanese companies are extremely weak.

Either way, there will be strict control over the bringing out of renminbi assets / foreign currency assets from the authorities, so we may intend to arrange for employees, executives and partner companies to prepare for a re-entry by paying a great return.

It may be similar to the withdrawal with all the assets Japan had on the continent at the time of defeat.

It is often said by business people, apart from withdrawing separately, we do not know what will happen in China.

So, for example, the relationship between Japan and China got worse, suddenly China's assets may be seized, some people are thinking up to that point.

This draft continues.

It is a fact that all Japanese citizens and people around the world must know.

2017年04月13日 21時12分55秒 | 日記

The following is also an excerpt from the excellent book in the previous chapter.

It is a fact that all Japanese citizens and people around the world must know.


Preamble abbreviation.

Japanese companies are now a withdrawal rush from China.

However I cannot put out a company name, it withdrew a Japanese top-class enterprise that it had taken the world by storm in the Chinese market.

Because it was a company that is a boom in that much in China, I thought that it would have done a large profit and withdrew.

When asked, "What did you do for profit?", But the answer was, "No, in the end there was no such thing as profitable".

Even in the interview with a group of entrepreneurs in various industries, there were also times when it was profitable, but in the end it was not profitable, so there was nothing to bring out.

So it was only the companies that did not lose so much.


That is a little liar.

Is not it just saying that outwardly?

It is strange that it is said from the principle of economic principle that the good story is because it is not profitable.

It cannot say that it could not bring out the funds, but I can only hear it as it says so to cheat.

When closing the Camera Parts Factory in Guangzhou City, Guangdong province where major Japanese consumer Electronics Company was operating, when the Chinese employees demonstrated, they made a big fuss.

That's why the consumer electronics maker says to the Chinese employees that it is three years 'worth of salary or five years' worth.

It is awfully painful to have to trust the Chinese.

This draft continues.

I cannot understand why the international community has left such a country.

2017年04月13日 20時25分35秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Officially, it was that it was impossible to advance if companies had to decide when to withdraw from China, but in short, it seems that Japanese companies are already moving towards withdrawal by abandoning China.

Regardless of excuse, the problem which should not be touched up until now is clarified.

It is a big problem that Japanese companies entering China are unable to bring home with money by bringing their profits back to yen.

Japanese cars such as Nissan, Honda and Toyota are very popular now in China and it seems that they are considerably selling.

Japanese cars will not break and quality is good.

So, Japanese automakers are not withdrawing and should be profitable.

Both Nissan, Honda and Toyota are selling.

However, it cannot take out profits in exchange for Japanese yen.

It is just saying that there is profit on books.

It is a fatal problem to not bring out the renminbi from China, although it is said that China was recognized as a member of the global economy, it is actually a case that cannot be said free trade etc. very much.

While all over the world invests, it only seems to be fattening China.

I cannot understand why the international community has left such a country.

The Renminbi was incorporated into the IMF's SDR and should have been accepted as an international currency, but if you cannot do free exchange trading, it means that it is not in free trade relationship with China, but that is, the newspaper stands out and is not to be a problem.

Japanese companies withdraw from China one after another, but cannot bring out money

2017年04月13日 20時17分21秒 | 日記

The following is an excerpt from among them.

Preamble abbreviation.

Japanese companies withdraw from China one after another, but cannot bring out money


In September 2016, the upper level of economic organizations of Japan, including the Japan-China Economic Association (Muneoka Shoji president), more than 200 visited China.

It is the largest visiting team ever.

If I thought that it was once again China pilgrimage, the delegation was making suggestions on improving the business environment to the Chinese side.

Among them, when foreign companies withdrew from the Chinese market, they seem to have requested the establishment of a window to handle in a unified manner. An article called "China withdrawal procedure, promptly" appeared in the "Nihon Keizai Shimbun" dated September 23, 2016. The Chinese who saw this article was panicked.

The article "If Japanese companies withdraws from China companies in other countries also ran away, China became serious" was published on the net with the pen name "King thinker"

It seems that the article was made not to read immediately.

This draft conrinues.

They made a wonderful dialogue on the United States and China and published it from

2017年04月13日 19時41分26秒 | 日記

Takayama Masayuki who is the one and only journalist in the postwar world and Kaori Fukushima which is one of the authority on Chinese affairs in present age.

Kaori Fukushima was born in Nara prefecture in 1967. After graduating from Osaka University Faculty of Literature, joined the Sankei Shimbun Company Osaka head office. Language study abroad to Shanghai · Fudan University in 1998. In 2001 Hong Kong Branch Director, stayed in Beijing as a correspondent of the General Directorate of China from 2002 to 2008. After leaving 2009, she works as a free reporter. Politics, Economy, society, culture and so on, it has a reputation for diversified interviews.

They made a wonderful dialogue on the United States and China and published it from Tokuma Shoten on January 31, 2017.

It is a must read for all Japanese citizens and people around the world.

This draft continues.

郭台生 中国出張中にリクルートされた台湾系米国人ビジネスマン

2017年04月13日 09時22分48秒 | 日記

ネットでGlenn Duffie Shriverを調べたら、以下の記事が出て来た。



アメリカで逮捕された有名な中国のスパイと言えば、金無怠(Wu-Tai Chin)、郭台生(Kuo Tai-Shen)、そしてグレン・ダフィー・シュライバー(Glenn Duffie Shriver)の3人だろう。



金無怠 40年にわたるスパイ人生






郭台生 中国出張中にリクルートされた台湾系米国人ビジネスマン











2017年04月13日 09時05分08秒 | 日記

จริงๆแล้วมันคือการที่สื่อญี่ปุ่นตัดออกไปในลักษณะนี้และตรงกับความคิดที่บิดเบี้ยวของพวกเขา ...



หนังสือพิมพ์ Asahi Shimbun ในฐานะการโฆษณาชวนเชื่อของพรรคคอมมิวนิสต์จีนโดยรายงานความร่วมมือของผู้หญิงที่สบายใจรายงานเกี่ยวกับผู้อำนวยการ Masao Yoshida รายงานเกี่ยวกับการสร้างปะการังของ Honda Honda Masakazu ผู้สื่อข่าวรายงานภาพปะการังของฮอนด้าผู้ต้องหาฮอนด้าแห่ง Katsuichi Nanjing Massacre รายงานจำนวนสุ่ม,

เรื่องราวที่ไม่ดีของ Matsui Yayori บทความ ฯลฯ บริษัท Asahi Shimbun ไม่ได้สะท้อนอะไรเลย


V skutočnosti je to, či japonská médiá

2017年04月13日 09時04分39秒 | 日記

V skutočnosti je, či japonská médiá vystrihnúť tak aj sa zhodujú s ich skreslené myslenia ...

Či detinský zlo, ktoré si myslel, že útočí na režim bol médií bol vykonaný týmto spôsobom,

Prvýkrát, som vedel, že pevne v súčasnej progresívnej forme.

Asahi Shimbun noviny, ako propagandy Komunistickej strany Číny, so správou o spolupráci o pohodlie žien, zhotovenie správy o režiséra mäsa Yoshida, Mr. Honda Masakazu svojej výroby správa, koralový správa útes pokrytie Honda fotografa, Honda Katsuichi v Nanjing masaker hlásenia, rad náhodných správ,

odporné aktivity Matsui Yayori to, články, atď spoločnosť Asahi Shimbun neodrážajú na nič vôbec.

Tento návrh pokračuje.

I själva verket är det om japanska medier

2017年04月13日 09時04分05秒 | 日記

I själva verket är det om japanska medier skära ut på ett sådant sätt och sammanfaller med deras förvrängda tanken ...

Om den barnsliga onda som han trodde att attackera regimen media gjordes på detta sätt,

För första gången, jag visste fast i nuvarande progressiv form.

Den Asahi Shimbun tidningen som ett propaganda av kommunistpartiet i Kina, med rapporten samarbete med komfort kvinnor, tillverka rapport om Masao Yoshida regissör, Mr. Honda Masakazu s tillverka rapport Honda fotograf rapport korallrev täckning, Honda Katsuichi Nanjing Massacre rapportering, Ett antal slumpmässiga rapporter,

Matsui Yayori s upprörande aktiviteter, artiklar, etc., Asahi Shimbun företag inte reflektera över något alls.

Detta förslag fortsätter.

Het is inderdaad de vraag of Japanse media

2017年04月13日 09時03分34秒 | 日記

Het is inderdaad de vraag of Japanse media uitgesneden op een zodanige wijze en samenvallen met hun verwrongen gedachte ...

Of de kinderachtig kwaad dat hij dacht dat de aanval op het regime media werd gedaan op deze manier,

Voor de eerste keer, wist ik vast in het huidige progressieve vorm.

De krant Asahi Shimbun, als een propaganda van de Communistische Partij van China, met het rapport medewerking van de troostmeisjes, het fabriceren rapport over Masao Yoshida bestuurder, de heer Honda Masakazu's fabriceren rapport, Honda fotograaf koraalrif dekking rapport, Honda Katsuichi Nanjing Massacre rapportage, een aantal willekeurige rapporten,

schandalig activiteiten Matsui Yayori's, artikelen, enz., Asahi Shimbun bedrijf niet nadenken over helemaal niets.

Dit ontwerp wordt voortgezet.

Memang itu adalah apakah media Jepang memotong

2017年04月13日 09時02分56秒 | 日記

Memang itu adalah apakah media Jepang memotong sedemikian rupa dan bertepatan dengan pemikiran menyimpang mereka ...

Apakah kejahatan kekanak-kanakan bahwa ia berpikir bahwa menyerang rezim itu media yang dilakukan dengan cara ini,

Untuk pertama kalinya, saya tahu lekat-lekat dalam bentuk progresif ini.

The Asahi Shimbun koran, sebagai propaganda Partai Komunis China, dengan laporan kerjasama dari wanita penghibur, laporan fabrikasi tentang direktur Masao Yoshida, fabrikasi laporan Mr. Honda Masakazu ini, Honda fotografer karang laporan cakupan karang, Honda Katsuichi ini Nanjing Massacre melaporkan, sejumlah laporan acak,

kegiatan Matsui Yayori ini keterlaluan, artikel, dll, perusahaan Asahi Shimbun tidak merefleksikan apa-apa.

Draft ini terus berlanjut.

مع فكرها المشوه

2017年04月13日 09時02分25秒 | 日記

والواقع أن ما إذا كانت وسائل الإعلام اليابانية تقطع بهذه الطريقة وتتصادف مع فكرها المشوه ...

ما إذا كان الشر الطفولي الذي يعتقد أن مهاجمة النظام كان وسائل الإعلام تم بهذه الطريقة،

لأول مرة، كنت أعرف ثابتة في شكل تقدمي الحالي.

صحيفة أساهي شيمبون، كدعاية للحزب الشيوعي الصيني، مع تقرير التعاون من النساء الراحة، تقرير ملفقة حول مدير ماساو يوشيدا، تقرير السيد هوندا ماساكازو في ملفقة، تقرير مصور هوندا الشعاب المرجانية تغطية، ومذبحة نانجينغ هوندا كاتسوشي ل التقارير، وهناك عدد من التقارير العشوائية،

الأنشطة الفاحشة ماتسوي يايوري، والمقالات، وما إلى ذلك، شركة اساهي شيمبون لا تعكس على أي شيء على الإطلاق.

ويستمر هذا المشروع.

Inderdaad is dit die vraag of die Japannese media uitgesny

2017年04月13日 08時59分18秒 | 日記

Inderdaad is dit die vraag of die Japannese media uitgesny in so 'n wyse en saam te val met hul verwronge denke ...

Of die kinderagtige onheil wat hy gedink het dat die aanval op die regime is media gedoen op hierdie manier,

Vir die eerste keer, het ek geweet stip in die huidige progressiewe vorm.

Die koerant Asahi Shimbun, as 'n propaganda van die Kommunistiese Party van China, met die verslag samewerking van die troos vroue, die vervaardiging verslag oor Masao Yoshida direkteur, mnr Honda Masakazu se vervaardiging verslag, Honda fotograaf se koraalrif dekking verslag, Honda Katsuichi se Nanjing-slagting verslagdoening, 'n aantal van ewekansige verslae,

verregaande aktiwiteite Matsui Yayori se artikels, ens, Asahi Shimbun maatskappy weerspieël nie op enigiets.

Hierdie konsep voort.