Speed Bird:Tokyoボンド&ボンドGirlのCoolなSPYスタイル


Apple - Get a Mac - Watch The TV Ads

2006-05-06 10:16:06 | Spyなetc.

「I'm a PC」、「I'm a Mac」 と二人の男が自己紹介するところからCMが始まります。PC(すなわちWindowsのこと)役のおじさん、どことなくビル・ゲイツに似てるような似てないようなギリギリのところが絶妙な配役です。そしてMAC役のお兄さん、こっちは若い頃?のジョブスをイメージしたものなのでしょうか、二人の配役自体が皮肉たっぷりで、自己紹介したとたんにクスッって笑ってしまいます。そしてその中身も、ストレートなくらいにPCをおちょくり、MACのクールさをアピール。






Mac: “Hello, I’m a Mac.”
PC: “And I’m a PC.” (sneezes)
Mac: “Gesundheit, you ok?”
PC: “No, I’m not ok. I have that virus that’s going around.”
Mac: “Oh, yeah.”
PC: “You better stay back, this one’s a doosy.”
Mac: “That’s ok. I’ll be fine”
PC: “No, no, do not be hero. Last year there were 114,000 known viruses for PCs.”
Mac: “PCs… not Macs.”
PC: “I think I gotta crash.” (falls over)
Mac: “If you think that’ll help…


Mac: “Hello, I’m a Mac.”
PC: “Hello, I’m a PC.”
Mac: We have a lot in common these days.”
Both: “We both run Microsoft Office.”
PC: “We share files. It’s great. We just get along―” (freezes)
Mac: “PC! Woop-oh! Ok.”
PC: “Hi, I’m a PC.”
Mac: “Ok. We’re past that. We’ve moved beyond.”
PC: “Yeah, I had to restart there. You know how it is.”
Mac: “No, actually, I don’t.” (laughs)
PC: “Oh, what. Macs don’t have to―” (freezes)
Mac: “Had him, then we lost him. I’m going to go get IT. Keep an eye on him.” (walks off)


Mac: “Hello, I’m a Mac.”
PC: “And I’m a PC. You know, we use a lot of the same kinds of programs.”
Mac: “Yeah, like Microsoft Office.”
PC: “But we retain a lot of what makes us, us.”
Mac: “You should see what this guy can do with a spreadsheet. It’s insane.”
PC: (laughs) “Shucks.”
Mac: “Yeah, and he knows I’m better at life stuff, like music, pictures, movies, stuff like that.”
PC: “Woo-woo-woo. What exactly do you mean by ‘better’?”
Mac: “By better, I mean building a website or photo book is easy for me. And for you, it’s not.”
PC: “Oh, that kind of better. I was thinking of the other kind.”
Mac: (offscreen) “What other kind?”


Mac: “Hello, I’m a Mac.”
PC: “And I’m a PC.” (jamming with iPod)
Mac: “Oh, hey… iPod, nice.”
PC: “Yeah, just a little something to hold my slowjams.”
Mac: “Oh yeah?”
PC: “And it works so seemlessly with iTunes.”
Mac: “You should check out iMovie, iPhoto, iWeb because they all work like iTunes. You know, iLife. It comes on every Mac.”
PC: “i-L-i-f-e. Well, I-I have some very cool apps that are bundled with me.”
Mac: “Well, like what?”
PC: “Calculator.”
Mac: “That’s cool. Anything else?”
PC: “Clock.”
Mac: “Sounds like hours of fun… (offscreen) or at least minutes.”


Mac: “Hello, I’m a Mac.”
PC: “And I’m a PC. We’ve got a little network going here. And ti was very easy to set up.”
Mac: “We speak each other’s language.”
PC: “We share an internet internet connection. There are all sorts of things we do…” (enter girl) “…to-ge-ther. Who now? Who’s this?”
Mac: “Oh, this is that new digital camera from Japan. Just came out.” (exchanges Japanese with girl)
PC: “Wait-wait-wait. You speak her language?”
Mac: “Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Everything just kind of works with a Mac.” (exchanges Japanese & giggles with girl)
PC: “Bonjourno. Hello?”


Mac: “Hello, I’m a Mac.”
PC: “And I’m a PC.”
PC: “What are you reading?”
Mac: “Just the Wall Street Journal. It’s nothing. Oh no no… PC, you know what…”
PC: “Oh, it’s a review of you.”
Mac: “Don’t-don’t read it.”
PC: “Oh, it’s from Walt Mossberg, one of the most respected technology experts on the planet. Apparently, you are the finest desktop PC on the market at any price. Very nice.”
Mac: “It’s just one man’s opinion.”
PC: “I actually got a great review this morning too. And they said I was awesome.”
Mac: “Good for you.”
PC: “And so we are the same.”
Mac: “Yeah, what was that in?”
PC: “The, um, awesome, awesome computer review weekly journal.”
